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Everything posted by jammy2211

  1. In the UK yes, but the UK is probably the worst video games market in the world for what sells and what doesn't. It's the best selling indvidual format game this month in Europe, America and Japan, just not the UK. All I'm saying is this game has no where near flopped, and it's sales are quite incredible thus far. Considering Mario games always sell for the whole of a systems lifespan, this could easily end up selling in excess of 10 million worldwide once everything is done and done. Guess it's too soon to be saying stuff like that though.
  2. But NFS is released on about 7 platforms, how the hell is it not going to outsell Galaxy at the start? I seriously can't believe people are complaining about 2 million sales, it's going to sell 4 or 5 times that by the end of it's life...
  3. It's sold 2 million worldwide in under a month, and still has 3 weeks of Christmas sales to go :/. You really can't snub those sorts of sales, the faster selling Wii game so far and this is also subject to Wii shortages and game shortages :/.
  4. Never really missed it, but it was never really that great in the first place. Dual Analogue has always been passable in my opinion.
  5. Nintendo make lots of new franchises anyway, easily as many as any other company out there. New franchises are good, but I'm pretty sure we'd have more people complaning if Nintendo weren't making the next Smash Bros, or next Mario, or next Zelda etc. It's all about balance I guess.
  6. There are tons of developers, some make that sort of junk, but equally there are tons of innovative and creative developers out there moving more and more resources to the Wii. It's impossible to manage it so you only get the good stuff and turn away the crap stuff, and seeing as you choose what you buy, whats the problem? I don't see how having more games is a problem anyway, fair enough all that popcorn games stuff is horrific, but some of what we class as junk is going to be popular amonst some sections of Wii owners.
  7. Firstly there is market saturation, the console can only have so many mini game compilations until they stop selling. Companies will also develope exclusive to the Wii to try get a step up on the competition, the Wii has more exclusives announced for it then the 360 or PS3 so I don't really see this as an evident problem yet. All I ever see is bigger and more ambitious exclusive titles being announced every week for the Wii. Companies will want to make good games, because if they can be one of the first to establish a well-known and successful franchise on the console then they're set for huge sales the whole generation and beyond. As I said, we don't have a clue what Nintendo do to encourage third parties. I'd imagine they're trying hard though, Capcom would be making Monster Hunter 3 a Wii exclusive if Nintendo didn't drop the royalties on some of their games or offer another incentive, surely?
  8. 3rd parties are in it for the money, if they see the potential for profit they'll take it. Making profit doesn't need a game to be good, but it can help. On the other hand, by keeping the consoles power so low they've managed to make developement costs on the Wii at about a third of the price of the other two consoles. We're missing out on alot of the HD projects which started developement long before the Wii was released, but from what I've seen companies can dedicate resources exclusively to the Wii now that it's the most profitable current-gen machine on the market. Nintendo don't need to pay anyone, you can't ignore the fact that companies are much more likely to see green figures if they keep their releases on the Wii. Obviously there are exceptions, where companies like Epic Games obviously suit the HD consoles more, but equally there are smaller developement teams who pretty much can't afford to develope for anything but the Wii. It's not particually common with Microsoft and Sony, and even when it is it's not always going to guarentee a good product in the end. In all honesty we don't have a clue what goes on behind the scenes so I don't see how you can comment.
  9. From what I've heard apparently Capcom are bring Megaman exclusively to the Wii, not a clue how it'll play and if it's even true but that could be what they're talking about. Kid Icarus was only on NES and Gameboy which doesn't really go wit their past few generations thing, and they talked Star Fox last week and didn't seem all that hyped for it. Pilotwings doesn't feel like the megaton they make it out to be either. Also Pikmin 3 doesn't really feel like the dramatic and amazing return they make it out to be, we're all expecting a sequel to that anyway right? But er, what does that leave? A Sin and Punishment sequel would be pretty big albeit it's not really something for all Nintendo fans. It sort of works well with the "People involved" though if Treasure develope it. Golden Sun 3 wouldn't be worth writing off either. Another possibility I guess is Earth Bound, I've never played the series though so I've not got a clue what that'd involve, but that too goes hand in hand with the description. Gonna throw the possibility of a Chrono Trigger sequel being made with the original team who made it on SNES, just for the sake of it :P.
  10. http://www.consolegaming.eu/newspost.php?id=473 I definitely find this quite interesting news. While the features in POkemon snap are passable, if this is the start of greater things to come I'll be a supporter. Pokemon Snap did rule when I borrowed it off my mate too, it was just annoying it didn't have all 150 Pokemon >_>.
