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Coolness Bears

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Everything posted by Coolness Bears

  1. NIGHT OF THE 9TH DAY 205 HOURS REMAINING! Not long until my psychology exam and I'm starting to doubt whether i can so it.... I got a lot of helpful advise today and learnt a new method of learning all the studies which I'm going to put into practise now!
  2. My deam last night involved me watching some one eating My iPod nano....
  3. Charlies Angels This film is just pure fun! plus it has Lucy Liu in it. 5 Bears out of 7!
  4. I read that completely wrong and thought you said me and my boyfriend... I'd pay to see Jordan in that Bee costume.... :p;)
  5. It scrobbles! Win! :awesome: I was eating some cereal tonight when half way through i wondered why it was taking so long and realised I was using a Teaspoon to eat it with. :p This is the second time I have done this! So tonight i went to some higher edcuation evening at school! which quite interesting.
  6. I liked Konota's Character! For some reason the show just clicked with me. Maye I'm further down the Otaku ladder than I thought! :p I'm looking for a new anime I shall give it a try! What is Haré+Guu about? I'm far behind on my anime series now and have only kept up with Soul Eater which is great.
  7. I wouldn't normally but i got paid £10 for mowing the lawn!
  8. Woah! Snap! I was just doing the same thing it is Awesome :awesome: I have only done two out of my 4 demo songs so far as i had to have dinner! I'm picking the longest songs possible Only a fiver, i think i might purchase it! Tonight I have taken more paracetemol as i have to go to this higher education evening at school which i really should not miss....
  9. Awesome an OVA! I love Lucky Star it's one of my favourite anime's! It isn't for everyone though and can move quite slowly if you don't enjoy there long meaningless conversations. Also you have to get past the first few episodes as they are not great and were written by someone else? I did not enjoy the first episode really and glad I watched past it! I found it really funny especially the manga store shop assistants! Konota FTW!
  11. Haha! This game looks a lot of fun but I don't feel it should be Full Price! If it was £20 i'd buy it but i need to save my money for Brawl (and Wii Fit)
  12. I am insanely Jealous! : peace:
  13. Ill. I got all the way to school then decided i wasn't fit enough to go! I came home and went to bed straight away and slept for another 3 hours! Now I'm lying in bed still feeling sick.
  14. Here is what i did: What i got back: This just helps me illustrate my point!
  15. I want to know even more now! :p Your photo's look as if you had great fun! You and your friends have excellent facial expressions!
  16. This photo made me laugh! and wander what you just don't want to see?
  17. Voice Chat would be awesome! Though all you'd hear me saying is turn, turn, turn, cmon, GOLDEN MUSHROOM!!!! YES! AHHHHHHHH! Blue Shell. Aww 6th place....
  18. I get confused between when Noodleman and Mr. Bannagrabber post! Anyway I'm definately going to see this film! I want to see how old Harrison Ford pulls off these stunts! I'm not a big fan of Bidoof or whatever his name is! :p
  19. So far i have attempted this challenge twice and i got 1:53 i think maybe 56! Also one where it was going great i got hit my TWO blue Shells!
  20. The Simpsons: Season 19: Apocalypse Cow A very good episode! I felt everyone was in character and the story was entertaining! I love Lou the Cow. He was great! There was some good jokes thrown in there such as Homer Mistaking the Slaughter House for the Laughter house. Also enjoyed the small nod to Plopper! glad to see him not being over used!
  21. Today I have done a 3 hour and 45 minute Psychology mock exam which has eaten away at my very soul! I started at 9:30 and finished around 1:20! O_________O Then i had some Lunch! So far that has taken up my whole day! My exam is in 10 days! :S
  22. How many ways are there to watch Haruhi in? I've watched in broadcast order and Chronological is there another way? Also watched Soul Eater 4 on Friday! It was great! My favourite show this spring! I also love Kyouran Kazoku Nikki which is just Crazy!
  23. Yep! All my hard work for nothing! And poor Moogle did as well! *hug*
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