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Everything posted by mike-zim

  1. I cant see how paying £350+ for a console is the safest option. assuming the rev comes out at about £200 you would be able to buy a delux Rev bundle for the same price as just the PS3 console.
  2. well there you go. there is 1 born every minute. who would donate to this thing anyway? i have better thing to do with my money
  3. i am the type of person that that article was talking about. i cant afford more than 1 consol so i will wait for the rev. not really interested in the other 2 consoles they just bore me. give me something different. that is what the rev does
  4. just for you i will put it on my xmas list
  5. its ok if you like that sort of thing i suppose
  6. simpsons all the way. the fact that an american cartoon is 100 time more popular in the uk then in america makes me laugh. it is not as obviouse so go's right over their heads. simpsons all the way.
  7. if you are hooked on the crappy colosseum you should try some of the gba games. you would love it for diversity.
  8. well those pics explain alot
  9. WOW. brilliant. i want more i tell you more.
  10. There is also mario kart coming out friday. maybe there are a few people saving their penny's like me
  11. i agree i thought that was really good when it was C-E. there is a suggestions section in the forum. lets all post there and ask for it bck. that will get some attention.
  12. The most important thing is that the hype doesnt peak too soon. you want all the hype to peak a week before release. building it slowly is the best way. i personnally am really hyped. i really can not wait. but i try to keep up to date with whats going on. how many casual gamers are thet bothered? not many they are the people that need to be hyped not us. most of us will get it so for the sake of the user base hype up casual gamers for god sakes.
  13. are you sure? i dont think they want us to swith to High Deffinition Televisions (HDTV) but Intergrated Digital Televisions (IDTV) so they can stop the analog signal and so the whole country will pick up digital instead. Anyway if these consoles need HDTV to make that much of a graphical improvement then they are not that great anyway. if they used SDTV and it looked that much better than i would say fair enough but for people to say you need an HDTV to notice the difference between current and next gen then they have failed us.
  14. i thought it was ok for what it was. i wasnt offended by it.
  15. i will try. it would be good to meet some of u to play some 8 player wireless mario kart. i will post here later in the week if i can.
  16. Mine has to be the ending to streets of rage. that game took up my life. it was so good to finish it countless times.
  17. do you think the new licensing laws will help with drink fueled violence? i do. i am a great believer in the advantages of the change in the law.
  18. yeah that would be pretty good to have a co-op mode on a fps. the revelution has really got me excited. i can't wait for it to be released.
  19. i must say i never have looked in the trade section. i cant tell you why. i am probably too busy annoying someone with one of my posts.
  20. i am a gnome mage. i at iron forge at the moment in dun morough i think and playing for the alliance. i cant stop playing it. it kicks ass
  21. i agree 100% that guy that got shot in london was a shame but why didn't he just do as he was told? if he did none of it would have happened. austalia are lucky to have a conservative government. Brittain have a labour government and the UK is going to shit.
  22. ds interactivity would do for me. a FF:CC style would be great.
  23. that is interesting. so maybe what Tac said in another thread is right. maybe the 360 is out too soon. the industry is not ready for it.
  24. i defo think that the name will be confirmed. that would leave a good 6 months of people using the right name for it is fully unvieled. i think that the shell will be shown off as well. the controller has allready and that is the "revolutionary" part of it. the shell is just an add on for the "unrevolutionary" games, for all the developers that are too lazy to actually think.
  25. in footballing terms these are the peak years for him till he is about 27. if he is only just starting to learn how to play in mid field you will never see the best of what he can offer. in my mind that is a waste. i feel sorry for him. but that is ferguson for you. his way is the right way no matter what.
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