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Coolness Bears

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Everything posted by Coolness Bears

  1. I Love the Ood! In there on special way they are beautiful... Am i the only one who thinks this?
  2. I'm not.... I think i've said this before but i have almost a non-existant drive. (i think) I find the thought of sex very scary.... o____0 Though i find women attractive and would love to have a girlfriend. Also why do men keep hugging me?
  3. I'd get my mum to do it... Just kidding but she Did queue up at Midnight to by my DS for me without me knowing as it was a suprise gift from her. But there really is no need for where i live as the GAME always seems to have plenty of the game instore on the day it's out. Though i'm not sure how busy your GAME is or how well the game will sell.
  4. Awesome! I shall try it... and see whether i look good or not! Does the dye just naturally come out of your hair or do you have to sye it again to go back to your normal colour? Do you dye it yourself? *doesn't know much about hair dying*
  5. My day was cool! I totally get what someone said to me about having my own confidence or something. I'm reall nervous when talking to people but what i say is what other people wouldn't normally say to that person! I'm odd... Anyway today was cool we have a charity event planned which is a baloon race which is kind of weird but quite a good idea. Also part of a group creating a satirical sixth form magazine on the school and other things which is fun. Only problem is that another day passes and my exams get ever closer.
  6. Don't go bald! Ell! Though i'll still love you if you do! Blue hair is awesome in my eyes! I'm thinking about dying my hair to see what it looks like when i go to Uni and was thinking of blue as a colour... but i'd have to bleach my black hair first! Does dyed hair look odd on men?
  7. I like A&E! It's a good song. Thanks for the warning Dan but i was listening to some older stuff today and thought it was great! This morning i was listening to older stuff of Goldfrapp and my album of the day was Bjork, Volta! I love Declare Independance.
  8. nightwolf that hoodie looks great on you! Also some interesting photo's J7!!!
  9. Cool! I'd forgotten it was on tonight! I need to get an English essay done though! I'm going to record it.
  10. QFT! I really love the Zelda ones! The songs just get me humming, whistling and singing away and when one enters my head it immediately makes me want to play a Zelda game again! In particular Ocarina of Time it's got some great tracks.
  11. Awesome! what's your favourite song on it? Ooh cool! i hadn't listened to Goldfrapp before now. I'll try out their earlier Albums as well. My favourite songs off the Con are I was Married, Soil Soil, Nineteen and back in your head! Although i pretty much like all of them!
  12. I would have gone the whole day with out knowing if the radio hadn't been on in the car this morning! HAPPY St. GEORGES DAY!
  13. The albums i listened to today were The Con by Tegan and Sara and The Seventh Tree by Goldfrapp. They both have some great songs on them i feel. Anyone else like these?
  14. I've had a good day! My revision is coming on nicely! And at the moment I'm having a look at Universities again.
  15. That rap is great! what draws me to a website is it's intial design and layout! This forum for me is easy to use and i like the way it's set out. What keeps me going back to the website is it's content and what it offers me that other websites might not like anothers have said a Niche.
  16. SAME HERE! Another great video Bluey your voice is awesome!
  17. I didn't get it at all! i was looking and like I don't get it? Then i slide down the page and the Gif made it oh so clearer! O____O
  18. I watched the one with the volcano men it was pretty good but not great! But the one with the Ood was great! i really enjoyed it the Ood are amazing creatures.
  19. I haven't played Majora's Mask Either..... though I don't think it's on the VC yet as i went to play it the other day! It's been a tough descison but here is my Top 3: 1) The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 2) The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker 3) The Legend of Zelda: Links Awakening
  20. NOOOOOOOO! DOM DON'T DO IT!!! I still love you!!!!
  21. Haha! Finally someone else that communicate with them too! They are hilarious! Eenuh you are as beautiful as ever! :awesome:
  22. Haha! I have watched two episodes! Apart from the blatant fanservice the first episode was interesting and i got really confused as to what point in time they were telling the story from. Also if the story does develop something to do with a hatred between wolves and foxes. The boy in happens to attract them all but when fused together they create this ultimate blue fireball that destroys half a building at the end of the first episode! The show is very odd!!! The first episode was funny! but they definately pushed the boundaries of how far you can go with fanservice. @________@ Other than that episode 2 wasn't as interesting.... but it's suprisingly better than Dragonaut! I've been watching Pokemon recently to! (in an attempt to retain my innocence:heh:) And Piplup is great! I just love that little penguin!!!
  23. Ok! on the weekend i got a fair amount of stuff watched! I don't usually watch TV and techniqually i still didn't as i watched them on BBC Iplayer ITV's catch up thing. Doctor Who!: The one with the volcano men I thought it was a good episode and provided enough to keep me watching until the end! 4 Bears out of 7 I hadn't watched a Doctor Who with David Tennant in it before! He is good! Doctor Who: The one with the Ood! I enjoyed this episode a lot more than the other episode and found the Ood to be very interesting creatures and the whole story excited me a lot more. 4 and a half Bears out of 7 Pushing Daisies: Episode 1 I enjoyed this a lot and didn't realise it was a comedy drama. 5 Bears out of 7 I also watched 2 episodes of Pokemon. Season 10: Different Strokes for Different Blokes I like the fact that Team Rocket got defeated with in the first 2 minutes of the episode so they could focus more on Ashes new rival and the relationship between them. 4 Bears out of 7 Like it or Lup it Piplup is a great Pokemon (the little Penguin) and it's back to the usual Team Rocket affair but the way Ludicolo say their own name kept me entertained. 3 and a half Bears out of 7
  24. Anyone like Duffy? I've been listening her today! and i really like Warwick Avenue, Rockferry and Stepping stone.
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