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Coolness Bears

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Everything posted by Coolness Bears

  1. Mario Kart Wii Duffy: Rockferry Twilight Princess Calvin Harris: Acceptable in the 80's No More: Heroes Bat for Lashes: Sarah and Tahiti I didn't used to listen to music while playing games but i've begun to more often now for some games.
  2. This looks like an alright game! But i don't think i'll be buying it as i have many other games to buy! I was never any good at skiing!
  3. Godzilla It was on at school on one of the movie channels so we were bored and watched it. Got up to the part where the eggs start hatching! I've only seen this once before i didn't remember much of it. 3 Bears out of 7!
  4. That's a great idea! Nintendo! listen to this man! I wish i had this game i need to get myself into shape! and i feel a videogame is just the motivation i need!
  5. WIN! I'd buy one! (if i had money ) Those Fat catridges are excellent!
  6. This looks a lot of fun! Hopefully the Wii Version will look pretty good too! It's got me in the mood to watch Indiana Jones now!
  7. Heroes: Season 2 I Finished it the other day! I really enjoyed it and it introduced some great new characters! There were somethings that annoyed me about it but i think that's because it was cut short and so not everything felt developed but it still excited me an had some great twists in my eyes and the last few episodes were excellent.
  9. Today i rode in some guy's car and the Bass in it was INSANE!!!!! I could feel it penatrating my heart! Lil Wayne Lolipop is what he was playing along with T pain Don't usually listen to that kind of music but it is very catchy!
  10. My day has been awesome! It was a non uniform day so i wore Eenuh's T-shirt! Everyone loved it and gave me great comments about it Today my school had a Charity afternoon and one of the ideas was to have a balloon race which is releasing many Balloons (full of helium) into the sky with names on them and see which one travels the farthest they have ended up in Holland before! Also went to Tescos with Buckets and help people pack there bags! we got a fair bit of money for doing that as well as some people in my year busking at the entrance. Other events were car washes, dancing, football, marathons and cake sale. Oh and it ended with an epic showdown between the Headmaster and The Deputy Head playing Wii Golf. :p Edit: Also on the way home i saw someone who looked like Jayseven. i had to do a double take even though he is no where near me!
  11. Barney Gumble: "Picture them in there underwear" I always get this wrong and say "picture them in your underwear" which is just wrong.... I think you have something here! If i walked into every situation naked then I'd have nothing to worry about... But i probably would get locked up for indecent exposure Perhaps it's best for everyone if i kept my clothes on! on second thoughts add me to the list of people who shouldn't give advice! Oh and i agree groupwork never works! I'm always in the rubbish group! Last time i had to be in a group i refused to do it! I WON the battle.
  12. I may not be a woman.... But having looked after my nephew for a several hours before absolutely tires me out as he always needs attention and as much as i love him and enjoy his company i can see how hard it is to be a mother as my sister has that 24/7! Also everyone knows by now i have seen the video of a woman giving birth 8 times!! If i was a woman i would be so scared by now that video does not help anyone it needs to be LOCKED AWAY!!!
  13. I agree with you Gaggle! I think the Rabbids are good characters and could be better implemented than just in other Minigame compilation! I very much enjoyed the first one but didn't feel the need fora sequal then! so didn't bother with the second one. I must admit the way in which they are going to use the BB has me interested but i don't have one of those! (yet)
  14. My Music Thingy!
  15. I don't think it can just be that as i have one 3 races before and come 2nd in one and got a star! And come first in all 4 and got an A!
  16. It scares me to! :S I only do this much as my brain keeps forgetting what i've already learnt! It's not like I'm going to get A's or anything! but i just want to know i have tried the hardest i could! and not be like "I wish i had done this instead of playing Mario Kart" or something! What i'd really like to do is watch Heroes! GOOD LUCK IN YOUR PRESENTATION EENUH!
  17. Today has been good! I feel like my efforts in revision are finally starting to come together in Psychology and i grow more confindent about taking the exam each day as you it really is a case of you get either an A or a U! So I'm going to be revising all evening! then might watch Apocalypse Cow.
  18. Happy Birthday Aimless! Have a great day!
  19. Eenuh your dog looks great! My day yesterday was a bit odd and by the end of it i was exhausted and didn't really want to talk with anyone so i watched some Heroes and went to bed! Today should be good i have athletics! which is usually a good laugh because i suck atevery event so much!
  20. Awesome! I've seen many variations of this!! I really like this one! 5 and a half Bears out of 7
  21. I use AEN as well! I think there subs are good. I must admit i don't usually download anime but this is too beautiful not to! The animation is insane!
  22. It's a good list! I mostly agree with it! Except the first one 1983! I may have put 1998 first as that was the first Year that came into my head it was an awesome year! Though 2007 is a great choice! Only reason personally I may not have put it first is that i don't have a 360 and so didn't get to experience a lot of the games! but the ones i did play were Brilliant! Eg. Bioshock Though there were definately some great Wii Offerings as well! 2004/05 are also good years In My Opinion!
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