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Everything posted by Rowan

  1. Feels like I've either peaked or the level of competition has gotten seriously high in the past fortnight. I hit about 600 in Ranked Solo but now regardless of playlist I struggle to win. I'm up for playing more games with players from here though sometime?
  2. Really fun games with Emerald, Lost & Hero's nephew. Scores this cracker last night with them:
  3. Trying to get a few cup games going tonight if you are around. Anyone else is welcome too
  4. Tough monday, hoping we can get it out of our system with cup games at some point over the weekend.
  5. Good impromptu set of games tonight with Lost, Gmac and Sexual Chocolate. Cheers for joining in. Hopefully Emerald won't have lag next time, I've had that nat message pop up in the past so initially I thought maybe it was because I started the party chat.
  6. I can probably do 6:30. Depends how bad the England game is.
  7. With E3 next week, any chance we can move clubs to later today or tomorrow?
  8. Yup happy to do so.
  9. 6 years ago yesterday I joined Xpert Eleven and I have really enjoyed my time playing this game. Throughout my Sixth Form, Uni and the past year I have always looked forward to Tuesday/Friday for N-E match day particularly for forum threads and friendly rivalry. However after 27 seasons, 464 matches, 306 million in Sponsorship money, the odd cup/league trophy it's time for me to hang up my boots. It's been awesome being a part of this I feel a bit bad that some of my VIP from the raffle is going to waste so I've bought 2x 3 month memberships that Lylat is free to give out. Farewell!
  10. I can hop on for a few.
  11. Yeah I echo Emerald I would enjoy picking this up again once or twice a week.
  12. There was an ad during 4Music for this today.
  13. I signed up last week here: http://psyonix.com/BC2/Invite/RocketLeagueSignupPS4.php and got an invite on Thursday morning. Finally got to play a couple of matches and it's brilliant! Perfect tonic after feeling somewhat drained from finishing Bloodborne a couple of weeks ago. First match scored the winner in overtime after going behind twice, another match scored a hat trick
  14. I'd be up for Pro Clubs sometime, it's been too long.
  15. Congrats @Fierce_LiNk. Yourself and I have been roughly on the same pace since release I finished it yesterday and really loved the journey. Unfortunately I didn't realise you have to:
  16. Lost you're a good captain in my eyes! I really doubt the club would be active without you. It seems like we need to decide which formations work best depending on how many players we have and who is on. If I'm right in thinking it's cups this weekend so plenty of opportunity for experimentation.
  17. Playing public drop in games are genuinely awful in my opinion that I would advise against it. I don't know how much FIFA you have played in the past but once you know the basic controls by playing a few exhibition / career matches then you'll be more than welcome in the club
  18. Tactics all set for the first game of the season...definitely feels weird being in the middle league but I look forward to seeing how the merge goes! Hopefully some of the members make their way on to the forums too. Great write up Dan.
  19. Don't think I will score a better goal... Really good night for the club all around.
  20. Anyone around tonight from 6:30? Quite keen to get as much Clubs as we can before we're all back working. @Hero\-of\-Time, @Sexual Chocolate, @gmac, @Fierce_LiNk, @MadDog @Esequiel
  21. I can head on. Looked like PSN was acting a little flakey earlier though.
  22. Contemplated getting out the PS3 and buying South Park after hearing about it on a GOTY podcast. So I check the psn price...£50! Think it's £15 on disc but by the time it arrives I'll probably be back to work.
  23. I can do 4pm.
  24. Awesome, usual 6pm then?
  25. Anyone around tonight for clubs if PSN is online? @Hero\-of\-Time, @Sexual Chocolate, @gmac, @Fierce_LiNk, @MadDog @Esequiel
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