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Everything posted by Frank

  1. Ah! A fellow cranberry-er (just made that up). I've had it after dinner everyday now for a while and of course if some friends come around I get some strange looks too, but it's worth it :p I also found out completely randomly that Oprah loves the juice as well. I just so happened to scan through that issue she did with Ellen deGeneres and found it. There's one random fact for you.
  2. Fair enough. I guess it does make sense but I haven't seen the movie in ages so sorry for my noob-ness. Still though, I quite like it when things don't make sense...
  3. Sounds excellent! Count me in along with everyone else!
  4. Man, that Rogue on the cover of the comic looks just amazing. Thanks for explaining that Paj. I think I remember in one of the cartoons where Rogue tries to give up her powers and it explains how she got her flight and strength. Still though I'd much prefer that Rogue then the overly petty and depressing Rogue in the movies, who eventually gives up her powers! grr!
  5. I've got such a horrible diet :S Some days when I'm busy upstairs in my room either religiously practicing the piano or painting I may only eat a bowl of cornflakes, some tea or coffee and dinner which is usually spuds(mashed potatoes) and chicken with mountains of ketchup of course. I like to drink Cranberry juice most days though Quite tasty it is.
  6. Speaking of swearing in other languages, swearing in German in Ireland is pretty popular I think. Mostly because of that German fellow who was in Killinaskully. Hopefully someone else on this thread has seen it! :p From what I remember most people tend to say "Shizer!" I have this new habit of saying "merdique" which means shitty in french ^_^
  7. Haven't heard much from this new Peter Parker but based on looks, I could easily see him as Peter Parker. It does seem odd though that they are making an entirely new series of Spider Man movies so soon. I would have thought that they would have gone for a brand new series that hasn't been "Hollywood-ised" As a sidenote, I actually quite liked the 1st Peter Parker and Mary Jane from the earlier movies, I hope it's not just me :p
  8. A little different than Paj and spirited away. Currently I live in a pretty small village in the west of Ireland, which I love. I've lived here my entire life and even though it would be fascinating to live in some big city, I secretly love this small village. Everybody kinda knows each other and are fairly friendly. Most people here are also very proud of our village, which is evident when it comes to sport! It has all the shops you need for you're day to day stuff and a lot of fields and grass etc. surrounding. My favorite part is that my bedroom window looks out on this gigantic tree which I love to see changing throughout the year. Beside the tree there is just one small farm house and huge acres of grass where there are loads of cows. It also faces west so the sun(when it's sunny) is lovely when it sets and leaves my room a beautiful red-ish glow Woah! Sorry about writing so much, I kinda just zoned out a little there :p Hopefully it doesn't sound like I'm trying to sell you the village :P
  9. Anyone know where you could get this? I'm sure online would be much easier as I'll probably forget about it otherwise...I don't mind if it's illegal... Looks like a movie I'd enjoy so can't wait to watch it
  10. Oh my God! I've only woken up now...where is everyone?! *Runs around until finds everyone* (EPIC ENTRANCE...I come in but all they can see is a silhouette. I walk slowly and calmly towards everyone with them still unsure of my identity. Suddenly a light from a nearby source quickly illuminates my face and I look slightly up with a smug look on my face while everyone stares in awe...) Hello there. I hope I'm not too late
  11. If it's still possible count me in! I imagine this will be interesting with it being Lost. Hopefully it starts soon.
  12. Eek! Could anyone explain to me what this game is? I've just read over the 2 pages and from what I've gathered it's some kind of pokémon styled version of a game where you're given information, by Rez, I think and you have to find out who's who? Sorry for being such a noob :P
  13. I'm still quite young so I'm not entirely sure yet. Luckily I've always had quite think hair so I hope that will help me in the long run. But if nature decides to run its course and make me bald then I'll try not to intervene too much such as getting hair transplants. Reason that I'm unsure is that all my uncles on both sides of the family have/are balding yet both my grandas have a full head of hair. I'm stumped on that one.
  14. Funny. When I went to see the film with my family there were hardly any children there. The majority of people who were watching the film were definitely over 25. Just lucky that day I guess.
  15. ha! I remember watching that ages ago when I was younger. I almost had tears rolling down my face when I watched it before when she said "would you like a cup of tea?"
  16. I think my groin was quite hurt with it being called ugly.
  17. I can see why you thought Jean and Cyclops were good choices, but there was just something missing I think. As for Rogue, I think that it was more her character. It would have been epic if she was anything like in the 90's cartoon. Just so over the top, crazy, and southern. Loved her Plus, why couldn't she fly or have extra strength
  18. Tell me about it... Edit: just in case, that was supposed to be rhetorical but I thought that you might have actually thought that I was asking. Anyway, just in case you got confused :p
  19. I'm sure some of you have come across him at least once but I can't resist having, almost elitist, conversations with my sister with quotes from Shane Dawson. I could be in front of my own Mam and while talking with my sister, she probably wouldn't have a clue what we're talking about. Simpsons is always great to quote but it drives me bananas when nearly every guy I know in school constantly quotes either Family Guy or South Park. Ugh.
  20. I've been such a bad T.V. watcher the last few months :S I tend to just watch good movies instead, either at home or cinema (Go Toy Story!!) I've just been totally un-interested and found better things to do or I just can't be bothered to get into a series. Lately, I've been watching The Simpsons every now and then if that counts? :p I wouldn't mind getting into one of these series' which do seem quite good.
  21. Definitely discos. Very much over-rated and you're basically expected to like them. When I tell anyone that I don't really feel comfortable at those types of places they all reply the same with "Ah, sure you'll like them when you're older" Ugh, I'd much rather go somewhere interesting like London, Italy etc. then start clubbing for my 18th. Red meat is another one. Yeach! Oh, and damn you non-coffee drinkers. Hasn't Godot taught you anything? :p
  22. That is just too much nostalgia Jimbob. They are all so amazingly amazing! ^o^
  23. Even though I loved the first 3 X-men films when they came out, with hindsight they are pretty shite, to be honest. Coincidentally, I was looking at the cover of one of the DVD'S yesterday and I thought that they picked horrible actors for Jean Grey, Cyclops and Rogue. I'm not judging them based on their acting talents, but they just don't look, to me, like they should. Maybe I'm just nitpicking. Don't get me started on that Wolverine movie ¬_¬
  24. I don't think I'll give much explanations. Anyway, Anthony Perkins: Norman Bates From Pyscho. Just because he is completely insane and plays the part perfectly. Even though it isn't from a movie, I'm going to say Tim Roth: Cal Lightman In Lie to Me. Just fantastic actor. And finally Helena Bonham Carter: Anything One of my favorite actors and is just fantastic. She's amazing in Harry Potter and Sweeney Todd. I think that some others worth mentioning is Johnny Depp in most things he does and Angela Bassett in "What's Love Got to Do with It".
  25. Frank


    Never been a big fan of cake. Unless it's chocolate cake. Anything else? Not going in my mouth.
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