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Everything posted by Rowan

  1. Looking forward to ending DuDs unbeaten run
  2. I'm hoping this will make my stubble somewhat presentable but it could just as easily be a waste of money. Willing to give it a shot though.
  3. I've tried to avoid seeing as much footage & previews as possible about this, but I think I'm going to buy a PS4 for this game next month....
  4. I hate adding on to the negativity but after the Champions League season I'll be evaluating whether I'll be staying on. I feel I'm no longer able to put in the time to find players/develop a squad as well as having to remind myself to set tactics for each game. That said, it would be a shame to throw away the work I have put in so far so maybe some changes to the format could reignite my enthusiasm (maybe even changing the match days to Wednesday/Saturday or Thursday/Sunday?).
  5. I saw Lego City limited edition for £20 in HMV Oxford Street (the one closing down/relocation). Other WiiU games and accessories are reduced in price including downstairs so worth checking out.
  6. I'm not able to log in and handle my squad as much as I used to and it's clearing showing in our results. Does now mean I'll probably be in the group of death next season :p
  7. Will watch it when I'm home from work. Fortunately Nintendo are pretty good at uploading it to youtube quite quickly so I'll hopefullly remain spoiler free. I have no real hope/expectations for the direct itself but it'll be nice to see some more Mario Kart footage. However I demand there be a montage video celebrating Luigi's year
  8. I know it's not a film but it's pretty much become tradition for me to watch a few episodes of Seinfeld every Xmas Eve:awesome:. Usually the Festivus one then a few others.
  9. Not doing too well this season points wise but DV is on track. Hopefully we'll go on a winning run in the 2nd half of the season.
  10. Ps4 + vita + 90 days ps+ £450. Go go go http://www.play.com/stores/ShopTo/listing/898328695
  11. Stolen from GAF but these Channel 4 PS4 idents are really cool: Hope you guys enjoy your new console and hopefully I'll be joining you in 2014
  12. I really love Charlie Brooker's work so I have high hopes this documentary will be great. They're also showing Indie Game: The Movie tomorrow night immediately afterwards.
  13. Bluewater Shopping Centre checking in They're short video ads which are looping around the whole mall, good to see the marketing kicking in.
  14. A lot of games have headphone specific settings for audio which I only recently discovered. For example in Uncharted it's much easier to figure out what direction bullets are coming from with the setting switched on than without. Putting it at an OS level will make it much easier to switch to headphones without having to do it manually for each game. Theoretically the audio should be cleaner too as you won't be passing sound via a TV inbuilt processing but I don't know much about this area.
  15. I just checked and I'm away to Eights United on 24th December. Well that's Christmas ruined.
  16. If like the Wii, Nintendo position the WiiU as everyones affordable 2nd console then it should do quite well. Whether that means removing the gamepad or not then so be it but right now I wouldn't be able to afford multiple consoles next gen and would rather not miss out on 3rd party titles. The only way I would personally expect Nintendo to have parity when it comes to online would be if they charged a subscription.
  17. I hope to move out to London next year once I'm settled at work but unfortunately the rent prices seem too much for me for what you get in return. I'm not so keen on the idea of living with strangers first time out so hopefully an opportunity will come up with a friend in the next few months. Similarly, I feel I should have a landlord just so it's not completely my responsibility if utilities break. (We've had so many radiator leaks, water leaks, more than 1 ceiling collapse that I don't want to go through the stress of it on my own :p)
  18. I'll be buying this game regardless of what direction they decide to go in. Assuming its out November 2014 I can hopefully do a media blackout from E3 onwards
  19. is there a link for the old Bonus Round? I'd love to rewatch it. I wonder if N'gai is still obsessed with Cut The Rope:p
  20. Away from the doom and gloom I think it's pretty cool to see a game like BF4 top of the Japan charts.
  21. So this news slipped from my radar but it looks like a lot will be signing up to BT Sport in 2 years time Bt Sport has the exclusive UK rights to every Champions League & Europa league game starting from the 2015/16 season. At least 1 match featuring each British team will be shown FTA per season though it hasn't been decided if BT Sport will let BBC/ITV broadcast it. The final is free. Disappointed to say the least. Whilst I do qualify for free BT Sport because of broadband something tells me there'll be a compulsory fee from that season.
  22. Sci-Fi Sale on PSN. http://blog.eu.playstation.com/2013/11/06/sci-fi-sale-starts-today-save-on-lost-planet-3-binary-domain-vanquish-more/ Some very good deals with PS+ discount on top. Picked up Blood Dragon for £3.59.
  23. Nintendo have been pretty creative with working around retailer demands with the early eShop releases, Luigi U being cheaper as DLC as well as the Pikmin W101 bundle. Likewise, along with permanent price drops on both PSN & eShop, the games free on Plus are getting better and newer with AC3, Remember Me, Far Cry 3 all released in the past year. Then there's games free near to release like Thomas Was Alone, Resogun & Drive Club which is great value. The Xbox sales & USA PSN sales are generally quite good that given the circumstances I think they're doing the best they can. Sure we'd like to see all release games at least at same pricing as disc or a tad cheaper but the reality is there are far more retailers to please and the likelihood that one of them will price them cheaper. I'm hoping with the start of the next gen more retailers will opt to selling download codes to bring digital prices down. I think they'll have to as one day it'll be a disc less future.
  24. You'll be surprised. Next thing you know you're designing banners for S-Europe :p:D
  25. Would anyone like a friendly? I'm ok with being away from home
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