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Everything posted by jammy2211
Galaxy hit 500000 too, which is impressive albeit maybe disappointing. It's still on course to sell out Mario 64 or Sunshine in Japan though, albeit in a few years. I love it how there was a big thing about the PS3 outselling the Wii for a whole month, and now the amount it outsold it by has already been completely nullified. Journalist sensationalism is still all too present in todays gaming press.
It's going to help the games sales imo, we discussed this a few pages back. European culture doesn't want blood and violence like the US do, so from a business perspective it makes sence.
Don't be foolish, third parties are doing great on the Wii. Hell, name one third party game that deserved to sell more then it ever did? (Let's leave Zack and Wiki out until it's racked up some European sales). And er, No More Heroes has sold as well as anyone could have expected. It's a Suda 51 game for crist sake, they never sell great and the fact it sold 10k on it's first day is more then some of his games have sold in their lifetime.
The more RPG's the better, I don't have a clue what to expect and the fact it was on PS2 bodes for the worst, but with so few RPG's currently on the table I ain't gonna moan. Will check this out at some point.
Yeah you can. I think the game looks good, it's just I can't get over the fact EA are trying to hype it up as this incredible game which was made by the best film director in the world. I think this game would be really exciting if it was a quirky £19.99 indie title being published by majesco or something, instead EA are trying to throw what is an incredible basic and simple game at us while they make stuff like Army of Two / Skate on the other consoles. I just hate what EA are trying to do with this game, it's going to have a much larger marketing budget then developement budget and seems to present it's selling point as the fact Spielberg helped make it more so then the game itself. I'll restore some faith once this doesn't get released as a full price game alongside the likes of Metroid Prime 3 and Super Mario Galaxy.
Has no one cringed at the games name yet?
Game of the Year?
Nintendo's Strategies for the Wii for 2008 and Beyond...
jammy2211 replied to dannyboysays's topic in Nintendo Gaming
I don't think they need to change alot, and it seems like at the moment PS3 and 360 are doing a good job of digging themselves into a rut without the Wii needing to even do anything. I'm sure PS3 sales will pick up next year with whatever games don't eventually get delayed, but I honestly can't see it having any damage on Wii sales which I think are only going to rise once Wii Fit and Smash Bro's are out. Sure, there are alot of things I think Nintendo should do, but nothing they need to do. The third party support is going to come simply with the consoles success and lower developement costs, and WiiWare seems to be set to fill the void of downloadable games on the Wii. All I'd do is up production at the moment, and try and get some more major third party IP's on the system. -
Not heard of that rumour before, that game has seemingly disappeared though. They had an in-game trailer last time we heard about it though *shrug*. Time shall tell I guess. I'm assuming they're talking about the Wii game and not the WiiWare game? Actually I remember a while back they said FFXIII was in trouble, or something along those lines. It does seem odd how this wasn't at TGS, or the upcoming games event in Japan where SE are present. Whether it's been cancelled, going under some major reworking, or just going along at the originally expected pace is anyones guess. Hopefully we'll find out sooner or later, I seriously doubt it'll be canned altogether though.
That on course depends on whether Rising Star were affraid of being rejected completely by the BBFC, or whether they just wanted to get a lower age rating to increase the sales-potential of the game.
I think it's more a cultural thing anyway. Games with blood and gore and violence have for the most part sold poorly in Europe, except in the UK where we have a very similiar culture to that of the USA. There are obvious exceptions but most of these are from major franchises which are recognised worldwide, so it's hardly a legit comparison.
Not sure, I mean this game is already horribly nishe (Cel-shaded graphics, New IP, Japanese design), surely an 18+ rating could give the game the kiss of death sales-wise? The European market has always been less accepting to violent games in terms of sales when compared to the US. I'm not saying I'm for the edit but it's surely going to help the game sell and have a hope in hell of reaching some mainstream appeal.
People are blowing this sales thing way out of proportion. Suda 51 games have never sold over there, I mean Killer 7, the spiritual predescesor of No More Heroes sold under 30k for it's lifetime combined between GC and PS2 sales. No More Heroes has done 10k first day sales and looks like it's going to sell more then Killer7 ever did in Japan. It's nothing to do with a change in the Japanese market or a hatred towards hardcore games, it's just games like this have never sold in Japan since day one :/. It's always been hoping America will save it sales-wise, and in all honesty I think it can. Of course at the moment they're releasing it on the same day as Smash Bro's, sigh. Still, the Japanese sales are hardly anything we shouldn't have expected..
