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Everything posted by Mikey

  1. Sent my GC in for repair, and Nintendo sent me a brand new one back. Well fuckin' chuffed. My GC was a launch day Cube, as well!!! Didn't cost me anything!!!
  2. Oh maaaaaan, this is the end of an era. I always thought it was just a matter of time before they put the price up, and now it's confirmed.
  3. I go through red lights, and deliberately splash water on old people, small children, and people who I think are maybe gay with my wheels in the rain. It makes me feel big and tough. No speeding fines or anything yet. Breaking the law kicks ass.
  4. All of my stories are 100% true.
  5. She's trying to get muslims to wake up. Something which needs to happen. Islam is backward in it's current state, but it doesn't have to be that way. Christianity used to be just as bad, and still is in some ways, but it's no where near as bad as Islam as a whole. People are putting their head in the sand, and making excuses up for their religion, when action needs to be taken. We are exposing ourselves to this backwardness by letting it in this country. We're going around in circles now, really, I can carry on debating you if you want, but I already understand your points, and fuck, I even agree with some of them, so what's the point?
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2WLoasfOLpQ&feature=related This woman gets it spot on.
  7. Look, I already know that not all muslims are terrorists. Just look at the places where Islam is dominant though, do you want this country being influenced by crap like that? I'm not worried about it turning in to that sort of place right now, but who knows in the future? Labour love the minority vote, so will be letting more and more of them in, and many muslims in the UK have already admitted they want the UK to be an Islamic state, so to think they will want their own government is not that far fetched. It's not a realistic fear right now for sure, but the world changes.
  8. I'm not worried about becoming an Islamic state any time soon, but would you want it to be now? Look at our way of life to countries like Iran, and Pakistan. Not really much of a debate.
  9. It's not utopia, but it's blatantly better than the places where Islam is dominant.
  10. It's easy to come out and say that the British did this, and the British did that. But back in the day, Christianity was probably as backward as Islam currently is, but it's clearly not any more. When Islam reaches where Western civilization is now, then I'll be fine with it. Until then, keep it away. Be honest here, would you be happy with this country being an Islamic state? With the rate that Islam is coming in to this country, Muslims may want their own government, and what if Islam hasn't made enough strides to combat it's current state? It'd be a nightmare, really. We don't live in a world where everyone gets along, we live in a world where murder, rape, and terrorism is around. To stick your head in the sand, and say not all muslims are like that is being naive. We must take the appropriate measures to protect our way of life.
  11. Well religions contradict theirselves all of the time. I could go and google some Koran quotes which will contradict your claims that all life is of equal value. You want an example? Well it's a little known fact that muslims used to take white christian slaves when they washed up ashore, and they were considered to be gifts from god. They were treated about as well as dogs, and were often traded like pieces of meat. The koran says this is OK. Again though, this is getting away from the core issue, which to me is whether this country is better with, or without, Islam in it, and to me, this country is far better off without Islam in it, with Islam being in the state it is currently in.
  12. I could be wrong about this, but I think the koran only believes muslims to be innocent. Everyone else is fair game. There's also no point in going in to this in to more detail, as religions notoriously contradict theirselves, and it's getting away from the core issue, that this country is a less safe place to live in with Islam, than it would be without. When Islam cleans itself up, I'll have no problem with them being here, until then, I don't want it anywhere near. Islam should prove itself in the countries it's already dominant in, before we let it come over here.
  13. Yeah, that's fine, but followers are still picking and choosing what to follow in the religion. I'd still say anyone who follows the koran literally, and doesn't pick and choose which of it to obey, is more of a muslim than someone who who does pick and choose. I hate all religion, not a fan of any of it, part of the reason for my atheism. I don't think it's unreasonable to be wary of a religion when a lot of it's followers in this country believe in bringing backward laws here. Islam is far more of a threat to this country than Christianity, there for I don't like it even more than the others.
  14. I'm not about to go ahead and defend Christians, because I'm not a fan of Christianity either, but they aren't exactly bombing buses, or flying planes in to building, or threatening murder because of some stupid ass cartoons. Also, you pointed out one example of killing when it came to Christians, hardly a world wide problem with the religion, as it is with Islam.
  15. Define a proper muslim? I'd say someone who follows the koran literally without picking or choosing what they follow, is about as big a muslim you will ever get personally. You could say the same about Christians for sure with the bible, but there aren't anywhere as near as many fanatics in that religion as Islam.
  16. I don't hate muslims, if I did, I'd admit it. I just don't like Islam, and don't want it here. This isn't a racial issue for me, it's a religious one. As for the poll, I got it from here. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=/news/2006/02/19/nsharia19.xml Make no mistake, F_Link, I have no hatred for you, and have no problem with people like you being here, I am just wary of Islam in this country. I don't think you can blame me for that.
  17. It was an exageration of mine for sure, but there have been polls where 40% of muslims in the UK want sharia law here. That's 40% too many. We don't need it, and shouldn't have to put up it.
  18. We really need to keep Islam out of this country. If it was up to the followers of Islam, we'd be allowing sharia law here. Look at most of the countries which have Islam as it's main religion, would you want to live in them? I wouldn't. I have no problem with some immigration, just keep shitty religions out of here.
  19. I hate Islam, I really really hate it.
  20. I recommend you give them to me, thanks.
  21. No, no I don't. You can just credit everything that happens to fate. Bit stupid really.
  22. I went about 5 days not playing, no big deal.
  23. Finished it with 60 stars. I'm gonna go for the 120 for sure, but I just wanted to see the ending.
  24. I should be an admin, for obvious reasons. My posts are like works of art, constructed carefully with certain words to have a gross out impact on it's readers.
  25. Got my gift already from my parents. They bought me this HD TV and sound system package. http://www.currys.co.uk/martprd/product/seo/039729
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