  11. It's a PS2 port btw, just so you all know.
  12. It shocks me that games like this ever bother getting released when even the most dedicated Wii fans like us haven't heard of them. I mean, if no one on this forum has ever heard of the game, who the hell is going to buy it?
  13. I was hammered out my face when I posted that, I don't even remember typing it :P. Amazed my typing holds up in those circumstances :S. Anywho, we'll see how things go in 2008. I'm already pretty satisfied but should have more free time over Christmas to catch up on the games I've missed. There's definitely some pretty interesting announcements for games in 2008 from what I've heard anyway. I don't see myself as so much of an optimist more so then a realist, either :P. If you have a use for every feature it comes packed with then it's an incrediblly priced unit at great value. On the other hand, if you don't care about media streaming or Blu-Ray movies, why should I have to pay for things which ramp the cost up, but I don't have a use for. I'll probably get one for summer though, provided Socom Confrontation lives up to my expectations and some of my clan mates get them. I'm not too sure if there's any point though, seeing as I go to Uni in September... hum, decisions.
  14. To me you just put your standards too high, a 9.0 isn't just something that happens when a company feels like it. Making a quality game takes alot more then putting in time and money, it takes that bit of luck or that little something that makes the whole thing work. I mean look at Zack and Wiki and RE:UC. There's no doubt RE:UC had a larger budget and more senior team developing it, but Zack and Wiki ended up being 'in theory' a better game. It's just how it works out I guess. To give credit to Mario and Sonic, the market it's aiming for, (casuals and non gamers) it's probably the most comprehensive and 'pick up and playable' minigames collection on the console. Yeah, it's disappointing their first game together wasn't a platform (I guess, I don't see it working personally), but for what it was trying to do I'd say it was an extremely good game. I'm looking forward to seeing how things pan out in 2008 anyway, most companies who set out to make good games for the Wii started their developement cycles in 2007, meaning nothing released yet has had a year under developement. Time shall tell 0_o.
  15. I reckon Mario will go back up with the release of Wii Fit, not that it really matters. Galaxy was always Nintendo way of winning America (and to a lesser extent, Europe) this Christmas, and the sales thus far show that. It's already broken the 1 million barrier in the USA (or is very very close too) and will no doubt keep selling with Christmas just a month away. 3d Mario have never sold amazing in Japan (I think Sunshine got to about 1.2 million lifetime), and I guess Nintendo were aware of this seeing as they put Wii Fit in the position to be the big Christmas game over there. Galaxy's American sales are incredible enough to make that game a success, and no doubt it's going to sell well for years to come.
  16. For me, yes, but that's more just how I've grown up since the GameCube days and the times when I could play Socom 2 online for 6 hours every night are long gone. I've seen my free time cut dramatically, and the Wii's approach to gaming has sort of co-alined perfectly with my demands and needs changing. So for me, they're definitely making amends. Last generation I had both a PS2 and GameCube, but eventually sold the GameCube simply because I only played Socom. If I was at that age again in that position, I'm pretty sure I'd choose the 360 over the Wii, but alas times have changed. I find it hard to complain about a lack of games. While it's not been a huge glut of games, simply due to having a lack of time I've yet to purchase Metroid Prime 3 and Guitar Hero III, and that's not to say there are other games I'd like to play. Hell, I'd never played RE4 on the Gamecube OR PS2, and it's taken me about 5 months since launch to get around to buying it. So I guess it depends on your situation, I can imagine the Wii being pretty sucky if you're playing video games for 3 or 4 hours every night, and perhaps have a limited budget to how many you can buy. For me though, it's been pretty awesome thus far, and probably has too many games I want in the upcoming months then I can ever hope to play.
  17. It depends how you want to look at it. I'd say the 360 and PS3 were taking video gaming down the gutter, by dramatically rasing developement costs and putting their console at a price most people couldn't afford, it stopped the whole industry being profitable, made it unethical to make games with experiement styles or gameplay and pretty much priced the little indie developers out of ever hoping to make games. Of course, that depends on how you want to look at it. It's nothing to do with the Wii Remote, PS2 has all these craptastic games, and so does the DS. It's the simple fact that the Wii has incredibly cheap development costs, so the companies that make these games can afford to put them on the system. They'd sooner port their rubbish onto the PS3 and 360 if it was possible, but alas it is not. It's a lose-lose situation for Nintendo I guess. If they reveal games now then people will scream that they've delayed them 6 months cause they revealled it too early. Apparently if they take too long they're not letting us get excited or something. Personally I don't want Nintendo to announced an amazing incredible game now if it means I'll be waiting over a year to get my hands on it.
