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Coolness Bears

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Everything posted by Coolness Bears

  1. I went ice skating years ago spent most of the time either hanging on to the edge or in the middle with my face to the ice! It's really hard when you crack your bum on the ice! Today and this weekend has been Revision in the morning! Then playing Mario Kart/Wii/Internet. all while listening to Music
  2. I love the Soul Eater Opening so much! Anyway watched Soul Eater episode 3 yesterday and it was great! Death the Kidd is excellent his personality is great!
  3. Those trainers look great Haggis!
  4. What an awesome incentive to go! If i turn up I'm going to be hugging you all the time as i'll be constantly scared the whole time! and because i love you!
  5. Awesome! : peace: Don't worry I won't bring raisins! My rating with raining_again is HIGH!
  6. That's because: you've got to love him! mariosmentor I haven't seen you post in a while! It was ages ago since we played 42: All time classics together! May i join you on the Picnic even though we are on low compatability! I'll bring all kinds of snacks! (well what's left after the journey to get there )
  7. Some how i knew! but i clicked anyway! Love that song!
  8. I read the book yesterday! It was a hilarious read! Yeah I'm not ready to vote yet! Luckily I'm 17!
  9. ALAN CRAIG FTW Some of this candidates are overlooked.... Also the Guy for the BNP used to be my art teacher about 7 or 8 Years ago!
  10. Woo! *high Five* Though it used to be Super.... WE MUST GET IT BACK UP!!!
  11. My Last.Fm http://www.last.fm/user/CoolnessBears/ About a month ago i had only listened to about 500 tracks on it! Now I'm on 3429! revising while listening to music really racks up the tunes! I listen to music through it all the time! and often look for new artists on it which is fun. We have a Low compatabilty Rating! I'd have more plays on it but My Ipod doesn't hook up to last.fm very well! We share Muse and Daft Punk! : peace:
  12. The Mexicans were disappointing for me in the first episode! and i thought they were Spanish.... Matt is great! He is also one of my favourites along with Hiro and Nikki!
  13. Awesome! :awesome: Enjoy your Wii Experience! It's a shame Mario Galaxy didn't work! Were you up all night just playing Wii Sports?
  14. Woo! Pokemon! Squirtle is win! :awesome: 6 Bears out of 7!
  15. I haven't seen many Blue Shells today fortunately! I was playing it solid for about 2 Hours! I got back up to 6300 now! having not played it for a week. It feels faster than before some reason. I love this game especially after it was starting to annoy me last weekend
  16. Aww he looks so cute! The Kangaroo looks cool as well!
  17. I find almost all horror movies funny! i have a warped mind.... There isn't one that has scared me yet, or really made me jumped! (I'm to lazy to react ) Having seen Alien when i was 8/9 i wasn't scared by it at all and thought it was a great action movie! Texas Chainsaw Masscare (the original one) was just ridiculous it was like having the guy from resident evil 4 chasing them around! It's always disappointing when the monster is revealed as they just look stupid! Never seen a torture one really but i don't think it would scare me! might make me feel a bit sick if it's too gory! @__@ I get scared by the stupidest of things normally though! like doors... I reckon one that messes with my mind might scare me but I'm not a big fan of the genre anyway! I laugh at the silliest things! (like when i went into hysteric's watching No Country for Oldmen)
  19. Cool! I loved you in the Pink! (and all the othe colours ^____^) And thanks for all the information advice! I really like the idea of having streaks in my hair i feel that will work! I reckon you'd make a excellent hair dresser! I'd like one of these to as my fashion sense is awful! I literally throw anything on! When my sister has taken me shopping before she knows exactly what to buy me! The best thing i own is my AWESOME T-shirt by you!
  20. Ah ok! Thanks nightwolf! and i promise to be no longer nervous to talk to you on Msn! Cool! :awesome: If you dye it yourself what are the best products to use? are they expensive? and is it hard to do? Though i might just use a specialist but do they cost a lot? Also Raining_again what's been your favourite hair Colour?
  21. I agree it was awesome! :awesome: Though i need more Nikki and Hiro! These are my favourite characters. Hiro got a lot of time so Woo!
  22. I've totally had that leg/foot thing to! That is also an odd feeling!!!
  23. Thanks Haggis! Haha! :awesome: True! Problem Solved. : peace: Some people think i'm gay because i don't openly give my opinions on women and the like but i'm not going to share that information openly with people i don't like. And so therefore they assume i like men. Which is why i have to be careful about men hugging me.
  24. MY TOP 4 WEIRDEST DREAMS OF ALL TIME! Number 1 I had Ira Gains from 24 chasing me through a forest full of autmn leaves. I was struggling to run from him and he eventually caught up and pointed the gun straight at my face and shot me in the mouth... I fell to the floor and could feel the blood in my throat. Last time i watched 4 episodes of 24 before i went to sleep! Number 2 Watching myself sleep is another odd dream! I was asleep in my bed and my dream was of me sitting at the opposite side of my room from a first person perspective watching myself sleep. It was a very very uncomfortable feeling! Number 3 The whole sleep paralyse/Alien thing. I had a dream that a green light enter my room and then hovered above me for a bit and entered my body through my chest and there was a massive electric shock. I got really freaked out and tried to wake up but i couldn't and i attempted to move but my body would not move at all which then got me panicking a bit... Number 4 This one is hard to explain as i have failed to do so on many occasions! I'm not sure whether i went to sleep or not as i don't remember going to sleep and i don't remember waking up in the morning but when i woke up/or didn't wake up, i wasn't tired at all. That probably made no sense but oh well.
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