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Everything posted by jammy2211

  1. It's all media sensationalism, and it just makes me laugh. When you look at the Wii library you're going to be hard pushed to find many third party games which deserve high sales, and any of them which do have been rewarded with impressive figures. The only game which received positive reviews not to have yet sell well is Zack & Wiki, and that's going to sell best in Europe anyway so it's not worth counting that yet. I think there are two problems, firstly is the believe that Wii is a fad and is miraculously going to stop selling. There are still alot of people within the industry that simply can't accept the Wii has any chance of being successful and no matter how much it sells they'll continue to pump most of their resources into the PS3 and 360. I'm guessing once these companies start losing money this'll be addressed. The bigger problem is just companies don't know how to advertise their games or widen their appeal. For example Zack and Wiki is a great game with widespread appeal to casuals and hardcores alike, but they completely disregarded any sort of marketing and that ruined it's sales. On the other hand EA put alot of money into advertising Boogie but they advertised it to the wrong markets and made a terrible game (It still sold pretty well though :S). I'm not really sure where to go with this, but all I can say is third party sales have been extremely healthy thus far and the only reason people question them is because of this myth which sprung up during the N64 and GC days. To be honest people should be alot more worried about PS3 third party sales then Wii's.
  2. That wasn't really the point, it's just so foolish to criticize a game library for being bad when you automatically discard some of it's best games for no apparent reason. I guess it's all about circumstances as well, I'd never played RE4 before so it felt like a new game to me. Whatsmore I don't think less of TP cause it was on GC, because I've only played the Wii version. I can imagine people could get bored easily with the lack of games though, if they play them alot. I don't have much time nowadays for the console so games tend to last me longer, if I were 5 or so years younger chances are I'd be bored out my skin with the console. If you're in that situation though I don't see why anyone would own just a Wii.
  3. so anyway, anyone know any good jokes?
  4. I'm thinking the xmas holidays is giving us all too much free time, judging by this thread :P. It's not like there are any Wii games worth playing now is it :P.
  5. Dude that's absolutely disgusting! Bloc Party suck.
  6. Indeed, I guess someone had to see sense somewhere down the line.
  7. Oh well, nevermind, this arguement is getting silly now. It's going in circles now and I'm tired of repeating myself so lets just leave it. You're right though, without SMG, MP3, Twilight Princess, Super Paper Mario, Excite Truck, Resident Evil 4, RE:UC, Trauma Center, WarioWare and Guitar Hero III the Wii does suck, infact I might sell mine as without this list of games there is nothing worth buying.
  8. I can't really say what that is, but is it the Wii that repelling you or just your interest for games that is wanning? I don't play games anywhere near as much as a I used to, yet I enjoy and appreciate them more then I did as a kid. And I don't think you can parralel the quality directly to the size of the budget of a game. While a bigger budget game can generally mean a better product, there are too many viriables and exceptions to use it as a general rule.
  9. I've never played Bioshock, Halo 3, Gears of War, Mass Effect and Dead Rising, therefore the 360 sucks. That doesn't make sense right? How can I say the 360 sucks without even play it's best games? I can't, it's illogical and stupid. Just like you can't criticize the Wii's poor library, without playing the best games in the library. I've never said it was a 360/PS3 beater, or that 2 games is enough to make the library good (I'd put more then 2 games on the list anyway), but to criticize a console for not having good games while simultaneously not playing the good games already avaliable doesn't make any sense whatsoever. What the hell can the Wii do to convince you it's got a good library of games if you're never going to play them? :S
  10. It did, but on a greater scale.
  11. I don't know if it's him specifically, I was really just speaking to all the pirates in this thread. The whole "I can't afford it, I'm a student, I have no money" thing just saddens me. It's okay for them to get this content for free at the expense of someone else with a family to feed who gets made redundant cause their latest film or game didn't sell to expectations? Then there's the classic "I wouldn't have bought it anyway" card. Well no, they wouldn't have bought it, cause they're now a converted pirate who haven't bought a piece of software or media since the internet exsisted. They're trying to say though that without piracy they would have never bought a CD, game of film, ever? It's just hyperbole to try and justify the fact they're breaking the law and ruining the experience for anyone with some honesty of morales. Piracy just saddens me I guess, and the laughable ways people try to justify it just angers me. I probably went too far but it's not me you should be angry at.
