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Everything posted by Mikey

  1. I wouldn't feel bad about it, they're not losing any money from you downloading games, they're just not gaining any. I buy all my games, as I like to reward a job well done to the developers, but that's just me.
  2. lol, fuck off will you. If game companies had their own way, they'd make it illegal to buy used games. Would you then consider it stealing to buy a used game from a friend just because you don't have "permission" to own it? Downloading a copied file, and taking something physical are completely different, simple as.
  3. If you download a copy, you are not taking something physical, if you steal a car, you are. Completely different morally.
  4. Exactly. Piracy is a fucking myth. Companies are always exaggerating it's effects on the industry. Most people who pirate, wouldn't buy the game they got illegally anyway.
  5. Piracy isn't even that bad. If you would never have bought the game you download anyway, then I see no harm. I buy all of my games for the record.
  6. Bleh, never noticed a diff between 480i and 480p really. As long as it's in widescreen, I don't care about the resolution while playing on the Wii.
  7. I play it on my Sammy 23" HD TV. Pretty good.
  8. There is no excuse for there not being a hard drive built in to the Wii, never mind not having support for an external one. Nintendo really fuck me off like this. They made a console with cheap ass components, and charged us premium price for it.
  9. They did it to cut back costs, and save money for their selves. Nintendo really are shitty like that.
  10. As someone who used to play real golf, I can honestly say, Wii Sports golf is shit. I hope you can at least swing the club like a real club without it hooking.
  11. They should have tricked him in to thinking no blood transfusions would have taken place, and got rid of that thing years ago.
  12. So is it now generally accept that F_link is the best poster on the forum?
  13. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml;jsessionid=PS2SMUV0BPC55QFIQMGCFGGAVCBQUIV0?xml=/news/2007/12/03/wface103.xml
  14. 50Hz games are ghey. Ocarina feels like running through water after playing it in 60Hz on the GC, and emulators online.
  15. I make up my own mind, reviews are just a general guide to me on what is supposed to be good. Developer reputation is more important to me than reviews though. Nintendo releasing a new Mario or Zelda is something that is going to always be amazing.
  16. In the UK, Seinfeld was pretty much ignored when it ran. I <3 the show, and have 8 out of 9 series on DVD. :p
  17. There's the possibility that he really believed in the scores he gave games.
  18. I always got the feeling TP was a game for the Zelda fans. To me, it wasn't a game Nintendo would have made if it wasn't for WW. I loved WW, and I'm sure many others did, but after seeing the spaceworld demo of Link and Ganon years ago, and getting WW, it left a lot of fans bitter. Nintendo delivered with TP. I can understand people wanting something different, but fuck, I love the game hard. Lake Hylia at dawn, with the mist and music in the background just gives me chills every single fucking time.
  19. I couldn't agree with you more. I disagreed with his 8.8, yet I never held it against him, and if he has been fired over this new review, then that is an absolute joke.
  20. TP is the best Zelda I've ever played, I don't get people saying it only deserved an 8.8.
  21. I am English, I was born here, and I'm of English descent. My criteria is not what religion you follow anyway, well with the one exception of Islam that is, which should be thrown out until it has proved itself. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=/news/2006/02/19/nsharia19.xml It's pretty simple what I am getting at. Let's not have Islam here, it's a danger to our way of life. Urgh, I'm getting sick of myself now. I'm gonna leave the thread, as I'm basically repeating myself.
  22. I meant 40% of the muslim population in the UK want it here.
  23. People like you, as in Arab, if that's what you are. I think all Arab's must leave their Islamic religion at the door when they come to this country. This is not an Islamic state, and I don't see what business Islam has in a country like this with the state the religion is currently in. Apparently 40% in the UK want sharia law here. I posted a link to it earlier in the thread. That's a really worrying statistic.
  24. Of course Islam isn't the only evil in this country, you're always gonna get rapists etc. Again, I have no problem with people like you being here, I just don't want your religion here.
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