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Everything posted by mike-zim

  1. you obviously cant see where i am coming from so there is no point trying to explain it. for the record i was not talking about child abuse. edit: navahom knows exactly the point i was trying to make thank you
  2. we are talking about the word Nigga not Nigger because they are totally different ask most people of african origin. i dont want to say black or i might get branded as a racist. edit: i was talking about the reinforcement of values. what i am saying is that it is a contributing factor. i got a smack when i did thing that i shouldnt and i have never been in trouble with the police, i have never taken drugs, i am on my way to being a fully qualified accountant. so i do think it is a contributing factor
  3. i never said you wouldn't get sick. you probably will.
  4. CHELSEA v Barcelona Real Madrid v ARSENAL Werder Bremen v Juventus Bayern Munich v AC Milan PSV Eindhoven v Lyon Ajax v Inter Milan Benfica v LIVERPOOL RANGERS v Villarreal chelsea are screwed. i love it. arsenal have a tough game aswell. liverpool got a good draw.
  5. what about pikmin? that was a game that most girls liked. all the girls i know love the mario party games.
  6. no it adds to the flavour
  7. although the rev would have an awesome mmorpg i think a ds would have a better one. with touch screen controls it would be awesome.
  8. well go with the flow Happy Birthday
  9. good news or is it? maybe the thrid secret is a lipstick holder. that would be totally unexpected.
  10. obviousely someone who has not read most of the posts on here. and no we have never been ASKED to change. it would have been nice to have had the choice.
  11. i really want a pokemon mmorpg. the basics are perfect for it. it would also be different to any other MMORPG out there.
  12. ok so i have seen that people say that PC is not the cause of social decline. i would have to agree and disagree. When the law was passed that parrents were not allows to discipline their children with a "smack" (i am not talking about beating a child i mean a smack on the backside every now and again when deserved) they said well look there is no social decline. there were people who said that it would cause social problems if the law was passed. but the emidiate effect was minor. now a fair few years later what do we have? youths running around stealing cars, breaking into house, beating up old people. how many of them have ever had a "smack" i would guess the minority. no values are instilled in them with out the reinforcement of punishment for doing wrong they spiral out of control. Now couple that with the deminishment of culture, through 1 tool PC. the problem gets worse. people who once had their culture now without one will compound the problem. I am not saying kick asian people out the country. i am not saying every one in this country should be forced to celebrate the same religiouse festivals. what i am saying is that no one should be forced to reduce the celebration or deny the existance of 1. by calling Christmas lights winter lights it is the start and it started a while bak with black boards & white boards. stupid things but where next? what is the next step. because going on current trends they do something bigger next time. no one really took notice of fire signs changing, few people notices black boards, more people noticed winter lights. what next?
  13. *Shakes head* *walks out of thread* :shock: *walks back & posts* if it is true then i just wont get it XP is fine for me.
  14. he has been given a 2 match ban. that is it. well he is a chelsea player so i suppose a financial punishment would have been pointless.
  15. i might get it just for the animal crossing thing.
  16. yeah but they do say subject to change they had mario kart originally down for may.
  17. i think all that stuff is possible and much more. whether you would like the set up to be like that or not is another story but i liked it and it has made me a little more excited for the rev release
  18. some time in the not too distant future I went into town the other day and saw a great farther winter. i just love winter time. all the winter lights. Father winter was ofcourse at least 3ft away from any children animals or ethnic minority's after all we dont want him to look like an animal beater, child molester or racist. i cant wait for winter festival day. so i can eat winter pudding & winter cake. of course in the southern hemisphere they have to wait another 6 months. they cant have winter festival in the middle of summer can they. they would have to wait till 25 june. is this the world we want?
  19. yes it is. but that is what i want people to be able say. if you said it to an irish guy he would probably laugh it off as crap english humour. damn it now i am being racist against the english too. Wait i am english. can you be racist against your own race? is it possible?
  20. simpsons all the way. they started it all.
  21. that was great the is exacly how i expected it to work but seeing it like that is brilliant.
  22. So on the same basis is calling an australian and ausi racist?
  23. cant wait. if it is early 2006 japan. europe wont get it till end of 2006. i really think it will be an awesome game on the ds.
  24. well i have only been around for about a year but i will be around for alot longer especially when the rev takes over the world.
  25. it is bad. i have been in that situation once and have passed it up, she was a hot czech bird but i am glad i passed up the oppertunity because it is wrong. i have been the boyfriend that has been cheated on and it sucks ass. what you should have done is refused and told her that if she finished with the other guy first then you could have all the casual sex you wanted with out any guilt what so ever.
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