PaRappa the Rapper Creators Making Wii Exclusive Game
jammy2211 replied to gaggle64's topic in Nintendo Gaming
It's not a new Parappa The Rappa game, it's a new game from the creators. Not that it matters, it's no doubt going to be epic once it hits release. This, Samba Di Amigo and Guitar Hero is a pretty lethal trio of Rhythm games. I think we're finally starting to see the response of publishers now that the Wii has been a huge success. -
It's at about 120k worldwide, but is still getting 10k + every week and will undoubtedly sell best in Europe. In all honesty it's already been a good success. It was made by a second or third-tier developement team pretty much composed of new developers and inexperienced rookies. People just gave the game unrealistic expectations, I've seen people try to put it's sales on the same scale of flop as something like Okami or Eternal Darkness, which is ridiculous. For what it is it's selling very healthily.
I think Ratchet and Clank games are good, I did really enjoy the first one and they had great humour to them. Thing was, after the first one the second was out a year later. I played it, and was like, haven't I done this before? Then the third came out and it was overkill, there was no differentiation between the gameplay like Mario platformers have held and it really just got repetitive. I've not played the new one but from what I've heard it's just the PS2 games in a shinyer lick of paint. Exactly the same Gameplay, so I guess for me it'd just feel bland by now. And er, Mario Galaxy sales are going great. Traditionally Mario games sell over a long period of time, Sunshine was selling a decent amount in the weeks 3 or 4 years after the GameCube had been released, and Galaxy will be the same. It'll easily outsell AC by the end of it's life and be challenging to hit 10 million +. Galaxy is currently outselling AC now anyway, by a total of 70k units worldwide :P.
There needs to be two more first-person shooters on wii
jammy2211 replied to stuwii's topic in Nintendo Gaming
Timesplitters 4 is gonna be on ps2 too though, and the Wii version will be made alongside that. Who knows if that'll hold the game back though. Red Steel 2 might be good though, and Call of Duty 5 will be out for Wii next Christmas. Activision are making the James Bond license into a yearly thing too, so I'd expect an FPS from that. In all honesty though I aint too arsed, FPS's are generally crap nowadays and unless Wii gets something dramatically different and innovative I'll pass. -
I want this game, just I'm not sure if i can be arsed with the idea of having to remove the disc and put it back in between my daily plays of it and more traditional games. It's a minor gripe, but one which will no doubt anger me in the end :P.Also storing the balance board could be annoying, and needing a second for multiplayer is weak too. Still, looks like a great piece of software, just hope Nintendo bother to release in Europe before the onslaught of traditional games hits me.
Oh God it's ephidal, here's hoping you're converted from you're GameFAQ habits. Doesn't look like it on the ONM forums but oh well, welcome to the community, it's much better here then it is at ONM, or it was?
Surely the Point Card cases are to make them stand out at retail? I mean, they're surely going to stand out better then whatever else you'd have them packaged as. It is a bit of a waste, although it's nice to get some spare cases from it so I can't complain.
To do that it'd have to sell 5 times as many copies in Europe then in America :/. 300k in Europe would be a great success from what I was told, which would make it a half a million seller, which is much better then alot of games can ever hope to sell, especially for one which didn't have a marketing campaign outside of a few adverts in a young girls magazine :/.
It's hardly fair to compare Wii Fit to Zack and Wiki though :/. Anyway, from the guy I spoke too, apparently Capcom are gutted that they didn't market the game like they should of and I guess they realise they fucked up what could of been a huge seller. The games don't cost much to make. Also they're still expecting good sales from Europe ( Published By Nintendo / Tv Adverts / Point N click games still sell in France / Germany / Spain). It's looking to end up selling 150k in America by the time its sales end, and in europe they're anticipating 200k +, so it's final sales will probably end up pretty respectable and a great pedestal for the sequel to see on, they hope.
Summer 2008 according to Capcom. Could mean anything, I'm gonna guess between April - July though.
I think it's a very reliable source in all honesty. I've seen and heard some other ramblings about a Wii exclusive Megaman game for ages, and these 'rumblings' also pointed at a Monster Hunter Wii game before it was announced, hmm. Zack and Wiki 2 is the best news though, the first one seemingly flopped but I reckon Capcom know they're onto a winner there, just that they've got to market it properly next time. It's still got Europe sales to fall back on anyway, which will no doubt be the highest for the game.
Alot of games missing on the list, I'm guessing alot of companies just never submitted their estimated releases for games yet or something. If Wii Fit, Smash Bros or Mario Kart isn't released in Q1, then one of them is gonna see a heavy delay as Nintendo will never release games of that size together, especially with shortages. I can see it being Smash Bro's which takes a hit too, unfortunately. Still, plenty of games I want on the list, and plenty more that arn't on there yet. We need Samba De Amigo God dammit Sega!