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Coolness Bears

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Everything posted by Coolness Bears

  1. Oh Noes! I used stage 6 to watch High Quality Movies! I watched Superbad on there! At least i still have Veoh for my Anime!
  2. Yeah! Hehe! I will : peace: Gaggle FTW <3 You have made me laugh a lot!
  3. I'm not even sure who i am! I remember you when i first joined and you said you were getting a 360 and i was envious! and your name was forever floating on a horse because of the name change! Hehe! I know Eenuh She is Awesome! Yay! people know who i am! Probably because i'm always online!!! :awesome: I remember a lot of people by their avatar and sig so i recognise who you are Domo but don't know anything about you! I spend way too much time on here! I think i recognise most of you! But there are some i know more than others like: Eenuh Buttons Haggis Shadow Bluey The Fish I Love you all though!
  4. Bluey Great Video! I was laughing all the way through! Letty! Woah! My room can get like that sometimes... not quite as bad though! Where does the ladder go? or is it just a ladder? I couldn't quite see! Mclovin I like your Clean room! Very nice! Loved the *insert lol comment here* Jordan great tour! Liked the way it started with you and ended wtih you! and empty bowls lying around! just like my room! : peace: Everyone sounded really calm! I might post one if i get hold of a camera but my voice sounds horrible!
  5. I didn't used to have to draw Mr. Men but a lot of lessons in my old school were spent ceating our own Pokemon! : peace: Very edcuational! That worm really looks as if it should be in Mr. Men but i don't think it is! I have some beatrix potter too! but not the complete collection! I have a peter rabbit cuddley somewhere!
  6. What??? My school is from 8:30-5:30 and i always only just make it through the day! I need a break to but have to wait four weeks for that but then it will be serious revision for my A levels! Well, I usually hate Mondays! but today was slightly different! I walked into my first class and i usually recieve some sort of sracastic comment from the guy already in there but today he was much more polite! Also i think people are now deciding to except that i'm different and go with the flow. I also made people laugh again during my lessons by giving them fashion advice. (long story)
  7. Oli , that is an excellent Set Up Welsh Gamer i like that freaky looking Gollum figure!
  8. I bought my dad a pair of Mr. Grumpy Socks for christmas one year! Searching around the house i have more Mr. Men stuff than i realised! Like a Mr. Happy Pencil decoration thingy!
  9. I'm on tiscali! it worked fine all day today! but other days it hasn't!
  10. Haha! Desperate Housewives does Rock! I have seen some of season 4! It continues to be awesome
  11. I agree with you! and i'm going to have some fun at school tomorrow! Make my Monday fun! as they are usually dull! Some people at my school are too wrapped up in their manhood! So much so that any display of femine qualities is automatically seen as gay! such as watching Desperate Housewives! (which is great )
  12. I get that noise of pumping blood in my ears when i get really nervous talking to someone! But i can't activate it on it's own!
  13. My day was odd! In terms of meals. I had breakfast at 12, Dinner at 1:30 and Lunch at 3:30 It was very confusing!
  14. I'll help you out J7! How many is there to do!?
  15. I can't make an noise in my ears! But there are definately voices in my head....
  16. NOOO! I forgot! The one bish i did, made redundant! Ah well! I wasn't going to win so it's all good!
  17. That made me laugh! Hehe! Awesome I don't think i have ever read a Little Miss book in my life! I used to have an interchangable Mr Man/little miss toy from macdonalds! it was sort of odd! I have all my Macdonald Happy Meal toys somewhere i think i aslo had a Mini Mr Tickle Toy
  18. That's the exact same with because i don't watch the TV in our common room saying who i think is "hot" they automatically assume i am! It is a bit of a risk but i do like being by myself! It can be great. :awesome: I'm like Eenuh i don't socialise much but that really is my own fault i have even avoided several such engagements! I don't enjoy house parties! or whatever kids my age do! I tried to be more social at school the other day, it felt odd and definately exhausted me! Nah! It doesn't bother me whether they think i am or not! I find it quite fun to be honest! Keep them guessing! And i have no idea how to display my heterosexuality! I'm not the manliest of men!
  19. OMG! BUTTONS!!! I have Missed you! Great to see you Online! and GO FOR IT! before you leave set the smoke alarm off! That can be your leaving present! Sorry i'm a bit too excited tonight for no reason!
  20. Ok! I wasn't sure where to put this so i thought it was best to go in here! I think people at school are starting to think I'm Gay! (although some already did!) It all started the other day in History! I never speak but for some odd reason i decided to tell the person next to me that i got two valentines from men! Which is true as Mr. Paul and Ellmeister gave a valentines for Fun but they don't know that. The person i told decided to shout the fact out in the middle of class and the teacher heard this! and was making fun of me for the rest of the lesson which i took with good humour but he already thinks i'm weird for when i hung a fork from my lip in his previous lesson. Then the next day i was sitting in another class and someone decided to tell the teacher i got 4 valentines from Men the number had increased! so i had to try and explain but the teacher ended up saying "are you the front man of some gay community?" i never speak and like to remain a mystery people really don't know whether i'm straight or not! It's my own fault really. I also have this guy who thinks i'm flirting with him when i talk to him! I can't flirt to save my life! Everytime i go to talk to him His like "sorry i don't swing that way" and then he goes and tells other people! I'm not really sure were this is going but I think i'll have to set the record straight! Literally! (bad pun )
  21. NOOOOOOOOOOO!!! MR HAPPY! Not a Mr. Men toy but i really wanted the monkey from PG Tips we bought over 250 TEA BAGS! not sure how many boxes that is! But we forgot to buy the one with the monkey in! I was not pleased! QFT!!!
  22. I WILL PWN YOU ALL! (not really i suck... Shadow beats me all the time!) It would be fun to snake with the Wii Wheel! I'm glad there are different control methods i'm not sure whether the wheel and i will get on with each other!
  23. Hehe! Thanks Bluey! but all the way from Japan? It depends on a lot of things whether i go or not!
  24. Hehe! Sorry about that Bluey! It was a momentary blip! it was my worst yet... Yours is still Great! 6 Bears out of 7
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