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Coolness Bears

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Everything posted by Coolness Bears

  1. Your both wrong, I believe the answer is 6! Though seriously that maths is WAAAAAAAAAAAAY beyond my level i look at it and get an instant headache...
  2. I've had a good day! Just generally fun and i made a fair amount of people Laugh! Also I don't feel as stressed as i should really be! I rarely take anything seriously!
  3. What an odd game.....O_______O *pre orders* I find To Love Ru quite funny! Even though it is a collection of everything you've seen before! The manga is much better than the anime which isn't that good. Lala Sama FTW! Anway i watched the 2nd episode of Kyouran Kazoku Nikki! which was fun!
  4. Happy Birthday Gaggle!
  5. For me personally i wouldn't join the army. I know i would hate it! I'm not built for that kind of thing! And if i had to be thrown into a war situation i know i would instantly die as i would refuse to fire at anyone. I'd be useless!
  6. I have not read the Soul Eater Manga so i'm basing what i think of him purely on the episode alone! He may get much worse later on and i may end up hating him but for now i think he is good. At the start of the episode i shared the same opinion as you and i didn't think i would like his character at all but as the episode progressed i began to like him. He is definately nowhere near the awesomeness of Soul or Death the Kidd! (as from the preview i already know I'm going to like him) But i do feel that black star is a good character and adds something different to the show. I'll have to watch more episodes to form a more solid opinion later on though! : peace:
  7. Muse = Awesome! :awesome: raining_again = Win! Therefore your avatar gets 6 Bears out of 7!
  8. I prefer the first Terminator to the 2nd Terminator as well! Though i rate both Highly! The fact that i only own the 3rd one on DVD probably makes void what i have said above... If you look at my (small) Dvd Collection they don't even contain many films that i actually like any more apart from Lord of the Rings.
  9. My day has been ok! school is meh just a load of revision until the exams! Which are getting to close for my liking! Highlight of my day was the Ham and Tomotoe sandwich which i had for lunch! It was tasty! Tonight will be mainly filled with revision!
  10. I had this happpen to me this morning! o_______0 I was in one of my more Philosophical moods! Also had the breathing thing again which annoyed me the whole of breaktime! And Hellfire whenever i see that car i can't help but see the face!!!
  11. Definately agree with you there! The weekend always feels like half a day! I'm still confused as to where the time goes!? I'm usually wide awake at this hour to i don't know why, I just don't really get tired! I need to sort out my sleeping pattern to but it's been messed up since i remember! The worst one i have had is waking up every hour for two weeks! Though I do have school tomorrow so i should get to sleep soon..... I normally force myself to sleep! ^__^
  12. This pretty much somes my day up nicely! I'm also wide awake! 0___0 Although i did do some work in the morning and in between playing Mario Kart i watched Dr. Who and Desperate Housewives. Oh and Pokemon! Why does the weekend go so fast!!! I had an extra day on Friday as well because i was ill but when your ill you don't feel like doing much except sleeping! Also i had loads of different snacks this weekend! I should by Wii Fit to work it all off.... I'm thirsty. *goes off to get some water*
  14. I tell my mum everything! I don't like to keep secrets from her at all. I think she is the one person i trust the most! and she has a lot of trust in me if i broke that between us then it would make me sad! The last thing i want is to disappoint my mum! She means the world to me! Though no one knows what i'm thinking because quite often I don't know myself!
  15. Aye! that's true. I don't "completely" trust anybody... (sorry: peace: ) It's just the way i am! When it comes down to it I'm definately a private man myself. I definately don't trust myself either Hellfire!
  16. That fits in this thread perfectly! I have had that to it's a very strange feeling! I have had that happened to me recently with someone and i look at them very differently now! For better or for worse I'm not sure.... I don't think this is the same thing, but when you repeat a word over and over again until it feels odd to me is another funny thing! Does anyone else get this to?
