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Everything posted by Mikey

  1. Always had cats up until just over 2 years ago, now I'd never go back. A man having a bitch, is like having the best companion ever. Dogs are awesome too, but bitches are even better. Get yourself one.
  2. Lets hope the people who did this will mature over time and will become decent people. Can't see it though. BTW, this happened last year, but I only came across it before.
  3. http://www.breitbart.tv/html/5942.html This sorta shit makes me sick. What the hell is wrong with people? Can someone edit the thread title please? lol
  4. Nothing more empowering than using your superior human status to eat animals. I <3 the food chain.
  5. Cats are very ungreatful. You could feed a cat and take care of a cat for its entire life, and if someone attacked you, it'd just lick its own arse. A dog will defend you with its own life though.
  6. Cats are for women and gays. Dogs > cats.
  7. Yes, I'm just a misogynist, really. I get this groundless accusation all of the time, I'm not even going to deny it any more.
  8. Mikey

    GTA IV

    First thing I'm going to do when I get my copy, is rub my penis over it!!!
  9. Mikey

    GTA IV

    I'm definitely cummin. :p Been playing loads of GTA 3, VC and San Andreas lately. Fucking hyped up for this shit. I bet the achievements are going to be bad ass as well.
  10. Will they be good quality though?
  11. Not discounting anything your sister has done, I just know about how poisonious an organization they are. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Women's_Aid I know Wiki isn't a great source, but I can find more links too. Critics, such as Erin Pizzey, the founder of battered women's refuges in the UK, say such organisations' persistent presentation of women as victims of men is dishonest and deliberately inaccurate, as well as patronising and insulting to both genders.
  12. Think I'm gonna be getting a PS3 soon. Will I need an HDMI cable, or do they come with the console?
  13. I'm not getting in to it this time, mainly because I've got sick of myself ranting about it.
  14. Women's Aid is a poisonious organization. Very scary if you know their history. Google Erin Pizzey, and you'll see how they sort of formed. Read this as well. http://www.bennett.com/ptv/ It'll show you about how women are just as likely to be as abusive in a relationship.
  15. Mikey

    GTA IV

    Hope to god this doesn't get delayed. Been waiting for this shit forever.
  16. Naw, I'm not gonna rant about that this time. I just wanted to show people what men face.. You have to be careful these days if you're a bloke.
  17. Yes, it's in Mexico, but it shows how bad things are becoming for men in this World. In the USA, a woman only has to say she feels "threatened", and she can have her husband thrown out of his house, get a restraining order put on him, and he isn't allowed to see or contact his children. http://www.dontmakehermad.com/forum/index.php?topic=3.msg3#new
  18. http://www.news.com.au/story/0,23599,21281219-13762,00.html Yeah.......
  19. If Nintendo do F Zero, expect it to look worse than GX.
  20. What I like to do is to go to the outside of a Church with some ham, some bread, and make some ham sandwiches. Then when people pass by to go in to the Church, I eat them It's grand.
  21. Much better than even Resi 4?
  22. You can't prove a universal negative basically.
  23. Well, I can only go from my own experience here, but most people I've ever known have believed in God and identified with a religion, yet never gone to church or anything like it. Either way, that statistic from the UN isn't exactly very clear, as it doesn't take in to account people who are religious, but who don't go to church. The one from the government's site is a lot more clear. It doesn't matter though, these statistics can be easily manipulated by people with their own agenda, even at big organizations like the UN or the government. In other words, try not to put too much faith in statistics. Lies, damn lies, and statistics.
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