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Everything posted by Mikey

  1. Don't know about the graphics being brilliant, but they're good enough for me.
  2. Dizzy the fucking Egg
  3. Yep, he kept saying it had copy protection through component, and only with hdmi you can be guaranteed hd. I kept arguing with him, but he wouldn't have any of it, and took the TV away to fix the sound. Toshiba were very helpful, and basically told me they were bullshitting me. If they don't fix my fucking TV, I'm reporting the fuckers. It cost 500 quid that TV!!!
  4. Repair man from Comet came out, and said the model didn't do 720p because of some copy protection. I felt like he was bullshitting me, so I called up Toshiba myself after he left, and they tested the EXACT same model I had with their Xbox 360, and it did 720p!!! Lieing *****!!!! This is the second time Comet have tried to fuck me over!!! I'm boycotting them!!!
  5. Neogaf is a shit hole. I got banned from there not too long ago because the mods didn't like my opinion!
  6. Aye, I think so.
  7. Ya, I hate that fucking shell. Let's hope the cpu doesn't cheat like in Double Dash as well.
  8. What's fucking gay is that Nintendo don't make Wavebirds anymore, yet give players the option to use GC pads. Rerelease the Wavebird, and put a Wii logo on it. Regarding the graphics, I like them. They're clean looking, and the art style looks great.
  9. Well a fanboy to me is someone who is clearly biased in favour of a company or developer, and makes up excuses for their short comings. Nintendo are a company, and I respect they are going to make decisions which they think will make them the most money, but as a consumer, that means nothing to me. I want as much quality and quantity as I can for my money, and Nintendo just don't deliver that compared to their rivals. I love Nintendo games, I just think of how much better they COULD be if they just gave us a more powerful system. The thought of Twilight Princess on a system as powerful as the 360 makes me drool, but we aren't going to get that, because Nintendo decided to make a weak console to make as much money as possible, not to keep the console cheap like they claim. They could afford to make the Wii around £120 quid and STILL make money, but they don't. Again, as a company, that's fine, but compared to the other consoles..........
  10. You're already admitted to being a fanboy to me before, and it's clear to every one who isn't blind you are. There's really no debate to be had here, you compare the treatment Nintendo give us to the treatment we get from Sony and Microsoft, and it's embarassingly bad. Nintendo are reasonable for once out of a million other times, and you want them to be praised? No way. The only thing about the Wii I like is the nunchuk, and the wiimote, and the nunchuk hurts my hand anyway no matter how I hold it.
  11. I think the very fact he wants us to apologize to Nintendo because they are releasing Mario Kart about the same time as in other regions, only goes to show how badly Nintendo are fucking us over. If you tried a thread like this over on the Xbox forums, you'd get a bunch of replies saying, "so what, don't they do that all of the time anyway?"
  12. £180 is a premium price when you consider how much the 360 and PS3 cost and how powerful they are. The DS is a hand held, so your point is flawed. If Nintendo wanted to release a slightlky more powerful GC - fine, just price it about 100 quid or something. There's no point debating with you, you're clearly a massive fanboy.
  13. Come on man, don't make up excuses for Microsoft treating us a lot better. They treat us great, and should be praised for it. Sure the 360 isn't problem free, but any problems its had, is being dealt with. Also, look at the console, it's one powerful fucker, and cheap compared to the Wii. There's already a shit load of old games on Xbox Live arcade which have been upgraded graphically, and had achievements, and online play added, plus XBOX games are buyable for like 6 or so quid!!! Makes some N64 games on the VC look really sad. Why don't they do something cool like rereleasing old GC games for download, and give us a HD support to store them on? They really fuck their customers over compared to Microsoft.
  14. You look at how Sony and Microsoft treat their customers, and then you look at Nintendo, with their shitty release dates, charging a premium price for what is essentially a slightly more powerful GC, and giving us inferior VC game versions, and it leaves you with a bad taste in the mouth.
  15. I have an extended warranty on it until 2011, plus it displays 480p fine, but 720p is fucked. If they don't refund me, I want it totally fixed, sound AND 720p support.
  16. Apologize because they are releasing a game and in exchange will get money for it? The 50Hz for the VC games is what REALLY pisses me off.
  17. I buy a Toshiba HD TV 18 months ago, and I try to use 720p on it with my 360, and it wouldnt work, the picture would come out all distorted, but it could put out the HD resolution in some form, even it if came out all wrong. I thought, ok, maybe it can only do 480p through component, and thought nothing more of it. Well the same tv complete lost its sound tonight, so I look up the model on the internet and I find out 18 months after getting it, it CAN do 720p through component. Should I be entitled to a full refund considering the TV has been broken since I got it without realizing it until now? This is the TV I bought. http://www.reviewcentre.com/info-103613.html
  18. Fucking loved the N64 games, so they better not mess this shit up.
  19. End of thread. lol
  20. They ruined Rainbow Six after Rogue Spear on the PC. Now they're just generic arcade games.
  21. http://hometheater.about.com/od/televisionbasics/qt/1080ivs1080p.htm
  22. lol, Xabi Alonso is the best passer in the league.
  23. I meant if we could.
  24. I'm learning Spanish soon. Can't wait!
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