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Everything posted by Mikey

  1. Because Islam seems to attract idiots. Islam will be welcomed by me, when it's proved itself not to be backward in the countries it's already dominant in. I can't think of a single Islamic nation I'd live in. Maybe some day, but not now.
  2. If we got rid of backward Islam, it'd be even better, and people would be safer.
  3. <3 Mcoy ....... I'm gonna call my toilet brush Muhammad, and wipe the shit off the sides of the toilet with it.
  4. I'm going to apologize. Not for my opinions, but for the way I put them across. I get very passionate at times, and can't control myself. I still think Humans > animals though.
  5. LOL, you thick ****. It continues because THERE IS NO OTHER WAY, not unless you want to test on humans. Unless you are volunteering, then shut the f up. I've already posted a link to a video which pretty much explains why it's needed, you carry on ignoring it. Humans > animals. Don't let me see you in hospital receiving treatment of any kind for any illnesses which were developed by testing on animals, because I'll kick you out. LOL F'in hell, you animal rights people are retarded. Once again. Humans > animals. Hitler, wtf does he have to do with anything, now you're just trying to find exceptions to the rule in a pathetic attempt to divert attention away from the original subject. Sit down, you're crap. Once more. Humans > animals
  6. I'm going for a shower, and I'll be using soap which was probably used on animals during the research phase. Maybe I'll come back and debate you some more, but there isn't much of a debate to be had here. lol
  7. You're so full of shit, it's quite staggering. Scientists wouldn't test on animals if it wasn't needed, or are you suggesting you know better than scientists, OR, are you suggesting they get some sort of sadist kick out of it? If needs to be done. FACT. No animal testing = almost zero medical research = little children dieing. Obviously appealing to your heart for just normal sick people isn't enough, but nor is trying to get you to care for sick little children. I find it disturbing.
  8. Do people honestly think scientists test on animals just for some sadist fantasies? Really? It NEEDS to be done to save lives, otherwise it wouldn't be done. People need to get a grip on reality. Really.
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l9ijLulwUTY Fast forward to about 12 minutes in.
  10. Yes, all humans are more important than any animals, regardless of intelligence. We look after ourselves, and rightfully so.
  11. Almost all of medical research comes from animal testing. This is a fact. If you don't support animal testing, you are against little children getting better.
  12. End of debate as far as I'm concerned.
  13. You're not one to be talking about my ethics, when you put the life of an animal before a sick child, because that's what you are doing.
  14. Little children are dying in hospitals around the world of illnesses. If you don't support animal testing, you don't want them to get better. Disturbing
  15. We give ourselves the right, as the dominant species on the planet. We really don't need any one else's permission. Rights are a human concept, the only natural right in this world, is the right to try and survive. Animal testing falls under this. We treat animals far better than they treat us. We kill them humanely, and even treat them for illnesses when they get them. I don't advocate the torturing of animals, I do advocate doing what is necessary to look after ourselves, and if that means some animals have to suffer, so be it. My dad would be dead now if it wasn't for animal testing, so would millions of others. Saving their lives is far more important than keeping some animals around who don't give a shit about you at all.
  16. If you are against animal testing, you are against finding cures for people who are sick. Do I sound pissed off? Well I am. People > animals. Every single time.
  17. I wasn't trying to fob you off, I'm just saying be careful about who you believe. Loads of scientists have been convinced that psychics are real because they aren't very good at what they do. Other scientists have compared the intelligence of a pig to a 3 year old child, doesn't make it so though. The human species looks after its fellow humans, regardless of their intelligence, just like other species look after their own. Animal testing has saved the lives of millions, literally. You want to take that away so some freaking animals can be spared, regardless of what happens to people. I find it disturbing.
  18. I call it how I see it. If that makes me prejudiced, then so be it. I prefer to think of myself as being realistic, and being unapologetic about it.
  19. lol, stop crying, we owe animals absolutely fuck all. On this planet no species owes another anything, it's how life works. Animals use each other all of the time in a bid to survive, and we're no different. We owe them nothing, and they owe us nothing. The only animal testing I am opposed to, is pointless testing like for cosmetics. I have all of the empathy in the world, without animal testing we are fucked, simple as.
  20. Animal rights are a fucking stupid concept. The moment you give them rights, is the moment you give them more rights than humans. The only basic right animals have is to try and put themselves on top of the food chain, and if they can't achieve it, fuck them. They don't give a shit about us, so we shouldn't give a shit about them. Loads of pseudo scientists with their own agenda start talking bullshit. According to other "scientists", humans aren't designed to eat meat.
  21. Animal testing kicks all kinds of ass. We owe animals ___NOTHING___, and if testing on them benefits us, then we should damn well do it. We are the dominant species on this planet, and can do whatever we want. Ridiculous nonsense from Bard.
  22. I think it's only fair for Rez to give out free hand jobs to make up for his sinning on n-europe.
  23. Soul Calibur 1 is in the list, when Soul Calibur 2 is better. Never played SC3, so can't comment on that.
  24. I like my Wii and all, but I don't think the console is good enough to have this much success.
  25. I had to produce a receipt. Luckily I always keep them.
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