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Everything posted by jammy2211

  1. While I'm no technical expert on these things, I'm sure if it was even theoretically possible to port the best ps3 and 360 games to the Wii, they'd do it. Fact is, it's not feasible, so they don't. It's really as simple as that, the Wii cannot handle the games. If Street Fighter IV were to come to the Wii, they'd have to develope an entirely new game from scratch. But then, it's a completely different game, which is the problem in the first place.
  2. Sony charge the highest royalties of all 3 platform owners, not sure where Nintendo line up with Microsoft but I'd guess they're very close. I'm sure the Wii's stupidly cheap developement costs make that point null anyway.
  3. But then they'll just rant about how third parties can't sell games on the Wii and how it's userbase is too casual to buy enough games on it. It's a lose-lose situation currently and the only real way that will be overcome is if some truly quality third party gamer games come along and sell extremely well. I can't see that happening any time soon - although No More Heroes has faired okay it isn't going to be changing publishers opinions.
  4. The main reason is because the games will sell just as well without the features. Why bother putting in online, voice chat, co-op etc when in truth they can just skimp it and sell the same amount of copies. Offline games sell better then online ones, minigames compilations are selling better then most real games and in all honesty companies are better of investing the money that could go to these features in marketing, as Wii games require marketing more then any video games consoles ever before. Some third parties will probably pick things up and raise the bar but they've got no reason too. On Wii games don't need to be 'quality' to sell, and that's the horrible situation with the Wii software market at the moment.
  5. Twisted Metal is owned by Sony.... So er, some random game we never knew exsisted in the first place? Yeah. Not D:DoC, defo not.
  6. They sold 4 million in 9 months last year.... with a steed price tag too. I'd say it's very possible, depends on if GT5 comes out I guess.
  7. Nah, I used to think that, but since getting my PS3 I've realised they're doing so much that simply wasn't possible before. The physics, destructable environments, scale of online play, levels of customization etc, it just allows for games which a much larger scope then the Wii or any last gen console was capable of. Wii really is missing out on so much, fair enough it has it's own specialist games and such but for me there simply isn't enough quantity to keep me occupied, not to mention the fact I want a good online system. I would like to see more innovation on the 360 and ps3 (I think the ps3 has it's fair share tbh), but I guess it's just not a viable option for most companies at the moment. Equally though, I look forward to seeing our favourite series and franchises progress further.
  8. Hmmm, next big PS3 exclusive? I don't even think they have a release date for one yet :/. I can't honestly believe a year starting to promising for Sony still doesn't have a solid release date for an exclusive. There's plenty coming, and they all look great, but are they gonna try and ram them all into the last 6 months of the year or something? Anywho, it's okay for us gamers I guess. Burnout, DMC4, GTAIV, Army of Two (Maybe?) and Lost Platnet should be good.
  9. Don't be so rediculous, part of setting up a studio is finding the right people to who have the creative flair to come up with a new franchise. Microsoft would do exactly what you said, but it's not financially viable and doesn't guarentee results. Sony didn't set up their own teams, they found companies who were developing the best games and bought a stake in them. It was pretty easy for them back then though, there only competition was a floundering Nintendo and a doomed SEGA. Did Sony set up any of them companies themselves though, which is what you're saying companies should do. Back in the 90s there was a huge amount of studio's avlaliable as the PlayStation made such a huge industry growth. Nowadays everyone is accounted for, and any new studios will be aiming at industry growth from the casual sector. Yeah, I'm sure there is no competition from EA, Activision, Ubisoft, Rockstar, Take-2, Sony, Microsoft and the like for these people. Whatsmore Nintendo only develope games in Japan (except NsT... which hasn't made anything great anyway), so it's a moot point. Could they set up a new dev studio in Japan? Maybe, but if it was anywhere near as simple or linear as you're making out I'm sure they already would have, after all it'd make them more money right?
