I hear this word so often it makes me sick. What is this world coming to the a basic discription of something like a "black board" or "white board" is incorrect. it is simple ones colour is black the others colour is white. but now they have to be called chalk boards and dry wipe boards.
old fire signs used to have a diagram of a white figure running through a green door. now it is a green figure running through a white door.
What is going to be next. every pack of cards must be burnt because there are black suits? they will be replaced with cards that have green clubs and spades?
the newest thing is that christmas lights must now be called winter lights so we dont offend anyone of another religion.
i think PC causes more problems then resolutions.
i want to know what you guys think.
has it gone too far, what rediculous changes do you know of?
has it not gone far enough, what changes would you like to see made?