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Coolness Bears

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Everything posted by Coolness Bears

  1. I have had a great day! I went to my friends house LAst Night over to today and it was mainly spent playing BRAWWWWWWWWWL!!!!! Which is Awesome! I LOVE IT :awesome: in between that we attempted Ikaruga and started watching Parika but he was falling asleep by then so we went to sleep and woke up the next morning and played more BRAWWWWWWWWWL!!! It takes hours of your life away but it's worth it Mario Kart tomrrow! (hopefully)
  2. Soul Eater is Subbed! I think i watched it with AEN's subs... I'm not sure though! Here is the list of who is subbing what: http://www.fansubwiki.com/Who_Subs_What:_SPRING_2008 I just watched again Subbed and i thought it was great! The best first episode i've seen so far this spring! I didn't have a big problem with the Voice Acting but i don't pick up on these things very well, but Maka's did feel very wooden! I wouldn't mind if they change her. The animation is Beautiful and i think i'll enjoy the story! Bones FTW! I can't wait for the Eureka 7 Movie either no matter what it's like I loved the show.
  3. "Wanna spent the night don't bring Pyjama's...." my favourite line from the song! That Yummy Song is crazy!
  4. Woo! Have a few more yourself! *more hugs* Ah ok! Thank you for telling me that Dante. sounds horrible! I get nervous around almost anyone, i start to well up and get really hot and sometimes i can't physically speak as i feel like i'm choking!
  5. Thanks raining_again! Thanks Dante! :awesome: If you don't mind me asking! What is a panic attack?
  6. *Hugs Dante and Raining_again and Tom* :awesome: I am the official Hugger! It's an excuse, I love to hug! but no one likes to hug me...?
  7. BEARD NET! Then take a picture! I want to see what one looks like! Aww too late You can stilll change your mind?
  8. AHHH! He has a hypno toad on his side!!! RUN TO MEXICO!!! *serious Coolness* At Uni I'm going to study Psychology (if all goes well at A level) I'm not sure what Uni at the moment but if i get good enough grades i could end up in Scotland! After that i'm not sure but i could change my mind at any moment such is my fickle nature
  9. YES! JOIN US!!! @______@ *tries to hypnotise moogleviper*
  10. As many as you want! If you decide you don't want to come in you don't have to! We provide you with enough money to get by comfortably and if your with us for 3 Years we give you a house! There is only one rule in a company and that is to ask no questions as to where the money is coming from!
  11. It's fairly simple! If you turn up at my office around 9 with a load of snacks ready to relax, then that is pretty much it! You've got the job. The rest of the day is spent doing whatever you want! Except work! We frown upon that!
  12. I have seen that rock star video at least 25 times! Got played last term at school on the music channe about 2 times a day!
  13. Simple but effective! 5 and a half Bears out of 7!
  14. I'm doing my A levels at the moment.... Then i'm off to Uni and then, I have no idea! My dream Job: Not to Work!
  15. Today i did my revision as usual! Then sorted out some banking! Then i watched the Raw of Soul Eater (a new anime just started this season) and thought it was great! though it was in Japanese! I have then spent ages trying to make an avatar and Sig and After a lot of trials i gave up on the avatar but i carried on with the Sig! It's design has changed completely since the first one (which was worse than this ) I've had a great day!
  16. This guy is great! I need to watch the American office more! (i have seen a few episodes) I clicked your sig a solid 6 Bears out of 7 his expression is great!
  17. Ooh i like that idea! I've seen it on Gaf and i find it more interesting I think more people would post in it, I would anyway. as long as there is a source for the wallpapers as some people get really good ones.
  18. Raining again can change that! She is an expert hair dyer
  19. Woops accidently double posted then deleted my message... Anyway i want that Hat! The nerd is craving for it! I was never told it cost a fiver so i went the next day but i had forgotten my recipt and it was all a bit akward... I said "can i have a free headset please! the thing is i have forgotten my recipt" They were having none of it! Not the most akward thing i have done in there though! another one is when iwa lked in and pointed at a sign behind the desk and shouted! IT'S ILLEGAL!!! I'm not sure why! I saw The Water bottle It looks great but alas i can't afford the game... (wii fit) It looks good! I've worn worse mario hats before!
  20. I used to have 3 goldfish but they got eaten by my sisters goldfish! which then died of obesity! After that i gave up on any fish dreams.
  21. Ooh a free hat..? you have me tempted! I do love Hats!!! What does it look like? Would you wear it? Nah, i tried doing that with the DS headset and Pokemon but they weren't having any of it!
  22. A good list! Though i feel A Link to the Past should be top! That may only be because i have played it more than Super Metroid so i can't compare there greatness and i am more of a Zelda fan. But it could easily have been many from that list in my eyes!
  23. Woo you got through the first day back at school Eenuh! Though seems luck was on your side not having to present in class! Anway today, I Woke up late! (always a bad sign) which means i had to do revision right up into the afternoon(just now) which i did not enjoy! Apart from that it's been great! all though mostly work filled, it's great not having to go to school (dreads next Tuesday :/) The best part of my day is finding out my T-Shirt made by Eenuh is on it's way! Ooh and getting Pop up Pirate as a suprise!
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