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Everything posted by jammy2211

  1. You being serious? Geometry Wars on Wii has like, 50 times more content then the X360 download. The fact it is only £20 is incredible and makes it a great bargain.
  2. I didn't read it anywhere, I just know it. And Camelot would say that, I mean, they're only going to confirm it when they want to right? Before then, it doesn't exsist, according to them.
  3. Zack and Wiki I'll buy (Might wait a while, getting Cod4 soon). Also getting Review copy of Geometry Wars (DS and Wii).
  4. Would be awesome, but I hope it isn't one of them season things they keep releasing on the PC. Should be a completely new game, sequel to Sam & Max Hit the Road.
  5. Golden Sun 3 is in developement and will be annouced soon. I can't say what platform though, I'm guessing the Wii though what with the whole Camelot RPG thing. Might not be that but it definitely makes sense. Don't think Nintendo have any other RPG's in developement ready for annoucement, and can't see someone like Square-Enix letting Nintendo power annouce their new RPG.
  6. IS this confirmed for online yet? 2008 has two awesome fighters lined up for the HD consoles (This and Tekken 6), and if only Tekken 6 is online, then I know which one I'm getting :P. So er, anyone know? Never played a SC before but now would be a good time to start.
  7. Japan does celebrations / gift buying for new years, not xmas.
  8. You Microsoft are desperate when they have to use phrases like "Most 3rd party revenue" to do their PR thing. I mean, they did have good software sales and stuff, but it's the most terrible phrasing ever. I mean like, having start ths year with 10m units sold, compared to Wii and PS3 with under 2m, did they expect anything different? :/
  9. PS3 = 9 million 360 = 16 million Ps3 is currently outselling 360 worldwide by about 40k - 50k weekly, although with the whole post-holiday money saving it's not a great time to look at weekly sales. Ps3 will outsell 360 in the end though, if you aline launches it's ahead of the 360 and clearly has the best line up this year for selling hardware. It just needs to get a price cut in America and get MGS4 out.
  10. Depends what you mean by flop, it's not going to do a Dreamcast as it has too much importance to Sony in doing other stuff. They're not going to remove it from the market, PSP would be the more likely platform to do that but it ultimately still proved profitable. As for doing a GameCube, I'd again say near zero. Firstly most games nowadays will see a PS360 (and PC) multiplat release, so developing exclusives isn't going to happen all that much. whatmores PS3 is going to eventually outsell the 360 so in the end they're going to be pretty matched, there are far too many games in developement for the Ps3 to do a GameCube now anyway.
  11. I dunno, to me it was let down with the 3 best games being exclusuvie to 3 different platforms (SMG - Wii, Drakes - PS3 and Bioshock - 360), which sort of made it hard for alot to people to enjoy. Whatsmore all the good releases were rammed into the last 3 months of the year, which made most of 2007 seem like a wait, and then bam, it turned awesome :/.
  12. Wrong Forum Lolz.
  13. Definitely great to hear companies can do stuff like that, obviously we still need to know it's gonna work but it sounds great. Shame about the loading at the start though, albeit I'm sure I could wait 10 minutes :P. Hope this happens more often though, it seems weird it's taken over a year for a game to do something like this. I'm guessing all the X360 ports are holding it back, or maybe the tech just wasn't there? *shrug*.
  14. No, in theory a game could be played entirely off the hard-drive (some are) and thus load times would be reduced. It's mainly a bigger advantage for online gaming, where lag can be reduced greatly seeing as everyone has a hard-drive to do stuff quicker. I'm no expert but I know it works something like that, helps with load times too. I mean, A PS3 game can be developed knowing they can handle some loading / storage etc on a hard-drive, they can't do that on the 360 due to the Core / Arcade packs.
  15. Fair enough, it was just one point out of a few though. It's still too early to be judging PS3 graphics I guess.
  16. Right, we've not really had many good words for the PS3 yet, so I'm going to assume the role of why I think the PS3 is a better purchase then the 360, in the long-term at least. The main reason for me, is that Microsoft have yet to convince me they're going to try and push innovation and 'different' games in any sort of way. Their stronghold is in making traditional games(albeit making them kickarse) i.e. FPS's, Racers, Sports, a few third person games... and er, it gets a bit dry from their. For some people it's great, but I prefer Sony's approach where they make these sort of games, but push the different and innovative ideas too (LittleBigPlanet, White Knight Chronicles, Eyetoy stuff, Buzz, Singstar etc). Whatsmore, I also feel the PS3 has the potential to create the better games. I'll admit that 95% of games will be multiplatform and similiar, but even it's just a few first party games, PS3's advantages like Blu-Ray, every console having a hard-drive, the better hardware, more lenient restrictions on home-brew and support for many different peripherals via blue-tooth do present a potetially better platform for developing a game, obviously it could be years until we see the results of that, who knows? Anywho, it's just my opinion, I'm all open to debate it though, as I'm sure many of you know :P. And er, list of exclusive PS3 games I'd class as exciting (albeit some might be 2009 releases): The Agency Disgaea 3 Eight Days Final Fantasy XIII Final FantasyvsXIII The Getaway 3 God of War III Gran Turismo 5 Haze InFamous Jak and Dexter: The lost Frontier Killzone 2 L.A. Noire LittleBigPlanet Metal Gear Online Metal Gear Solid 4 Motorstorm 1 & 2 Ratchet and Clank: ToD Socom Confrontation Tekken 6 Uncharted: Drakes Fortune WarDevil White Knight Story (Chronicles) Yakuza 3 Albeit 2008 lines ups is hard to tell, Microsoft will no doubt be adding to there's at some point, and I'm sure Sony will have some additions too, who can tell. In my opinion you're going to be in gaming bliss with either console, just Ps3 you might have to wait a few months to reach it (if you don't want any of the games out now :/).
