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Everything posted by Mikey
No, the bit which is bolded is more relevant. You claimed most people aren't religious with that statistic, I explained how you can be religious without going to church or attending any religious events. You clearly either misunderstood that statistic, or you purposely twisted it to go with your anti religious agenda.
A United Nations report claims that in 2007 "two-thirds ... either did not claim membership of a religion or said that they never attended a religious service". You don't have to go to church to be religious. My mum is a proud catholic, yet never goes to church. My dad believes is a Christian too, yet doesn't go to church. In fact, all of my family believe in God and are either Christians or Catholics, yet never go to church. I'm the only atheist in my entire family. Now, I'm not going to claim my family is proof of the over all population, but it goes to show that a lot of people can be religious without going to church. In other words, don't twist those statistics. Here's another link. http://www.statistics.gov.uk/cci/nugget.asp?id=954 Same site as Charlie's, but different page I think.
I'm gonna go with Charlie's link. Wikipedia backs him up on it too I think, although Wiki isn't exactly a great source.
I had sex with my hand. I'm pretty sure my hand appreciated it.
No it isn't, mate. As much as I'd love it to be, we are still a Christian nation.
Why not give it away?
I blame the devs for the shite graphics on the Wii. When you look at Resi 4, Metroid, Mario, and others, it's hard not to get pissed off at lazy devs.
True true. I was just trying to find a gameplay screen shot, and used the first one I came across. Has anyone else played PGr 2 on the Xbox? I did the other week again out of curiosity. Man, that game has aged well.
With the exception of children, anyone should be able to kill theirselves at any time, and helping them achieve the death should not be punished. This goes for every one over the age of 18, sick or not.
Forza Motorsport on the Xbox 1. Looks about the same. They really need to bump up the resolution of the textures on the cars, if they did that, it'd look good I reckon.
Looks much much better though. As for Gran Turismo 4, I love that game, but the textures in it are crap compared to the textures in Ferrari Challenge. Over all it looks better than this though for sure. Bear in mind, these don't look like bull shots either.
Reggie Teases, "Big Holiday Game to Be Revealed At E3"
Mikey replied to Fandango's topic in Nintendo Gaming
Hope it's a new Zelda. As muich as I <3ed TP, it felt like a GameCube game. -
I agree. I think we should be more strict on who we let in, but we shouldn't stop them from working here at all.
I think the media are now starting to shift slowly from politically correct news, to minority hating news. They realize more and more people are not being politically correct, so they write stories like this to get them mad and buy papers. This is why I hate the media, they are snakes. They write news for the people who buy it, not to report it fairly. A couple of years ago, and this would never have been reported at all I reckon, but a white on black attack would be all over the place. Racists may see this as some sort of victory, but it isn't really, they're just switching from hating one group of people, to hating another. It's really all as shit as each other really. I'm not exactly an Islam apologist either.
I take my niece to go to school almost every day. She's 4 years old, almost 5, and I watched one of her school plays. After the play had finished, they made all of the kids prayer. I came out of the school, and I was absolutely furious. I almost started yelling at all of the teachers around me. I thought they may have stopped that shite since I left school, but no, it's still there. State schools and religion have no business being together. If religious people want their kids to have religion in school, they should send them to a private school. I am a big atheist, I don't like religion at all, but it's really none of my business what parents teach their children. Banning parents from teaching their children about god, and jebus, just takes away the parent's liberty. Once you let the state interfere like this, then where does it end? The state can just come in and say parents aren't allowed to punish their children if they do wrong because of some horse shit child development theory. You really don't want to give the state any more power, they already have far too much as it is.
