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Everything posted by mike-zim

  1. I didnt know bob monkhouse was dead. very informative thread.
  2. Well homosexuality though is fine with both parties consenting. but a man or women at the age of say 35, fulfilling their sexaul desires with a child of 5 or six is wrong whether homosexual or "straight". that is the difference the ability to make informed & cohierent decisions. it the same way a 35 year old with an incohierent 75 year old is the same crime in my eyes.
  3. yeah i mean if it will cost you £30-£40 for this thing then you are better off downloading. anyway i never sell my old console. i still have all the working ones.
  4. i agree. the problem is that the government are too soft. i am not just talking on topic. they are too soft on every serious crime, rape, murder, armed robery, robery in general and the afor mentioned child abuse. but they instead punish law abiding citizens who refuse to pay inflated council tax prices. spend millions of pound on pointless art ( which will get vandalised anyway). The problem is that no one will do anything about it. It really annoys me.
  5. i disagree with you totally. what ever happened to freedom of speech? it is not like the guy is promoting it. i think he should be commended for having the balls to post it. I still say its wrong.
  6. it is sick and wrong. people who do this sort of thing should get the death sentance
  7. yeah i am pretty happy. i got laid last night.
  8. i agree. and they are not just feeding us a load od number either. the info is of interest.
  9. excellent. this is good news. it does how ever throw up more questions than it does answers.
  10. i have never really bothered. if anything i would take a picture from my digital camera and load it. but i dont really look at it long.
  11. that is exactly what i was going to say. a poor man cant buy a porsch. look at the millenium falcon. it was a heap but the best they had.
  12. yeah the cooking bit was the best. you know you have a decent product when people take that much time to mock it.
  13. i enjoyed resi evil 1 the movie. i will see this cause i think the Rock is brilliant.
  14. i have been speaking to some other people and it seems WOW is the most recommended. i will do some research on it first then i think i will buy it.
  15. well i would have to agree. free is good. i really want to get it now but there are people who say it is very repeatative. not keen if so.
  16. The question is answered. ok. if we all started off in the womb as female and then blokes obviously developed futher. Does that mean men are upgrades?
  17. i am not sure. how were the eggs incubated?
  18. You have a point. i will apologise. i took it too far. i want to know the answer to an age old question. what came first the chicken or the egg?
  19. Now that is confidence for you. i like it. sorry what size bra did you say you had?
  20. i am surprised that a "chick" does not know the pencil test. i have other tests that can performed but i will keep the thread above XXX rated. i would rather have a pert C cup than semi firm E cup. i think that is no good.
  21. oh yeah! you really cant beat a nice pair. my rule is more than a hand full is a waste. But it is a hell of a lot of fun though. cant be saggy either. they have to pass the pencil test.
  22. exactly that :p
  23. because men are more considerate. and women have a higher sexual sensitivity. IMO. Because men don't have them and they are hypnotic i just want to give them a grop. Why is it when men go shoping it is " in get what you need and leave without being noticed" women " in look at loads of stuff you are not going to buy any way spend loads of time getting in each others way and pissing every one off"? when men buy something they say how much it cost. when women buy something they say how much they saved. WHY?????
  24. excellent. i cant wait for the rev go ninty.
  25. really?!?!?! that is extortionate. but when you say it as £9 a month it doesn't sound so bad.
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