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Everything posted by Mikey

  1. Honestly, why should we have to put up with a bad deal the rest of Europe gets, when we can avoid it?
  2. Going to a psychiatrist will help him. Maybe his depression can be cured by a change in life style, by meds, or a combination of both. Problem with depression is though, is that going to get help can feel totally pointless, so you don't bother. What psychologists do with depressed people, is just get them in to a cycle where they can't dwell on their depressive thoughts so much, they'll do it by getting him more active. He's only 19, so he can get better, for sure. If I was gay, I'd let him sodomize me to cheer him up!! It's why gay people can fuck women before they come out. A lot of them aren't disgusted by fucking women like straight men are disgusted by fucking men. My cousin had loads of girlfriends, then he came out as gay, my dad's mate fucked loads of women, then came out gay after being married, there's probably loads more examples too!!
  3. Unless they've got good reason to think I have stolen goods, they need to piss off. If they are just gonna go checking out people's records without a good reason, they can mind their own business!! The state needs to stay the fuck out of my home, I didn't give them permission to enter.
  4. If other countries in Europe spoke English, then they'd get the games the same time as England too, this is why countries like Wales, Scotland and Ireland would get the games the same time as England, because they speak English. You wouldn't be getting treated any more unfair than what you are being treated now.
  5. Then you're getting offended over nothing. This wouldn't affect the rest of Europe, they would recieve their games like they always have done, it just means we won't have to wait for translations which don't apply to us anyway.
  6. Who the fuck do the state think they are anyway? What I do on my PC is my own business, and unless they've got a good reason to inspect what I do or what I have on my PC, they need to stay the fuck away from my records and mind their own business.
  7. No idea. All gays really like pussy though, they just don't know it until they've had their penises in a woman's hairy axe wound.
  8. This is sounding more and more like a must buy. Will still wait for more reviews though first!
  9. You need some pussy. That'd sort you out. Go to a psychiatrist as well, they'll give you some meds. Exercise, and generally keeping active will help you as well.
  10. For fuck sake. They do it all of the time with other products. Not everything in that is shipped to the UK has to be shipped to the rest of Europe as well. They could just give us the US versions, sort out some of the minor details, and it'd be fine.
  11. Yep, pretty much. Nothing wrong with it. English is our main language, and if an advantage of having it as our main language means we get games early, then so be it. Other countries not having English as their main language is not our problem. Europe will carry on the same as always, the only country it will affect is the UK.
  12. No, it would just mean that the game is released in the UK before it is released to the rest of Europe. You would still get your translated games just like you do now, we'd just be getting ours earlier. No one expects the rest of Europe to speak English at all.
  13. Quoting this for DCK.... If this is the case, we shouldn't have to wait. There's no reason for the rest of Europe to expect us to wait at all!! It's a pain in the ass. Nothing arrogant about it in the slightest.
  14. Why should we have to wait because the rest of Europe don't speak English? It's selfish for the rest of Europe to expect us to wait to play the games when we could be playing them now.
  15. Sometimes people will send music to me, and I'll like it and go out and buy the CD!! This is pure fucking stupidity.
  16. Can't really blame EA for buying the licence really, but ESPN was/is just such an amazing game. The gameplay, the presentation, the graphics, the commentary, the options, they were all amazing, and it runs on the original Xbox!!
  17. ESPN NFL 2K5 shits on Madden.
  18. Apparently, men get involved in crashes which cost more than a crash which involves a woman, but women crash more over all, but their crashes don't cost as much. Don't know how accurate that is though. If this is the case, then I think it's about right it costs men more to get their cars insured. The wrongs? What wrongs? Women were never oppressed, it's a total myth. Feminists are lying scum. Because people naturally have lower expectations for women. A lot of medical conditions are often created by people with their own agenda. Battered women's syndrome was created by a feminist for example. Homosexuality was only removed as a sexual disorder only because the peopple who were homosexuals were happy as they were, but it's still not biologically proper to be attracted to the same sex. People may not like me saying that, but there it is.
  19. They should have waited for years from now until the scarfs were rare. They're have made fuck loads more then.
  20. SOAD didn't make that song, it just sounds like them.
  21. I'd go, but I'm not sure I'd be able to stop myself from rubbing up against some of the members. If you're all OK with that, then I'd consider it.
  22. A mate of mine goes to Winchester Uni. They all sleep around apparently, so you're well in.
  23. Nothing. None of my stuff is worth putting my life at risk for.
  24. Chances are, you can trust your mother, but all other women should have an eye kept on them!!
  25. Women were always allowed to vote, they just had to be owners of land to be able to do it, just like men had to. Voting was never gender specific. Ghandi was also a racist. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ADbERjjQ508
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