People like fish and his sister need to call theirselves egalitarians, because that's what they are, I don't consider them feminists at all. Why tar yourself with such a dirty label as feminist? Also, I don't think men and women are equal either, but they should have equal rights. Since I hate the state so much, I think "rights" and "laws" should be as limited as possible to give people more freedom. With the lack of state interfering, hierarchy will naturally come in to play more in personal relationships, and it'd promote order and stability in the family unit. Expecting everything to be equal is unreasonable. http://www.nationalpost.com/opinion/columnists/story.html?id=a41532d6-d4df-46a2-a784-f6499938f3b0&k=49786&p=1 http://www.nationalpost.com/opinion/columnists/story.html?id=a41532d6-d4df-46a2-a784-f6499938f3b0&k=49786&p=2 http://www.bennett.com/ptv/index.shtml http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/articles/news/news.html?in_article_id=430702&in_page_id=1770 Be careful, brothers, this is what we face.
But she DID make the choice. She opened their legs, and unless she didn't know sex results in pregnancy, then she is at fault. If the pregnany was a result of rape, and the woman wanted to keep the baby anyway, then I'd say fine. Either way, none of this matters like I've already said. Even ifeminists admit the pay gap myth is horse shit. http://www.deltabravo.net/custody/tenmyths.php 2. Myth: Women earn 75 cents for every dollar a man earns. Fact: The 75 cent figure is terribly misleading. This statistic is a snapshot of all current full-time workers. It does not consider relevant factors like length of time in the workplace, education, occupation, and number of hours worked per week. (The experience gap is particularly large between older men and women in the workplace.) When economists do the proper controls, the so-called gender wage gap narrows to the point of vanishing. (Essential reading: Women's Figures: An Illustrated Guide to the Economic Progress of Women in America, by Diana Furchtgott-Roth and Christine Stolba, published by the Independent Women's Forum and the American Enterprise Institute, Washington, D.C. 2000.)
Well, as long as it isn't brutal assault with intent to injure, I think parents should be left alone to raise their kids as they see fit. I'm really not a fan of the state poking their nose in to people's personal lives for many many reasons. (For the record, I don't think any parent should smack their child, but whatever) Again, I've really gotta go to bed.
I don't think either men or women should be paid on maternity leave. They both make the choice to have a child. If anything, the whole women being able to have more time off is discrimination against the man. Also, the woman has the choice not to have the time off surely? Either way, even ifeminists have declared the pay gap as bullshit, which is what this is all about anyway..
Yes, but we're talking about human's. The female has been designed to take care of young, through breast feeding and nuturing. It's a very important job. I don't really consider you a feminist, more of an egalitarian, which I don't have a problem with. I don't really consider ifeminists feminists either.
Fine, I'll just leave it at that. If you want to go by the dictionary's definition, fair enough. I'll go by the whole "actions speak louder than words" people who call theirselves feminists.
Sickness isn't a choice, pregnancy is. She shouldn't be get paid at all. Sit down. Taking care of children is naturally a woman's job anyway. And before you screech sexist at that, only an idiot would demean such an important job, which nature gave to women.
So basically, women shoot theirselves in the foot by getting pregnant, and businesses are doing what's best in their own best interest? The woman has the choice not to get pregnant, she shouldn't even getting paid while she isn't working anyway. Thanks for proving my point. You try telling the feminists who declare themselves feminists, they are not. The type of feminists you talk about, are basically ifeminists, and are part of groups like the IWF. Members of the IWF even admit theirselves the pay gap is a load of horse shit. I'll try and find links if you don't believe me. By the way, like I've said before, there are plenty of women who hate feminists too. I guess they're just sexist and misogynistic too.
Really? Pandagon and feministing are 2 of the most well known feminist blogs on the internet. They are accepted as totally main stream. I am not talking about Andrea Dworkin here, who is a whole different case of ass hole, I'm talking about Amanda Marcotte who runs pandagon, and was part of the John Edwards presidential campaign. She is accepted by almost every feminist I've seen as moderate. It's sickening.
Are you taking in to account work experience, and amount of time at the same job? Where do you get your statistics from anyway? Probably a feminist source. Watch that video again. Pay discrimination is self punishing. No company in their right mind would pay men more money than women if all the factors were equal. If they did, they would lose money. It really is common sense. Yet most people refuse to accept it. There's no debate to be had here as far as I'm concerned.