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Everything posted by Rowan

  1. I'd be surprised to see a Pokemon 3DS bundle announced this early. Surely Nintendo need to convince people to buy a 3DS now and not in 2 months.
  2. That was episode 1. So there's more to come:woops:
  3. Gonna regret accepting this when my form is taken a huge dent after losing tomorrow. When does the new season start?
  4. GTA 4 at 14th there and 9th on the individual formats for 360 is rather impressive. The new one is going to do insane numbers.
  5. Definitely worth watching In The Loop & Thick of It if you're not familiar with him. Great choice. Interest in Doctor Who restored
  6. My bet is Nolan North. ((though if it's Capaldi it would reignite my interest in the show ))
  7. If anyone wants a friendly with me I'm up for it. I don't mind being the away team.
  8. The Monaco v Spurs friendly is on ITV4 5:30pm. No Bale, but Soldado could play against the likes of Falcao & Moutinho.
  9. Played as a wide forward like Riera, Kuyt, Bellamy etc as Falcao was down the middle. 20 goals and 15 assists in all competitions last season in 46 matches is not a bad return at all. But he definitely seems to be a bit of a wind up merchant and is also considered the most hated player in La Liga apparently. So the English press will have a field day
  10. Some may want to play the original. Some weren't happy with the bloom going on ( I don't know much knowledge about this though there was definitely people moaning). Original Wind Waker came with OOT (and possibly Master Quest?) as a bonus so it's not like it would be the first time Nintendo threw in extras. Some people feel incentivised to buy something if it comes with an exclusive they can't get anywhere else a bit like the surge of 3DS sales before the Ambassador program ended.
  11. Would throwing in the original GameCube version as an exclusive download code with Wind Waker HD or a WiiU bundle make any difference to spur sales? I don't see Wind Waker being available to download separately any time soon.
  12. Freeview folks will need to rescan so that it appears properly on channel 57 not 58
  13. BT Sport is free to everyone for today. Worth watching Bayern Munich v Man City at 7:30 on BT Sport 1 tonight.
  14. Heads up NBA 2k13 showed up for free on the PSN Store. It's a glitch so might be rectified soon... https://store.sonyentertainmentnetwork.com/#!/en-gb/games/nba-2k13/cid=EP1001-NPEB01200_00-NBA2K13DIGITAL00
  15. Why is drawing more power be a big issue? Maybe if the console was bigger people would realise the WiiU was a new console and not a tablet accessory:p How is refreshing your lineup of SKUs every 12 months a bad business practice? With the 360 you got more value for money as instead of reducing the price they included things like Wifi, bigger hard drive, Kinect etc. The Wii had 3 SKU's over time, each one having less features than the last. Including a HDD is more important for it's accessibility as opposed to the price. Yes, it might be possible to do research for an external HDD but the general public may not be able to grasp doing so as they may not be as technologically minded as your average forum poster. There's (albeit anecdotal) stories about people buying WiiU titles thinking it'll play on their Wii or even one of the Layton 3DS games being given 1 star reviews on Amazon because customers thought that it would work on their DS. If it's included in the package then there is no confusion. At the same time, Nintendo are pushing hard on their eShop and digital downloads but there is a big barrier for many as 8-32GB is filled up so quickly. Please don't think I'm trying to attack/bash you. I am just genuinely curious:).
  16. £150, no game but it includes a 120-250GB hard drive.
  17. Look at how Fish dismisses rudefully an audience member's question
  18. In a climate where new revisions of phones and tablets are being released yearly the console makers don't really have a choice in whether to make a machine initially at loss if they want their hardware to last a good 5-6 years. This gen looks set to be longer if games still come out for them next year. It's odd to think that a machine released in 2006 is still capable of playing software released today which pushes the limitations of the hardware. The alternative is a new console every 2-3 years which for consumers we can't really afford and cause them to turn away from gaming.
  19. Same here. Main site takes a while to load and the avatar won't show up there either.
  20. Hooray for not having to stay up until 3am for a Sony conference.
  21. +11 visible. Main goalie wants to retire but I'm ok with it as backup is almost ready to be 1st choice. Will sell Tage Hedblom or Don Goddard. Steering towards Tage even though he's 28 as I don't see myself playing him much and I could use the money for someone younger. I'd only get 600k for Don at 33. Jamie Jerome been at the club for 20 seasons now but his skill isn't that much better than the 3 other main midfielders so might consider moving him on. Though at 274 appearances he has least 2 seasons left so could break 300 appearances so maybe not. Going to sell one of my 20 year old strikers and bring a younger one in.
  22. Rebranding the club a lil. Changing the club name will hopefully mean a fresh start to push for the title. While moving our ground to 'SD Leisure Centre Field B' where the owner lets us practice every Sunday at 6pm will hopefully make our home matches a fortress again.
  23. SSX Blur - Absolutely loved SSX3 & SSX Tricky but couldn't get along with the Wii version. Gave it a good go but the tricks were hard to pull off, controls felt imprecise and the game felt stripped of it's soul as they took out the player voices and made it in a very cartoony artstyle. MGS 3 - Won a copy of the HD collection on PS3 so it wasn't even like I had lost money paying for it. I was excited to give it a go as so many people enjoyed the series but I couldn't cope with the amount of cutscenes from the start as well as how deep the controls and mechanics are. It may just be stealth games don't suit me or the game requires long play sessions which I can no longer do.
  24. I put out the best team I could so my conscience is clear. @Zell deservedly won. Congrats
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