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Coolness Bears

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Everything posted by Coolness Bears

  1. Oh now your Just being crazy! This is very odd news. I quite like Cleveland but he definately not a character that warrents a spin of series! I don't think there should be any spin off series! I don't think it would work!
  2. I use Lol in my normal speech along with For the lols, For the Win, Epic, Win, Fail and Meh! I also say cool more than i thought.
  3. In real life: being quiet and shy the guy who likes nintendo People don't know much about me as i don't give much information out!
  4. I haven't watched Anime for 10 days! School Keeps me really busy! I'm going to watch some today.
  5. Sharks Tale. I was watching this when i went to help at a prep school the other day. It's ok. 3 Bears out of 7!
  6. I don't think i would mind being buried or cremated.
  7. Yesterday i had a good day! I took the first 15 minutes of my Pychology class which was fun! I really like Psychology! Then in the evening i went up to London to a concert where my mums friend was playing the violin! which was great. Today i have work to do! but It's the Weekend so Yay!
  8. I have never had fight with anyone! I would lose for a start! Someone once asked me whether i wanted to "take this outside"... and i just said "no thank you i can't be bothered i just got comfy in this chair! It wouldn't be much of a fight anyway more you continuously hitting me while i don't bother to resist!" They walked away after that! Laziness FTW!
  9. I've had a good day! Even though i had (still have) a lot of work to do! I Went swimming today! I still have my Pokemon Towel that i use! :awesome: Yesterday was bit of an odd evening where i didn't get any work done because i was talking with my mum the whole evening! and so that has set me back as days work and catching up tonight was difficult!
  10. What joke?
  11. Woo! New game! VOTE: NO LYNCH!
  13. Yeah! I got a bit carried away with that! : peace: I warned everyone it would be long. Hehe! Thank You! My room isn't that big it just decends into nothing really... i really go into too much detail! Thanks Haggis! what did you think it would be like? yeah... I had nothing else to do!
  14. Here is my Room: In 3 Parts! Part 1 http://www.veoh.com/videos/v6260556pjtmjRMS Part 2 http://www.veoh.com/videos/v6263496gXDFBxTS Part 3 http://www.veoh.com/videos/v6264014da9mXY48 They are on Veoh! because Youtube couldn't handle the madness!
  15. Omg! I felt this massive rumbling and was like "What is that??" at around 1 in the morning! But because i was tired it didn't really dawn on me that it was an earthquake. Definately felt the shakes though! Then it stopped and i thought nothing else it!
  16. WOO! Great Video Goron! Awesome! :awesome: "That kid is fast" my new catch phrase!
  17. Ugh! my video was 90% done then what does it decide to do! Reset itself back to 0!! *is annoyed*
  18. I know i'm not the most reliable person when it comes to these games but this time... YOU HAVE COOLNESS BEARS BIG RED PROMISE!!! That he will participate in this game. I can't wait! I've forgotten who i chose.
  19. I coludn't upoad my Video to Youtube! it was too big! So now i'm trying Veoh! but it's taking ages! Time to play the waiting game... *twiddles thumbs* It's not even an interesting video or room!
  20. Wooooooo! Awesome! videos Eenuh! :awesome: Your voice is Great! Loved the tour of your room! Just loading mine up to youtube! It's in two parts and OH MY! it's long!!!! I got a bit carried away... It cuts me off just before the end as well.
  21. Yay! Can't wait to see your room! That would make my day to! I'm off for my third attempt now! I tidied my room up a bit as before it was a mess!!!
  22. I'm working on a video! I've had two attempts already!
  23. Ragdoll! You always look like your out having loads of fun! Great Pictures!
  24. Omg! I missed your room! It was good! straight to the point made me laugh! I'm really nosey! Post more videos people! *looks through the N-Europe window*
  25. I'm always happy! I'm always hungry! What else...? I love My DS! and videogames in general! I Like The Simpsons Too Much! I like Anime! There is other stuff but those are the main ones i think... It's really hard to know what people know about me... I just got that from my profile!
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