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Everything posted by D_prOdigy

  1. What angers me is that older Gamecube software have been getting a huge spike in interest in recent months. Damn you all! I should be the only person in this country to have nought bought Pikmin 2! I'll still never pay upwards of a RRP for a used title.
  2. The finest selection of the best Barats and Bereta videos:
  3. Really too early for me to say. I certainly don't think I'll be leaving any time soon, but whether I'll actually remember it when I've stopped using it for years? I'm too still n00by to have experienced something really epic go down round these parts. King V's popping of his cherry came sort of close, but I'll probably forget that the second I've lost my own virginity. Don't have a clue what the "Epic thread" was that is fabled so much. I rember going on the NoE forum a while ago and someone posted that they'd just won the jackpot on the lottery - now that I won't forget for some time. Someone do something similar and I'll never forget you :P
  4. That would mean MadWorld has more colours than the aforementioned game.
  5. I loved Cardcaptors! Watched the entire first season when it was first shown on CITV, then bought the movie when it first came out on VHS - very weird in a Japanese way... I never got why her annoying friend always insisted on making her a costume for every episode. I guess some of them were quite hot... I mean... they were back then when it wasn't highly questionable for me to fantasise so. Actually screw trying to get out of this hole - that show rocked!
  6. Well I always end a text with a full stop. So than I have no choice but to leave one "X" because then it automatically changes into lower case after that first one. I can't be bothered switching into CONSTANT CAPS just for the kisses, and I don't want to send a text that ends with "Xxx". I'm strange with this kind of thing.
  7. All these suggestions of Metroid Prime 2 really make me want to take a knife to society. Do these people also think Die Hard 2 is the worst film ever made? Or that Closer is the worst album ever recorded? I mean, come on.
  8. My worries stem from a Miyamoto interview conducted not along ago, where he said he wants to make the next Zelda "more accessible". Now that could either mean in a good way, as in more freedom - a la the very first Zelda where it was basically just "here's a sword - you can go anywhere", or he could have meant toning it down to a Phantom Hourglass level of "heaviness". Knowing Nintendo, it could very well be the latter.
  9. Happy Birthday King V! Remember... *giigle* remember when you -hehe - when you lost your virginity?!
  10. Yeah, I don't really fathom why so many people dislike him. I guess it comes with being a senior figure at what is virtually the biggest video games publication on the internet. So it's probably natural that when he makes innocent predictions (as we all do) more people happen to take what he says seriously. But he doesn't work for Nintendo - it wasn't his doing that every single game he knows about didn't get announced at E3, just to piss people off.
  11. No. No. No. No. No. Emasher mashed the nail on the head - next week they'll probably reveal more about DR and make it clear how they'll fit many aspects of the 360 game onto the Wii. Nothing to do with Lost Planet. Stop getting your hopes up.
  12. Yeah, that's Dawn of The Dead. Good job someone knows about these niche films, eh? :p
  13. Grrr. Tom had this trouble yesterday. If you're going to be sarcastic, it's now a RULE on N-E to put [/sarcasm] at the end of every sentence!! http://n-europe.com/news.php?nid=12085
  14. Not so much grannies but... No. No.... No.
  15. I hope not. Otherwise we'll have a repeat of their terrible "Look how much your granny cares about playing Metroid Prime 3!" ad campaign.
  16. Well even if you're right, what was shown at the Nintendo press conference was certainly Wii footage, and (I thought) that did look very good - which is the main thing, really.
  17. It is not in-game, but it is straight from the in-game engine: not rendered FMVs or anything. And it is from the Wii build - the exact same trailer but from the 360/PS3 build was released weeks ago, and the technical superiority is clear.
  18. That was pure speculation, they even said it was a prediction, they just gave such a detailed prediction that people probably thought that's exactly how it would go. I'd like to think that at E3, Nintendo summoned Matt alone to a secret room to play a build of Kid Icarus that is basically an epic Zelda-killer, then the joke wouldn't really be on him at all...
  19. Read up a couple of posts (they're pretty hard to get).
  20. GBA. Responsible for the most hours of my life stolen.
  21. Completely don't care for 1:1 sword fighting in Zelda. Give me a game that has the player the player exploring vast, beautiful worlds at their own free will and have me waggling at enemies with an inflatable idiot stick than have "true 1:1" in more, uninspired locations. (Twlight Princess rocked hard, but don't put me through that Hyrule for a 3rd time).
  22. I genuinely think that this is a never-ending argument where they'd always be someone disagreeing with someone else, thus rendering the whole thing slightly obselete. "Casual gamers" and "Core gamers" (if you want to use those ghastly words) are whatever you, the player, makes them to be. There, everyone's right *exiting thread forever*.
  23. Happy Birthday wherever you are, interviewer of Japanese... man.
  24. This is exactly why I feel quite left out at parties. My 16 year old friends think this way, and it's actually pitiful watching their behaviour (and because they're total lightweights, it gets all very embarressing very quickly). Why should I be the only one to not set out to get wasted while every one else makes a complete tit of themselves and then it's THEY who feel like the more mature ones?
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