  10. Werent most of these games free when you unlocked them in Animal Crossing on the GameCube?
  11. Hahaha, best quote of the thread. I think the problem is companies don't know how to sell games on the Wii. It's not enough just to make a great game, they need to market it appropriately and make it stand out at retail. The resident Evils / Sonic stand out to me on this, because they're recogniseable franchises people buy them. Developers can easily sell proper games to the Wii audience, it's just they need to learn it's more then just making a good game. I've no doubt the Wii will end up with a good library, but these things take time. As for someone saying Nintendo should set up more studio's or something. If it was that easy, then I'm pretty sure everyone in the industry would be doing it. Just look at Microsoft, they've poured billions into getting the Xbox established, if they could just set up their own studio's instead of paying people like Rockstar $50 million for downloadable content, they would.
  12. Nintendo tried that, and failed. Remember the N64? Remember the GameCube? great consoles sure, but they were completely obliterated by the PS2 and PS1. How many more times could Nintendo handle getting their arse kicked? I think Nintendo have done a great job at finding their place int he market, in my opinion they'd be foolish to try and change it. Yeah it may not benefit me personally so much, but as long as I own another console with my Wii I've no need to worry. There is a Wii game for every month which interests me, plus the incredible PS3 line up. No doubt the WIi has plenty more up it's sleeve though.
  13. It depends what you want from the Wii then. I bought it cause it was innovative, cause it was new, and different. I want to see company's make games like Zack and WIki, games like No More Heroes, games which when I play I know I've never experienced before. The Wii allows for creativity and flair to be expressed in a way that simply isn't financially viable on the other systems. The Ps3 and 360 are also great at what they do, and they're an excellent way of furthering gaming as we know it but they're in essense still more of the same. In my eyes you're missing out on too much if you only own a Wii, and you're missing out on too much if you don't own a Wii. Even if the majority of Wii games are shovalware and you only end up buying 5 or 6 games a year, it'll still be worth it for that feeling you get when you're playing something that has never been imagined before.
  14. People complain if they try something new, people complain if they do something different, Nintendo can't win. I see enough good games for the Wii coming up so who can comaplin? If you only own a Wii then fair enough, you're probably bored, but why would anyone who cares about gaming only own a Wii? :/
  15. I don't really think there's a problem, Nintendo are releasing the same games they always have and they're all pretty much as good as they used to be. Just now there's tons of turd coming from other developers, but I don't see why that's a problem for me? I don't really get what you expect Nintendo to do. They keep making all the games they used too. Other publishers will only support the Wii how they see fit, Nintendo can't really alter how they feel.
  16. Erm, Nintendo did nothing wrong in dumping Sony. Sony wanted 50% royalties on all Nintendo franchises, that's Mario, Zelda, Metroid, Star Fox, every single one. Imagine that, giving 50% of everything you're worth, it simply wasn't a fair deal for Nintendo and they made the right choice. Even though the PS and PS2 kicked their arse in the years to come, Nintendo still made tons of money, it didn't hurt them financially. It'd feel tainted if Sony owned 50% of every Nintendo franchise anyway, who'd want that?
  17. That was probably Fiscal 2009... Which starts April 2008.
  18. It's coming out early 2008.... SEGA confirmed it 0_o. It's an arcade port, not gonna take them long to make.
  19. Your estimated scores are very amitious. But for me, the first half of the year, it's gonna be Smash Bros, Wii Fit, Okami + PS3 games. I'm sure some other Wii games will swoop in and take my interest though, most likely D:DoC. Samba De Amigo too.... mmmmmm.
  20. The bell songs are fine, I dont' even see the problem. Infact, I find them fun. The game is great, I'm having to balance it with my review copy of NiGHTs so it's a bit difficult.
  21. I would consider buying: SSBB Mario Kart Okami Opoona No More Heroes Rygar Blastwords Wii Fit Not a bad line up, need one for Europe though. Still, plenty of juice there.
  22. Whoa, they're like every other company in the world, EVAR.
  23. They're making a PS3 exclusive game as well, but that's going to be a sort of download type thing which releases at retail (like Warhawk / SOCOM Confrontation). I'm guessing the PS3 project being more minor freed up another team for a Wii game. Sounds good anyway, albeit I'm not sure what to expect, Factor5 are very hit or miss.
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