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Everything posted by Mikey

  1. Much better having free will than the alternative we have now. Fathers not being able to see their kids because of the state says no when it's none of their fucking business, ideolgies being enforced instead of being a choice. Free will is gone, and has been replaced by the bully state telling every one what they can and can't do. Lefties particulary piss me off. They love the state and want to use it as a weapon to bully everyone to go along with any horse shit they come up with. Fuck them. Need to mind their own fucking business. Back off state.
  2. Fuck the state. Go libertarian.
  3. Cult classics. I liked what they said about Wind Waker and Luigi's Mansion having graphics which will never age. So true. All developers should make games on the Wii which have graphics that are designed around the console's strengths.
  4. Why not go there? The biggest sin in this country is to be white, straight, and a man.
  5. Yeah, I think so.
  6. I hate Labour. Bunch of shit heads who love nothing more than to intrude on people's lives when they need to mind their own fucking business. Go libertarian. My mother has schizophrenia. Very different to autism. The guy who originally diagnosed you must have been inept. I've found I know more about some mental illnesses than the professionals I've talked to. I mean, I do read about them out of interest at times, but I shouldn't know more about it than any psychologist!!!
  7. My original DC broke several years ago, so about 18 months ago, I bought a modded USA version from lik sang.
  8. Thank fuck for that. I shudder to think how much I'd hate online if there was snaking.
  9. Love my 360 too, but fuck, is it ever loud. Always fearing mine is gonna break at any time as well, and I'll be dumped with some refurb console and get stuck in the 3 rrod forever! Thankfully my extended warranty I bought lasts for a while yet.... The wireless point doesn't stand since the Wii doesn't let you use ethernet unless you buy an adapter, and the 360 does. Then again, the lan adapter is cheaper than the wireless one for the 360...
  10. That's what I've always said. You'd have to be bat shit insane to buy a Wii over a 360 at the current prices as well. No way should the Wii ever be your only console.
  11. The game is already finished, so from a business perspective it makes sense. They should rerelease Resi 1 as well.
  12. The pay gap exists and will continue to exist because men are just more dedicated to earning money. The only way to get rid of it is communism. As for the examples given, chances are there are other reasons they are paid less, such as experience, hours put in, or qualifications. It just wouldn't make business sense ti pay men more when they could hire cheaper women. Anything else is an exception, not the rule
  13. The most well known ones are the ones who represent the movement, and they're the ones who continue to lie. I'm aware of all the diff types of feminism and the only type that don't make me wanna vomit are libertarian feminists. The rest all seem to be a complete load of lying scum. Their ideology is built on lies, and any one who knowingly goes along with it after knowing the facts, is obviously deviant. Not all KKK members killed either, yet we rightfully blast them for going along with such a movement. Nightwolf - get off your period. The pay gap has been debunked, no discussion to be had regarding it.
  14. Go to youtube and search for Warren Farrell pay gap. There's an excellent video on there about the pay gap. My PC situation is fucked at the moment, and I'm using my Wii, but tomorrow I'll try to get on a pc and show you all why you should hate feminists. Don't be fooled by them, they don't practice what they preach.
  15. Feminists are lying scum. Women are NOT paid less for the same work, as it would be cheaper to hire women for companies. Women are paid less because they don't work as hard as men, take more time off, and refuse to do certain dangerous jobs which pay more. They LIE about rape statistics, domestic violence statistics, and about how women became able to vote. I can PROVE they are lying filth if any one wants to challenge my claims. They're evil, lying, shit heads. They are the KKK for women. I'm all for equal rights, but they are not. They're liars.
  16. For the people suggesting I'm my friend, I don't go fo uni and never would. I'd fucking snap the first time some **** moaned about my controversal opinions. Also, I'm not exactly the type of guy who is ashamed of his sexuality. (Read my post history)
  17. I ask because Madden 08 is really bad apparently. I know it wasn't developed by Nintendo, but it got me a tad worried.
  18. So basically, we would not be paying for a connection which doesn't totally suck ass when it shouldn't anyway? If so, that's fine. If this means dedicated servers hosted by Nintendo, and other additional things, fine.
  19. I've never played a Wii game online. How do they play out? Do they totally suck in terms of performance? (lag)
  20. Butch lesbian feminists. The type who go around claiming that 1 in 4 women are raped, despite it being debunked as a lie, or that all sex is rape...
  21. This is his own internet, he pays for it. If all ISP's decided to block all porn, would you tell someone to start their own ISP so they could look at internet porn? I said feminists, not women...
  22. What annoys me, is that it's probably a bunch of butch lesbian feminists who are behind this. The guy pays for his Uni connection, so why the hell are they telling people what they can and can't view? I guess if the Uni is privately owned, then it's the Uni's call, but it's really fucking annoying. I also heard a while ago from other people, that some Uni's ban websites which contain no porn, but are controversal because of the opinion's they have. Not sure if this is true, but if it, it's sickening censorship!!
  23. Someone I know goes to a Uni, and they block all sites which contain porn. This really fucks me off, as they are telling him what he can and can't view!! Do you think this is right?
  24. I want to masturbate a woman's clit with my man beard.
  25. They're fucking gay.
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