  17. I don't trust that many people i'm sad to say and that is why i'm reluctant to give any information about me out.... People on NE know me a lot better than most people i have met! It's a state of mind (i think) as people i know i can trust, I just don't trust! I feel giving them information gives them power and i want to change this as i know that they aren't going to manipulate or use what i say in the wrong way. It's ridculous what i keep to myself and it creates some akward situations as people who try and talk to me find it very hard to do so and end up thinking i'm rude as all they wanted to do is get to know me! NE has helped me become better than i was and a lot more confident! I regularly post about myself on these forums and have now posted a fair few pictures and even a video! Who i do trust is my Family and most of my friends. In this world is there someone you can turn to that you completely trust? Or do you feel completely on your own! Who is it a friend? your parents? The Government..?
  18. In the middle of a conversation or just sitting down watching telly, I keep suddenly becoming aware that i have arms... This is very akward as once this happens i'm really not sure what to do with them and i constantly move them around, changing their position not happy with were they are! making the person talking to me look at me stranger than before. Also suddenly noticing that i'm breathing is odd... i don't like it at all as i feel my heart going up and down and i can't concentrate on anything else for a while! There are other things that i can't remember at the moment but, Does anyone have this moments where they are suddenly aware of something like that? Or is it just me?
  19. Yesterday i purchased some Pringles! and ONM.....
  20. Where does the time go!? It's 11:36 and i can't remember what i've done all day! Though i did cook the meal tonight which was Chinese! first time I've ever made egg fried rice! fortunately it was well received.! Most of my day was spent working until about 2:30 and then Mario Kart took up a lot of my time again. It's so much fun! The weekend goes too quickly for my liking!
  21. Those look exactly like my glasses Supergrunch! I need them only for the TV and My computer but i wear them all the time because as soon as they come off i've lost them! Also Eddage and Welsh Gamer your both looking good! :awesome:
  22. COOLNESS BEARS TOP TEN GC GAMES: NUMBER 10:Mario Party 5 The first of my entry's is Mario Party 5! I thought this game improved on the 4th (which i also love) and had some classic mini games. I played this loads in multiplayer which is where it shined! The minigames were class with some greats as Pushy Penguins and Dinger Derby. Number 9: Billy Hatcher and the Giant egg! I've suprised myself with this entry in my list but it has to be put in! There is just something great about putting a boy in a chicken outfit and making him roll eggs....? It seems absurd but i felt this idea worked very well! This is an excellent platformer and there is some tremendous fun to be had from this game. I loved Billy and the whole egg thing brought a new level of gameplay which i hadn't seen before! Suprisingly i didn't complete this game but i didn't want to let go of my tradition! Number 8: Mario Kart: Double Dash The news of a new Mario Kart got me really excited back in 2003 and i was looking in Cube magazine for all the latest news! The idea of having two to a cart this time had me intrigued. I have to say i really enjoyed this game. I probably played this more in the single player (unlike the Wii version ) and i found it fairly challenging! The one thing that has annoyed me all these years is that there is still one cup i got silver in and since i never actually owned the game (just borrowed it off my friend) It was 150cc Mirror mode and it's stopped me from completing the game... I tried again recently but i just couldn't control the karts anymore as they didn't feel as tight as the DS version! Number 7: Metroid Prime 2: Echoes Having completely missed the first Prime outing i thought i'd better pick this one up! It is a fantastic game that completely immerses you into the world with jaw dropping visuals and engaging gameplay. You felt as if you were actually there! Unfortunately i got stuck and so this game was cut short for me... my stubborness not to use a guide left me lost and confused and i didn't enjoy backtracking that much! Still a brilliant game to play which makes me sad that i missed the first one! Number 6: Prince of Persia This game WOWed me a lot! Places which you thought you could never reach were completely explored in this game as you reached dizzying heights level after level. The combat was great and controlling the Prince doing all these stunts was very satisfying! What made this game for me was the fact that you could rewind time!!! I played with that