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Everything posted by mike-zim

  1. if you look at the united squad at present. how many of their first team are still going to be there come 2008/2009. not alot. and the people who are going to replace them are not looking all that great. in my mind alan smith should never have gone to united. he is not a mid field player he is a striker and it is an injustice to him that he is forced to play that position. he will pick up 2 or 3 red cards a season playing there with mis timed tackles and just his temper.
  2. man u fan? fergie is starting to loose the plot. he has made some duff buys.
  3. West ham bought Sherringham didn't they. i recon there would have been a queue of people wanting to buy him.
  4. N64 for me. i was wieghing it up and i think diddy kong racing won it for me.
  5. but there would have been damages to be paid. advertising deals would have fallen through as he is no longer a united player. they would have been better off just waiting till jan and selling him off cheap.
  6. how much must they have paid him off to go? he still had a contract if they terminated it there would have to be compensation.
  7. @ Innovance. well said i think that conveys exactly what i think on the situation. the only difference is that i am a 100% genuine fanboy. i accept it and am happy.
  8. a golf game would be good. the swing and every thing
  9. thanx for the links i will install a few when i get home.
  10. Well the Ausies are giving the west indies a hidding.
  11. an rts game might be quite good on it. but defo a FPS with out a doubt.
  12. He was spot on with what he said. it inspired the team to go on and beat chelsea. more truth needs to be told. united are on the way down. brilliant.
  13. that is very informative thank you. if it is right then ofcourse nintendo have taken the right path no doubt about it.
  14. great info. i believe it even if others dont
  15. x-box live is at its highest at the moment. just as the next jen consoles are coming out. but at its launch can you honestly tell me that it was as popular as it is now? i think not. it was before its time. i am not slating online play. i love it. but i love it now not when the x-box was released. i havent tried x-box live to anwer your question.
  16. lets go American and call it "Team Nintendo"
  17. NINTERACTION (15 Characters )
  18. Was it good? seeing i am stuck at work damn it.
  19. sorry i really dont know what else to say. try getting hold of the customer support.
  20. band: 3 doors down film: star wars song: Be Like That (3 doors down) game: knights and merchants drink: Double White rum and coke (not burcardi) favourite artist: The dude that does the simpsons. genius Book: a series of 10 books by David Eddings called "The Balgariad" & "The Mallorean"
  21. That is strange. they could have just sent the same one back. it defo sounds like it is the disc. have you been through the add/remove thing? removed all the files from the original install?
  22. yeah now that is a "thinking outside the box" game brilliant.
  23. agreed. the rev is the system i am most excited about. seeing i cant afford more than 1 that is the only one for me. :yes:
  24. definately a console seller this game.
  25. The Sims MMORPG. if there was ever a game to take advantage of it the Sims is the game.
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