  18. Off the top of my head, 'good' Wii games in 2008 thus far: No More Heroes Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers Zack and Wiki Monster Hunter 3 Trauma Center: New Blood Medal of Honour: Heroes 2 Spore Mushroom Men King's Story Okami Tales of Symphonia: KoR Fragile Red Steel 2 Nights: Jounrey of Dreams Monster Lab Battalion Wars 2 Disaster: Day of crisis Mario Kart Smash Bros Brawl Fire Emblem Animal Crossing Even then, you've still got to remember that we're still in 2007. Nintendo are hardly going to go off screaming about their 2008 line up when games like Galaxy still need to be sold, why take the media coverage away from their games set for release now? Perhaps that line up just doesn't mean alot to you, but for me it kicks arse and holds alot of awesome games I want to buy. I reckon WiiWare will end up with some gems too.
  19. Cause Software sales in December are going to be much much larger then those in Janaury. It is all just a result of these companies being caught off guard to the Wii's success - still. They started making the games early 2007 and were rushing to get them out before xmas in the USA, I guess they just don't have time to translate most of them. I'll get this game if it's £19.99 RRP, any more and it's just injust. Saying that, if HotD 2 & 3 are going to be coming out a month later then I'll just wait for them.
  20. Can I just ask, do people class games which score less then an 8 as bad or something? Would you not buy a game which scores a 7.9 because you think it's mediocre. I look at the list in the first post and I see a host of games I'd consider buying if it weren't for the fact there are already tons back-logged that I need to catch up on. I guess alot of it is just a matter of where you stand as a gamer. I'm a 'hardcore' gamer for sure, but nowadays I see myself having less and less time to play games and an ever growing budget to buy whatever I want. For me I don't need a game to be amazing to enjoy the purchase, but I guess it's different for someone who plays games for many hours a day and can only afford one or two games a month. Of course the greatest irony is that King V is planning on buying PBR. He complains about the 'quality' of games but succumbs to buying one of the worst examples of a cash-in.
  21. Did you intentionally choose to disregard what I stated about how the European launch line up consisting of games which had been out for 9 months already in Japan. GameCube's launch over here isn't comparable to the Wii's, it already had 9 months of games from it's Japan launch! There's no problem, first years suck. For God sake look at every console's first year line up and it's the same story, is it so hard to see that? No publisher wants to release a game in a consoles first year, why the hell would they want too? Obviously it's also partly due to the fact that before the Wii was a huge success no publisher under the sun dared put any resources into the Wii. Wii doesn't need an excuse it has just as many games on that level of quality. Things always look better in retrospect anyway, at the time there was just as much bitching and moaning about the PS2's lack of games as there is for the Wii. If we're going to go down that route, then we should be thankful video games still exsist as last time I checked Nintendo were the ones which picked it up from the gutter Atari left it in.
  22. Seen the Wi-Fi logo on the box, and it's listed for online play on Wikipedia. Can't find anything else about it though, it's on the boxart so I'm sure it is online. Think it'll be full online play or just time leaderboards or something? No point in leaderboards seeing as all the hackers will just hijack then >_>.
  23. All the people struggling on Medium or Easy, just wait until you get too hard :P. Once they introduce the Orange note you have to change your fingering entirely, it took me like a week to fully adjust >_>. I completed nearly all of GHII on Expert so when I get this I should be in a good position to kick all of your arses :P. Saying that I'm not sure 'when' that is going to be, it's going to be a toss up between Umbrella Chronicles of GHIII me thinks.
  24. This is a must buy if it comes out at £19.99 RRP. Any more and I'd feel like I'm being robbed, but I guess time shall tell. Chances are there are too many games coming out around this for me to give it a look-in anyway!
  25. Got my 120, and I can say this game was absoultely magnificient. An almost perfect game from Nintendo which has very much restored my faith in video gaming which had been wanning over the past year. Completely this game has just left me wanting to play more games, it's sort of rekindled that love I had for them as a kid, just awesome. This game was near perfect for me, my one gripe is that although it did get very difficult towards the end it the game felt slightly too easy, I'd have liked a small bit more challenge. Saying that the difficulty curve was great in that it prevented me from ever getting frustrated at the game. I'll probably go back and completely this again for the secret at the end in a few months, for now I'll give this game a break until it's calling me again. I've no idea how on Earth Nintendo are going to progress Mario further, but it's going to take something very very special. They've already got Super Mario's Time Machine :P. And it sucked. But er, that wasn't a real Mario game, just thought I'd bring it up .
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