  12. Zack & Wiki has sold 130k thus far in it's life, and is still selling 10k every week worldwide. Whatsmore, it's going to sell best in Europe (Nintendo publish it + Tv Adverts + point n click games still sell here). Trauma Center has sold more then 100k, albeit it flopped compared to Second Opinion which sold 500k + (Surely that nulifies your point though?) Manhunt 2 sold about 150k which is on-par with the PS2 version, if it's selling as well as it did on PS2 how can you complain? You're getting monthly sales of annual sales confused with lifetime sales, somehow, so er, go review wherever you're getting these numbers from. Casual gamers don't care about it though, nor do they care for it's hype. Surely if the Wii is all casualfied though, they're not going to be buying a game like SPM no matter what. Whatsmore it's just one example of many 'hardcore' games which have racked up impressive sales, which goes to show these companies have a sizeable market to try and attract with a good hardcore game on the Wii.
  13. But to criticize a console for a lack of good games, while simultaneously ignoring the good games you're asking for in the first place is simply unjustifiable. It makes you sound like you're talking about the Wii library as a member of the press or some analyst, instead of a Wii owner or as a gamer. It simply has to be some sort of bias or something, it's the exact same as me saying the Xbox 360 has no good games because i've not played any good games on the console.
  14. No, it'd be like someone using a device which copies your things and then takes their value out of your wallet so you don't have the money you'd be due for them. People are made redundant and put out of work because their employees couldn't turn a profit on whatever content they made. I's rediculous, we're all effect by pirates and whatever money these companies lose they're just going to find ways to make back from any honest customers. Games sales drop due to piracy? Then their retail prices are going to raise, it's a never ending downward spiral and piracy is one of the reasons which is ruining it for the rest of us.
  15. To be fair though, you can't criticize the Wii's library of lack of quality games if you've never played MP3 or SMG. SMG is the best reviewed game in the past decade, and MP3 is no slouch either. I mean, it'd be like me criticizing the Xbox 360 for it's lack of quality because all I've played is Kane and Lynch, Timeshift and F.E.A.R, it doesn't make sense. It's pretty much why I don't like to criticize the Wii as of yet, I've never had the time for MP3 yet and I'm still playing through RE4 for the first time.
  16. Bombed? Don't be rediculous, obviously it's very hard to tell but chances are all of those games will have turned a handsome profit, or at least broken even. You've got to remember developing a Wii game takes a third of the money, a third the workforce size and a third the time scale, so even if 360 / Ps3 games sell better that doesn't mean they're more profitable. As for hardcore games selling well, there's plenty of examples. RE4 broke 1 million (and is still selling 50k worldwide weekly), Twilight Princess is headed to 4 million, Super Paper Mario exceed 2.5m, Metroid Prime 3 is closing in on 1 million (selling fastest then MP1 and MP2) and SMG has been supply constrained for alot of time. That's fair enough though, most non-casual gamers don't only own one console for an entire generation, and it puts the Wii in good stead seeing as a Wii compliments a 360 or Ps3 much better then they compliment one another. There are alot more people though who want a Wii or own a Wii, and probably don't even know what an Xbox 360 is. Obviously these are the dreaded casual gamers, but I don't think people are fair to what they can bring to a console. Companies will make games that casuals and hardcore players can enjoy and these will be what stick out. Chances are these people will have their mind changed at some point, it depends on what heads to the Wii I guess. All it takes for these people to want a Wii is one incredible game that suits their tastes and they'll happily lay down the money to buy a Wii, by the time this happens it's not like they're going to be expensive anyway.
