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Everything posted by jammy2211

  1. Yeah I get that all the time now, I listen to solos and then think "wow that'd be awesome in Guitar Hero", and then imagine the colour note order it's follow. I'm 100% pleased with buying this now, I gave up on GHII in the end cause you had to be so horribly precise with your hammer-ons and pull-offs it just killed the game for me. They've made them much easier now to do now, and simply upped the diffculty in the songs to balance it out, which just makes the game more enjoyable. It just feels more fair when you lose unlike previous games. Hopefully my internet will be fixed soon so I can kick some of your arses :P. I've done One on Hard now and should have completed hard by the end of tommorow, I reckon I can probably gets to Knights of Cydonia on expert quite easily too, but wanna do hard first.
  2. The game starts much easier then most, and never really gets harder. I think ultimately that's what seperates the game from being one of the best ever to just one of the best this generation. It's still an amazing game, but I can't forgive how easy it is now I've had the time to look back on it. Although it's low difficult curve does keep the game enjoyable the whole way, and never gets frustrating, ultimately I just wish there was say 10 stars which I couldn't complete within 15 minutes of trying max.
  3. You mean like Luub? Oh er, that was terrible. Apologies!
  4. Just beat Knights of Cydonia on hard, took a bit of practise but wasn't that bad. Think before I move onto expect I'm gonna have to go back and 5 star alot of these songs though :/. Gonna finish hard first though.
  5. Do you do the fingering so your fingers are on red, yellow , blue then orange and you move the first finger up to green? It's really just a matter of adjusting to it. Best advise I can give is play through some of medium again, but using the finger you would do on hard. It means you don't have to worry about orange yet and you can get used to moving your hand up and down for the green notes and chords.
  6. Can't do a source, but it's the media create / VGchartz preliminary numbers, so they'll post the final figures in a few days. They put their range as 170000 - 200000 so it's bound for a good week whatever happens. Software sales were immense the whole way through, 7 games sold above 100000, yet there were no Ps3 games in the charts :P. It's about 100k off beating Sunshine's LTD sales in Japan, it's going to have kicked it's sales arse by the end of this generation.
  7. In a complete U-turn of events, Super Mario Galaxy has become this weeks top selling Wii game in Japan selling in excess of 170000 copies, while Wii Fit sells 143000 and MArio and Sonic ATOG's sells a healthy 100000+. I think that's quite crazy, about 7 weeks since launch and it's selling incredibly again. Obviously it's just the boost thanks to the Japanese new year celebrations (they don't do Christmas Presents they do that sort of thing with new years), but just wow, the game has been picking up in JApan all month and now it's set to sell even more incredibly :/. With one more week until new years if the game does that again next week it's going to be headed to 1 million in Japan all on it's own, the fears of this game flopping are really behind us now :/.
  8. There's that Sword of Legendia too, although it seems to have disappeared :/. The RPG's are bound to come sooner or later anyway, we all saw what happend once DS won the Japanese market. Now the Wii is doing the same in Japan it's surely only a matter of time :P.
  9. Well if this one isn't for Wii one of the others annouced is bound to be, or they'll just have another RPG in developement somewhere. Odd choice in the 360 though, especially after Eternal Sonata flopped heavy. I'm guessing Microsoft are offering more incentives, or maybe Namco are just stupid.
  10. I'd agree, Excite Truck is just about being awesome and the Wii Remote controls help it pull that off. Without them it'd never have felt as exciting and would have never been the gem of a game I thought it was. God I hope they make a sequel. For more realistic games I don't know if it'd add anything, although I'd like to see someone use the Wii Remote as a steering wheel and balance board as the gas and brake (There's great potential for making accelerating / braking input analgoue instead of digital). God know if it's work, but really why play a reaistic racer on Wii as oppose to PS360 if it's not gonna use Wii controls :/?