feature so much i was dying delibrately just to use it. IT was so much fun watching your dead prince come back to life with the click of a button! NUMBER 5: F-Zero GX AWESOME! is the word i would use to describe this game. Absolutely amazing racing game. FUN, FAST and FANTASTIC!!! playing Mario Kart Double Dash after this made you feel as if you were riding snails! The speed in this game amazed me! I had never played an F-Zero game before and didn't realise what I left myself in for. The track desgins where great and the game never let up from start to finish. Though i never got quite to the end of this game as the learning curve got to hard for me half way through expert mode and i just couldn't handle it. I still loved every minute of it and even when i kept losing i just kept going back for more!!! Number 4: Super Smash Bros Melee I wasted many hours on this gem! Many, many, many hours... O_____O I say wasted but i don't mean that at all in fact I'm glad i spent a lot of hours playing melee as it brought some classic moments into my gaming life which i do not regret! Fantastic in multiplayer which is where i played this most as i never owned the game. I'm suprised i played it so much when i really hadn't got a clue was going on... I never really got to grips with the controls but still found it one of the most fun experiences on th gamecube. Number 3: Soul Calibur 2 I still quote from this game today it had some great cheesy lines. The characters were great and the addition of Link in the GC version was greatly recieved by me. The single player was great fun to play and i never managed to complete all of it as i got to distracted by the multiplayer! again my friend and I played this for many hours as it was addictive stuff. Number 2:Resident Evil 4 AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! The first words that came out of my mouth as i was handed the GC controller only to have to crazed women with massive chainsaws coming for my face I panicked and completely forgot the controls i aimlessly pressed any button only to witness my head being cut clean off and watching my body hit the floor. After that I knew i was in for a scary ride. Although it wasn't until the Wii i really expereinced the game some of my greatest gaming moments comes from the short time i played the GC version! One of my favourite games ever. Simply amazing fun to play and the action never lets up from start to finish! Shooting crazed villagers with the shotgun just never gets old! Number 1: The Legend of Zelda:Wind Waker So you have finally made it to my number 1 spot and it goes to Wind Waker. Out of all the games i played on the Gamecube none of them reached the joy that this game filled me! and that was from just looking at the start menu! The cel shaded graphics won me over straight away! they were lush and still are today! They are able to stand the test of time. The music in this game blew me away as well and i was alway humming along while watching my ship sail across the vast ocean. There was a lot to explore in this game and looking on every island to find hidden places was exciting in itself. Some complained it was too easy but i found the difficulty level to be just right. The dungeons and weapons in this game were brilliant and i loved every moment. The islands was a good departure from Hyrule!!! To keep up the tradition of the other 9 games i have posted i didn't complete this one either and that is because of the triforce shards and me being to lazy to get them!!! It just got to me back then i don't know why... other than that (though i don't think it was that bigger deal) It is a truely awesome game and one that i wish to complete some day but I'm hopeless at completing games... Having made this list it's made me determined to complete some of these games!!! and make a list of my favourite games of all time.
  23. This game looks great! Wiiware looks so good with many games i want to buy! A lot of effort is going into these which is great! I hope people don't miss out on these!
  24. I have had sleep paralyse before i think! and it was weird, it felt like an alien was entering my body... What happened was a green disc was floating above my head and then quickly slammed into my chest i was really scared and tried to move my arms and legs to wake up but i couldn't move them at all i started to panic but still couldn't move. It was odd. o__0 Also last night i felt as if i had more control of my dream as i could direct it to where i wanted it to go! It was a very odd dream involving me running away from 1930's style gangsters holding a wheel while trying to buy a giant Snorlax plushie! IT WAS AWESOME! :awesome:
  25. I wish this didn't cost so much! I don't have that kind of money... (time to get a Job. :/) I'm wearing a Wii Fit Sweat band that came with ONM Though....
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