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Everything posted by D_prOdigy

  1. It looks visually on par with Resident Evil 4... WHY THE F**K DOESN'T EVERYONE KNOW ABOUT THIS GAME?!!
  2. No, you see the way forward would be to refine our designs for the chocolate teapot.
  3. Oh dear, this just has to be read: (from GoNintendo's preview)
  4. I'm struggling to understand how a port can be justified as a "surprising take" on a game. Still, I've heard good things about Dead Rising - now hopefully they'll fix the text problem that rendered anyone without HD unable to read anything in the game.
  5. I'm really glad this is making an appearence. Now all I need is some journo feedback to say the controls do work, and I'll be a very happy bunny.
  6. We can't let E3 overshadow real life things! Happy birthday!
  7. First Wii-specific trailer Looking sweet as ass.
  8. That;s the single-player sword-fighting game. It involved sharpening/chopping up a pencil.
  9. It'll be strictly friend's only. Hopefully this will be phased into other online games. So long as the sound quality is good, it should be a handy alternative to wearing a piece of plastic in your ear.
  10. Downfall A chilling re-creation of the last days of the war shown from Hitler's bunker. Played suberbly by every actor and actress involved - a real thought provoker. My own personal, thumbs up.
  11. Aaron James Clegg. A surname is obviously something I'm completely indifferent about. About 50% of all male people I know share my middle name, so we have fun with that. I actually like Aaron though, (it's pronounced "Ar-ron", not "Air-ron", but I hardly have trouble with that anyway), as a name it's not the most common, without it being anything too strange. It's also impossible to shorten to a nick-name, although I do sometimes get my friends calling me "Az", which I don't really ask for, but don't mind either. And gaggle, your initials rock hard, that's for sure.
  12. It's a great new direction - finally we get a major first-person game that isn't a shooter. Bit worried about how linear the whole experience may be, but this certainly looks better now than it did before yesterday.
  13. It's a great new direction - finally we get a major first-person game that isn't a shooter. Bit worried about how linear the whole experience may be, but this certainly looks better now than it did before yesterday.
  14. That sure is flashy tech, but to be honest, I don't really see that working in a mainstream way for all videogames. Sure, it would probably be awesome for a FPS, as the chap demoed when he was dodging between the targets, but I don't think it's feasible to be injected into the market just yet.
  15. Evidently, this is still a grey area. I'm sure all will be unveiled tomorrow.
  16. Just watch then U-turn...
  17. I'd like to think that this was unveiled now to spoil Microsoft's conference, but trust me, we will be hearing A LOT MORE about this tomorrow.
  18. I love how this thread has gown by a page in the space of writing 2 paragraphs. No-one is even going to read this post! Haha! * sticks a middle finger up to society*
  19. I REALLY REALLY hope Nintendo have thrown this at 3rd parties months ago, and unlike as they did with the "Revolution", most companies should lap this up now Wii has proven itself. Nintendo really can't afford to take things slowly and watch with this. They should be co-operating with 3rd parties and blitzkrieging the market with games that utilize this, so it can become an overnight success. And everyone here has been whining for 1:1 to happen at some point, so we all know that an overnight success is more than plausible for this.
  20. What? Also. What?
  21. My tolence of society will vanish with an almighty snap, as we fetch the bread-knife from the kitchen.
  22. Read about this on IGN last year some time. They gave it a pretty good write-up, so I'd love to check it out.
  23. It was probably a baby tapeworm. Sounds like it was a while ago, so you shouldn't have any problems now. If you do get a larger one in the future, remember the old Mars bar trick.
  24. I took this on my phone a few days ago after I had a dodgy Indian takeaway. I was worried I would have to see a doctor about it, but luckily it's back to normal now.
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