  17. I think the next big exclusive for PS3 is Haze, although when it's getting released is beyond me. Most places still seem pretty set on Janaury 18th, but Ubisoft have been playing silly buggers with their release date so there's still time for a huge u-turn. I think that'll be my next game too, albeit I might need to complete Zack & Wiki before buying it. I still think it could flop so I'll wait for the reviews, and I've not got time to catch up on 2007's best yet seeing as exams are here to steal my time. Hopefully I'll be getting Haze for free with an offer on my broadband anyway :P. Anywho, anyone a fan of SOCOM? That is the game which is going to define PS3 online, and is the single reason why I chose it above the Xbox 360. I really hope they don't screw this one up, but so far the signs are positive, just don't want to see it get delayed too much .
  18. I've never played a DMC game before, will I be okay to buy this ?
  19. Anyone know if there is any news on Eternal Sonata's port to the Ps3? I need an RPG for the system and this seems to be the first headed it's way, unless White Knight Story really ends up pushing ahead >_>.
  20. Got a PS3 today, and so far, all I can say is wow. I didn't see myself as a graphics whore or as someone who'd care for this sort of thing anymore, but I've been completely won over. Albeit I'm still lacking for games, but Pro Evo 08 looked great when I gave it a spin and Ninja Gaiden Sigma has been effing awesome so far. I would have got Drake's too but the shop was out of stock, but that's definitely next on my to buy list along with Zack and Wiki and Ratchet and Clank. But yeah, awesome so far, my internet is horribly unrealiable at the moment so I've not had a chance to check out all the online stuff. I'm looking forward to that online Tekken PSP game though, and Street Fighter HD.
  21. It's a nice post DCK, but I don't think it'd overcome the huge hurdle that is the fact there is a huge lack of software for the hardcore demographic, which is ultimately why peopel question Nintendo's intentions. This so called hardcore demographic are the core gamers, they're the ones that will go wherever the games are. Nintendo don't need to market the Wii to them, or say to them "Hey, look, we're bunding MP3 with the console", all Nintendo need to do is present a great array of games to them. That's why I think your logic is flawed, the hardcore gamer can be swayed simply by one must have game. For me, if Nintendo want to get the core gamers involved all they need is for themselves, or a third party, to make great traditional games, with a twist of Wii in them. Mario Galaxy did it, MP3 did it, Smash Bros will do it and I've no doubt other games being planned or developed will do it, but the sooner these games come the better. I guess I just don't like your idea of Nintendo trying to throw tons of hints at the hardcore gamer, the (truly) hardcore gamer will only go where the best games are, and thats what Nintendo should be aiming at :/.
  22. Rare own the license and rights to the game, but the games are on the Nintendo 64 format which is owned by Nintendo, hence Microsoft can't put them on XBLA without an agreement. So basically, unless an agreement is made, the games can't be put on the VC cause Microsoft own the rights to them, and they can't be put on the XBLA because Nintendo own the format. The one thing Rare could do is remake the games for the console, but I doubt they'd do that.
  23. If the er GameCube didn't come with a different method of progression then no, I wouldn't be happy. I don't see how this applies to the change from GameCube to Wii though? And er, I would happily pay full price for a game OoT quality, it can have 8-bit graphics for all I care if the game is as good as OoT was when I played it I couldn't care less how good the graphics are.
  24. Think I'm gonna get one of these soons, just, there is absolutely no games on the market that inspire me to buy it. I'll probably get Uncharted and Ninja Gaiden to start with, but neither look all that for the moment, and the upcoming release list looks equally poor (2 games in the whole of Janaury? Poor.) Still, I want one for Socom Confrontation so there you go. Anyone got any recommendations? Ratchet and Clank is another possibility, or maybe Folklore or something? Anyone know where I can get some of the early games for cheap maybe too? (Resistsance, Motorstorm etc).
  25. Looking at the GameCube's launch line up is a bit silly seeing as it came out 9 months after it did in Japan, so after a year in Europe it actually had 21 months worth of software :/.
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