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Everything posted by D_prOdigy

  1. Happy etc
  2. That's the first time I've seen this game in motion and been reminded of Half-Life. Want now.
  3. Lots of games announced then were meant to release with Wii. Just look at Prime 3 and Smash. The E3 2006 FF:CC was a totally different beast to what the game is now. From what I gather, back then it took huge inspiration from the original Gamecube game. Sometime a while ago however, Crystal Bearers went under a huge overhaul - think of something similar in vein to what's happened with Red Steel 2. That second trailer that was released sometime last year which showed actual gameplay was the very, very eary stages of how it exists today - taking more of a FFXII approach, if anything. Squeenix can be just as secretive and unpredictable as Nintendo. Who knows? They might just pull back the entire curtain the day after E3 ends.
  4. We haven't, but don't think that applies to everyone.
  5. Mmm. I just burnt my tongue.
  6. Or you could send it to m- actually, no never mind.
  7. You're not wrong. There was some initial confusion that it was a Capcom-published game, but it's all edited and fine now.
  8. - Tales of Symphonia - Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes - LoZ: WW Limited Edition Hehe, I remember smugly showing my friend internet prices of used copies of Skies going for up to £90 just weeks after he traded it in for measly store credit in Blockbusters.
  9. Erm... I erm... I think you'd better take a seat.
  10. Woah. Woah. I just read over at Cubed3 that this is a Nintendo-published title... and they're backing that claim up by apparent reports of Nintendo patenting the Captain Rainbow name sometime a while ago!! Who to believe??!!
  11. Not in my thread you son of a *cocks shotgun* -
  12. Lucky people! Some handsome devil has made a thread ALL ABOUT Captain Rainbow! : peace: http://n-europe.com/forum/showthread.php?t=21694 Now go there now
  13. http://www.n-europe.com/news.php?nid=12012 Developed by Chibi Robo masterminds, Skip, published by *cough* Nintendo: I think it looks sweet, but will Spyborgs cynacism rise again?
  14. Anyone know how I can pick up Scarletitie? I seem to have run out...
  15. Game and Watch. Make it happen Saint Gunpei of above!
  16. I had one last night where I walked upstairs and one of the hottest girls I know was sat on my bed in her underwear brushing her wet hair. She smiled at me, and strangely, the best thing I could think of doing at the time was to sit next to her and comb my own hair. I woke up with no regrets.
  17. Well be sure to take your dirty spoilers with you as well, please.
  18. Casual and Hardcore are both terms that I avoid using as much as possible. Does anyone else find it hugely condesending when people label games to these catagories?
  19. I can see how this "Joe" became an ex.
  20. Trust me, Shibuya is so cool, you'll actually feel trendy for playing it.
  21. I'm going through getting all the special reports now. Oh, Tin Pin is perhaps the best sub-game EVER! Slam... ON!!!
  22. There's a thread for this. And people know. http://n-europe.com/forum/showthread.php?t=21568
  23. Damn, it Roadkill! Anyway, yeah. I'd like to think that photo was taken seconds before Jordan turning into badass Astro Boy Laser mode.
  24. I much prefer my own company. It's annoying that most of my friends don't really understand that, which results in me rarely being invited along to anything they do. Times like that, I do feel a little lonely.
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