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Everything posted by mike-zim

  1. that is a great idea. thanks for the info
  2. i thought it was quite funny. you would be able to tell those with issues about size. they would stand as far right as possible.
  3. completely correct. it is free as well.
  4. Well if she is on a wage and the contract she signed gauranteed the hours. then they have to pay her. but if it does not state in the contract that they are gauranteed then she does not have a leg to stand on.
  5. it depends. is she salaried or on a wage? if she is on a wage is she gaurenteed hours?
  6. i agree. HDtv is one gen too soon. it is like the online thing last year. nintendo were right on the money not going online. this time i think nintendo have called it right once again.
  7. well i am originally from zimbabwe and the last time they qualified was..... never. they are shit though.
  8. you know this could be used in clinics for murders. they use the next gen console as a replacement for the real thing.
  9. *gets up does a little dance with a wiggle at the end* Common sence prevails.
  10. well that blows my theory out of the water.
  11. well my girlfriend loves most things mario. MKDD, Mario Power Tennis and most of all Mario Party. she loves mario party and it does go on for a while. My fav is cell damage. as it is cartoon style it might not be classed as violence not sure?
  12. come on it is fashionable to beat the west indies everyone does it. any way back in aus it will be difficult but not impossible.
  13. You know australia could easily beat one of the african or Asian sides. it depends upon which group they are drawn. do you like salt with your shoe main course sir?
  14. Another selling point. Parents buying for younger gamers will love this. good move
  15. the fan thing is semi-fair. i do not agree with the violence that follows football. but i also think that the england fans are not the worst. Turkey??? i feel england is unfairly punished when other countries get away with it.
  16. at least we are there.
  17. i have a really great job where the work is easy so i spend 8 hours a day on the net during the week and at night i spend about 2 hours. on weekends it depends what i am doing.
  18. yes a nice FPS would be nice for release day. you know as a sign of friend ship!! not going to happen.
  19. in football anyone can beat anyone else. however i seriously doubt it. england have lost to australia in FOOTBALL once already. not going to happen again any time soon.
  20. Sven hasn't got a feel for the players. he is crap. he inhereted probabley the most impressive squad in the world and what has he done? nothing. this england side is the best i have ever seen (born in 1982). and still we are lacking. all down to the manager IMO.
  21. FOOTBALL!! i saw this just a second ago. Get on the Aussies. i hope england get them in their group. then it will be the ashes as well as a world cup defeat to add to the scrap book.
  22. They are making a dvd of the game. calling it a classic. how can a friendly be a classic? i think it is wrong
  23. a-men to that (damn 15 character )
  24. You cant blame the internet for it murders were happening long before the internet. if there was no link to the internet it would be Video games, music & movies. if there was no link there than it would have been the books he read. he is messed up end of story i play video games, listen to some dark music, watch people getting their guts splattered on tv, read some really graphic books and go on the internet. how many people have i murdered??? none. he has obviously no sense of right or wrong especially if he was having sex with a 14 year old. i blame his upbringing and the gun state that is America.
  25. that is a life changing win. best i have seen.
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