  11. I think third party sales have been good enough for any third party that cares to look at them and see huge potential in the console. I think the bigger problem is alot of people within the industry just have this loyalty towards Sony and Microsoft, and they still believe these myths that third parties can't sell on Wii despite so many games selling incredibly well :/. Thing is good games are gonna take like 18 months to make, so it's not gonna be till early 2008 they're even announced and late 2008 we start to receive them. Publishers waited with the same level of patience before commiting to the DS, and the exact same is happening to the Wii now, excpet it's been a huge success since launch, unlike the DS which took a year or so to get going.
  12. It won't be PS3 or 360, unless it's coming out in 2009 (which they said it wasn't). The 'path' thing for 2008 didn't include the console, which pretty much sums their attitude towards it. There are 3 Tales of Games annouced at this thing though? So we can guarentee at least one of them will be for the Wii. I'd guess 2 for Wii and 1 for DS, seeing as DS just had that Tales of Innocense game released in Japan.
  13. Erm, Nintendo have nothing to worry about sales-wise, they could cancel MArio Kart and Smash Bro's and still outsell the competition just from the host of causal gamers who now want to console. Wii Fit is going to be absoloutely huge (it already is in Japan), games like M&S and SMG arn't going to stop selling consoles just cause it's 2008 all of sudden (they're both selling 300K+ worldwide weekly... still). I would question how the PS3 hopes to improve it's sales with a line up of games which appeal to a very similiar demographic, which is much more nishe then the Wiis, whatsmore at a price that is out of the reach for the majority of console purchasers ($199 is believed to be the sweet-point for gaining mainstream console sales... even the Wii hasn't hit that yet, but you can bet it'll be the first too.) The Wii was selling out for most of 2007 with no meaningful exclusives, and now that it's getting some that's no reason for sales to decrease. P.s. I think it's worth noting that Sony has been the most vocal over it's 2008 line up, because it's 2007 line up was clearly the worst (in terms of sales power / generating hype). Chances are both Nintendo and Microsoft have some aces held to their chests they'll reveal once they need to stop hyping up their big games of 2007.
  14. It's missing half the release list being announced in Europe. If we had the same schedule as America had I don't think anyone would be complaining, just we've seen about 5 or 6 good / great games delayed until...er... we still don't know. Aside from that, it's missing the sequel to Zack and Wiki being announced, and some exclusive Sonic and Megaman games, which will be announced in 2008. Also, to people saying RPG's, they'll come back the never come at the start of a consoles life. Aside from Microsoft paying big bucks to a few compaines to make them for them (Blue Dragon, Lost Oddyssey) most RPG makers are finishing their PS2 projects / starting DS projects and waiting to see which console becomes the next big success in Japan. Developing an RPG is one of the most expensive and timely genres, and most of these companies are too small to afford the risk if they end up making it for the least successful console. The recent annoucement of the Tales Of / Monster Hunter 3 should be a sign of where they're headed though.
  15. The picture showing the 4 platforms is to illustrate the 'path' the Tales of series is taking in 2008. I think the size of the bubbles speak for themselves, with the Wii and DS getting the main series and big name games, while PSP and PS2 will be seeing remakes and spin offs. Namco seem to be putting alot into the Wii at the moment, that Fragile game looked pretty nifty and now the Tales of support is coming. I'm guessing the return they saw from Eternal Sonata was non-exsistant so it only makes logical sense, here's hoping other third parties will be doing the same :P.
  16. I got GHIII a few days ago, that'll hold my attention for many weeks to come. Also I need to complete RE4, which I've still got a good deal of work to do. Think the next game I get will be Z&W, followed by No More Heroes in Feb and the HotD package thing provided it's only £20. Samba De Amigo will be a must-have when it's released too, and I still need to pick up Metroid Prime 3 :/.
  17. Well there are already Tales Of games in the works for all the other system's listed in their hint thing, so it sort of nulifies your point I guess. Whatsmore, the Wii one we currently know is more of a spin off then a new series. They've already had proven success on the GameCube so I guess they'll have enough faith to go with the Wii, Japan sales pretty much say it all. Time shall tell anyway, if this isn't a Wii game then there will no doubt be another Tales Of gaming to come along and take that role. Failing that, another awesome RPG of some kind.
