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Coolness Bears

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Everything posted by Coolness Bears

  1. I enjoy staying in my House! I'm not one to go out! but after about a week of staying in my house starts to play on your mind! So i went out and got a hot chocolate and came back and felt much better!
  2. I don't think i have any guilt pleasures i'm pretty open about what i like! My music taste is all over the place! Desperate Housewives is Awesome! :awesome: My Secret shame however: is eating flowers... "so that explains his mysterious trip to Holland" I don't think you should be guilty about what you like or anything! If you enjoy it then it shouldn't matter what other people think of it!
  3. Woo! Happy St. Patricks day! To celebrate i'm going to watch The Simpsons episode: Homer Vs the Eighteenth Amendment!
  4. Haha! That to! :awesome: Now i need to try/make some!!! I've been listening to Muse today as well! : peace: Always a good thing!
  5. Thanks! Darksnowman! My day has been great! Revision in the morning and relaxing the rest of the day! I've been playing No More Heroes and Super Mario Galaxy. I also have been listening to a lot of music again which keeps me even more relaxed than i usually am! ^____^ I also cleaned up my bedroom and sorted out my shelf! And i have been super happy today because: ELLMEISTER IS BACK!!!!!! That's made my day!
  6. Yesterday i bought: It's great so far!
  8. OMG!!!!!!!!! Ellmesiter! I was out and missed your return. Sounds like a cool holiday! I've had a good few days and i have got the mixture of work and relaxing just right! Isn't raw/cold tomato soup called gispatcho? or somethnig....? I'm not sure.....
  9. Oh! They glow in the dark! I didn't notice! They have just moved up into the catergory of PURE WIN!!!!
  10. Haggis you look Awesome in those straw Glasses!
  11. Are you ready to get DUFFED!!?? You Look Awesome! EEVILMURRAY! :awesome:
  13. Vote: Volcom
  14. I'm Juno! And sorry for not posting during the week I had loads of work and personal stuff to sort out! @______@ I cat my vote yesterday as it was the first time i had looked in the thread in a couple of days and decided the guy was Evil so i voted for him! I'm not evil!
  15. Recently i have been watching Spice and Wolf and Sky Girls but i have not got very far in either of them. But i haven't watched any anime for ages! *doesn't have as much time these days*
  16. Lilo and Stich! I was helping down at the prep school again and as it was raining we watched this! It's a great film! 5 Bears out of 7!
  17. The Simpsons Season 19: Dial N for Nerder I enjoyed this episode and thought it was pretty good. The animation is great and the episode had more of a classic feel to it especially Chief Wiggum. There were not any gags that ran on too long which was good to see but there was one scene that was fairly odd... and which brought you back to the reality that you were watching a Jean era episode. The main plot is that Bart and Lisa accidently kill Martin and have to deal with the guilt! It's great to the darker side of the characters but still keeping to them as well and not making them to crazy! The subplot which is Homer cheating on the new bell pepper diet Marge put him on and Marge Hiring a TV Show to catch him in the act was entertaining and fun! 4 Bears out of 7! Here is the scene! Warning Nsfw!!!
  18. In the next Smash Bros Snorlax needs to be a playable character! *starts his campaign*
  19. Sounds like a great eveining Eenuh! My Easter Holiday is in a weeks time for 3 weeks and apart from all the chocolate i will be eating it will be mainly Revision! Today has been great! I finished all my work at school as i had one lesson today so i didn't have much to do this evening so i did a spot of revision. Finally school is back to normal! ^_______^ Then I played Bloons which is very Addictive! Also i'm one Pokemon away from Completing the Pearl Pokedex in order to get the National Dex then i'm going for them all! :awesome: And My evening has been very relaxed! I've just had a bowl of tasty Cereal! Yummy!
  20. Vote: Maddog He sounds risky!
  21. I didn't see the dancing Bear first time! I tried so hard not to be fooled as well!
  22. I used to get ONM! But i don't really get magazines any more. The occasional Edge or Neo but that is about it!
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