  17. The VC is retri, it's not trying to recreate games or do what you want, it's trying to make playing the games feel exactly like it did 20 years ago when we were growing up and experiencing 3d gaming and the like for the first time. WiiWare should fix what you're asking for come next year, there are so many games being made for it at the moment it's kinda scary. Anyway, this debate seems pretty stupid. I must say I'm getting a bit underwhelmed looking at 2008s line up and I'm thinking I'll get a PS3 to play over summer, I guess that depends on how the Wii line up ends up though. It's really too soon to be judging though, I reckon the Wii and 360 both have some big games to be announced for them in the upcoming months, and PS3 obvious has all the games which got delayed.
  18. In it's first 5 weeks it's sold the same amount that Sunshine sold in it's first half a year on the shelves. It's still holding legs to be selling 300k+ copies every week worldwide, and is the fastest selling Wii game ever. People just see Halo's first weeks sales and try to apply that to every game, which is absolutely rediculous. Mario Galaxy is a game which'll never stop selling, like the best selling DS titles or games like Twilight Princess (which sold 150k+ this month, a year after it's release). Galaxy is selling extremely well and I'm confident getting past 10 million worldwide will happen, albeit maybe not for a few years.
  19. To all the people out there who are bitching at pirating video games, can you honestly say you've never downloaded music? Never even an album? That's why I find piracy so hard to argue against, and it's best to just let people make up their own mind on what they want to do. If people are going to chip their consoles and not buy games, fine, but they can **** off if they try and complain that a game isn't finished, or that there arn't enough new IP's, or that companies arn't innovating. I buy all the games I own and feel that only aids my enjoyment, if you're given the opportunity to play every game for free you soon start to lose the appreciation factor they give you. It becomes bland and unrewarding, so for me I pity anyone who pirates, because chances are they've forgotten why they enjoy games in the first place. With music it's a bit different, I will happily download albums to find out which bands I like, but once I know they're worth of my cash I'll add their album to my collection of over 300 CDs. So er, what was the point of this post? Basically people, stop being hypocrits. p.s. I saw someone say Cars were worth more then computer games, that's a hard point to argue seeing as some games can cost in excess of $30 million+ to develope, and I'm sure all the employees who go rendudant are just as effected as the guy who had his car stolen.
  20. You used NOtes to open doors to progress further didn't you? And the Jiggy's went in the paintings to open the next levels. I enjoyed collecting the notes, at the time exploring a 3d world like that just felt awesome. I reckon Galaxy would have been better for me if it gave me a reason to explore every crevice of every galaxy in order to get the best reward, the purple coins sort of helped but it didn't feel so fluent having to do it on seperate levels.
  21. Suda 51 broke off from Capcom after Killer 7 to make his own studio, Grasshopper Manufacture. Rising Star are trying to spin it that Suda chose for the blood to be cut in Europe, whether this is true or they refused any other way is anyones guess. Sounds like they're not going to reverse their decision though, I think they should come up with a clever solution. See, if I was Rising Star games I'd make two versions for Europe, a sensored version which is released at retail like normal, but also the bloody one and sell it for a direct order from the website, so any die-hard fans arn't going to be upset. Surely this wouldn't cost them anything? May just be hard to supply two versions seperately.
  22. Sure it does, apparently they're the ones sensoring it :P. Anywho, when do you think we'll start to have some reviews coming in for this?
  23. I wouldn't put it past Capcom to sensor a game they've absolutely no affiliation with whatsoever. Oh, wait.... And er, anyone think the blood styles could be accessed via an xploder or action replay?
  24. Those models are ripped straight from Half Life 2, I swear. look identical :/, for the guns I mean. That game seems a bit, iffy, hmm.
  25. This is a series I want to get into, but aint prepared to pay £30+ for the GC or Wii game. I think I'm best off starting with the original's remake on DS which is coming next year, think that's the best option?
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