  18. Not a clue what the hell to expect, but Namco would be nuts to put the game on any console other then DS or Wii. Tales of... games can't command to sales to return the developement costs on PS3 or 360 (360 has no presense in Japan anyway) and lets face it, Wii is selling like hotcakes. Saying that, PSP still has a good presense in Japan and can sell RPG's in numbers. Although I think whatever Tales of game they released on the PSP flopped, so Wii it is. God knows Wii needs every RPG it can grasp :P.
  19. You can't seriously believe that sticking an "exclusive" label on a game is going to help it sell better. Especially in a thread about appealing to casual gamers, who I'm pretty sure don't give a flying monkeys whether the game they're thinking about buying is avaliable on another console they've probably never played. While I agree a game being exclusive can help sales on that one platform, ultimately it'll never give a big enough increase to nulify the potential sales it could have gained on the other platforms it was released on. Your goldeneye example was rediculous for so many reasons, mainly due to the fact that goldeneye was one of the best games in history (and credited it this title at the time) whereas NightFire was a good game which could easily be forgotten. I think developers on the Wii should work on making new ideas which can appeal to both traditional and casual gamers. Anyone can play guitar hero, and any casual will give it a go, but despite it's casual appeal any more hardcore gamer and dive into a challenging and in-depth experience. This sort of formula is how games need to be made, because it includes everyone and leaves out no-one.
  20. Bought it today, twas fun thus far but feels annoying that I'm not as good as I used to be. I'm sure it'll be alright though after a few days practise. I'm really get bogged down with games now, I don't have a clue what I'm going to do. I've still got alot of RE4 to play, and havn't even started SPM. God knows why I bought this, I'm going to have to put some restrictions on myself from now on .
  21. Surely using one reviewers scores is the exact same as using what I'd rate them, seeing as well, it's their reviewers opinion vs mine? (And I'm a journalist for a video game site who are members of GameRankings.com too). I would point out all 6 of those games are second year games for the 360, and so while we like the present and it's great at the moment it is a bit of a harsh comparison for the Wii. You're trying to make out that the quality of a video game isn't subjective anyway, which is absolutely rediculous. I'm sure there are millions of people who would much prefer to play Wii Sports then Halo 3 (and these are the sort of people who don't work in the games press industry), why is their opinion any lesser then mine our yours?
  22. I think companies can easily make games tailed to either audience and see sizeable sales, I mean just looking at the top sellers list shows as much presense for minigames and casual stuff as it does the more traditional style games. No More Heroes isn't really a fair example, because Suda 51 games have never sold well. Infact NMH's is one of his best ever selling games in Japan thus far, which sort of makes the example seem a bit foolish. I just can't see where people get this idea that minigames / casual games are the only type of software which has any sales presence. I mean sure, Mario PArty 8 and WarioWare are selling very well, but all 4 Mario Party's on GameCube sold over a million copies, and the WarioWare's sold equally impressively on DS and GBA. I'm guessing people are just ignorant and go with what others say, just seems odd to me.
  23. I can't be arsed to argue with the rest of your post, but this part seemed worth quoting. Nintendo have already done exactly what you just said they had to do, but on the DS. It took 2 years for it to kick off properly though, but there's no doubt since the launch of the DS it had the exact same questions thrown at it until it finally silenced it's critics. I think 2008 is going to be where we really see how things are going to develope. Most publishers started putting resources into the Wii mid-2007, and their games will be ready for release in 2008. Time shall tell what type of games they're focusing on making, and what are the best sellers.
  24. That could be why, although I can't see the third parties being happy to delay their game past the Christmas software rush because Nintendo arn't making enough discs. I'd put it more down to the fact localization and PAL conversion just weren't finished in time, most of the games you listed are being released pretty late in the US.
  25. Nintendo produce the discs for all companies, including third parties, and they're not able to currently make enough to cope with the demand. There was an article a few months about it, there's simply more games then Nintendo can make discs for. It's a weird thought, compared to the GameCube days anyway. Still, hopefully Nintendo will address it in time, hmm.
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