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Everything posted by Frank

  1. I agree. Even though you have a presumption that it is for selfish intent, isn't that at least better than doing nothing or worse, doing something 'bad'? Gaga is fighting for the rights of many people, particularly the gay community. So, I can't see how you can argue with the fact that she is helping others. Maybe I'm just missing your point
  2. I think it is also amazing that even the rumors surrounding her, show that not everything is black and white. People nowadays are so aware of the possibility of her having a dick, but at least it makes them aware that even gender is not black or white. Just something I was thinking about :p Also, I didn't realize that your video was fake until have way through when the guy said one soldier life is worth 7 homosexuals. By then I was like..."wait a minute..." :p
  3. Fantastic, I'll definitely have it in by the weekend ^_^ I'll try my best too. Just have to buy batteries for my camera though :/ it absolutely drains most batteries! I wouldn't mind a little singing, it's time that the rest of N-E, instead of just Diego, discovered the voice of an angel that I TRULY have :p Or you and I could just sing "Hero" by Enrique, yes Diego? You were so good at it last time :p
  4. Wow, gizmo. Great stuff I used to do gymnastics when I was younger for a good number of years but nothing compared to what you did! I could do a little back-flip thingy and I had pretty good strength in my upper arms so nothing that special. How come you stopped?
  5. Interesting thought. But I don't think I could sum up my nature in just a few words, 'tis fairly unpredictable. Yes, I'm aware of the irony of me technically describing it in one word :p If I was to add another little comment, I'd say that I'm rarely in arguments these days. I generally don't hang around the right people to have a genuine argument about. I like to surround myself with good people Well, I try anyway :p A little stressed these days and a bit all-over-the-place but I'm generally peaceful...I hope
  6. Wow Diego, not the ambitious type are you? :p 12 probably is a little too much for just one person. But hey, whatever makes you happy If you want my 2 cents I'd probably go with the LGBT group, the Yoga, maybe one sport (if any), and I think if you learned Japanese it would be pretty amazing. But it's a bit of a challenge, no? I'd be pretty overwhelmed even with just the 4 that I mentioned :S And Japanese isn't something that you can just pick up. Wouldn't you find it hard doing these while getting your psychology course as well? You could probably handle it but I'd be a mess and probably wouldn't last long :p More power to you though
  7. Pretty late to the party but ah well. Not particularly fond of the idea of covering Bohemian Rhapsody but it's N-E, so all is forgiven. Should be cringe worthily funny, at least :p A couple of months ago, I learned some little sections off of Bohemian Rhapsody on the piano. I can upload a video of me playing the opening ( is this the real life, or is it just fantasy...) the part where he says "little high, little low" And of course the best part "Maaamaa, I killed a man....." Is that ok?
  8. there's coffee?! Whenever I'm Dublin next, we have to go there :p
  9. Ah, yes, I see why you got confused. Pretty similar. Lady Gaga is just getting better and better. Her input towards greater acceptance of the LGBT community mirrors Nina Simone's input towards the acceptance of the black community in the 60's. Although, it's obviously not a good thing regarding the prejudice of the LGBT community, I can't help but be a little proud and happy that I can live through this and watch great changes right before my eyes. It makes me happy that I have a contemporary artist that I can actually and genuinely look up to as well.
  10. phew! I thought I had another angry scenario on my hands :p
  11. well, I guess you make a fair point, heh Have you made your mind up on going to the meetings? If so, I hope you're not going to become all promiscuous and ditch me :p Sorry about the double posting of the video. Seems I have a habit of doing that accidentally. First, it was Jayseven then... :p
  12. maybe, but it kinda fits into this. I'm surprised you didn't make a joke about my obsession with Gaga :p It's very interesting, btw. Well written speech.
  13. I agree with Diego on that point but generally I think it comes down to preference. Some men/women like to be top and other men/women like to be bottom. In my opinion, I'd prefer to switch it up and maybe be bottom on such a day and top on another. It's never just black and white. is what easily accomplished? sorry, I don't get what your replying to
  14. well, you know don't you? Plus most on N-E, so...I'm half? :p A little off topic, but still suitable to the topic, DADT repeal was denied, yesterday I think. Shame, especially after this great speech. Haven't watched it in full yet but I'd say it's worth a watch http://gagadaily.com/2010/09/lady-gaga-speaks-at-dont-ask-dont-tell-rally/#more-10680
  15. hmm..well, I guess one could argue that, according to Chair's post a 'queer' person could be straight yet want rights for gays, so if the LGBT community are trying to be activists for gay rights then the 'Q' fits perfectly, me thinks.
  16. Oh, btw Diego, is this a weekly thing or is like daily etc.?
  17. :S Oh! When did the 'Q' come in? I've never even seen it written before. Just always LGBT.
  18. Sure go for the craick anyway :p I'd say it would be worth your time to maybe go at least once, I think. Never been to one myself, but it seems interesting. Gay's are usually always a hoot :p
  19. Yup :p But, Normally if I'm bored I'll probably just go on N-E. I feel really guilty though if I feel like I should be studying and I'm not
  20. Before I actually had a sense of what I actually liked. I used to just listen to whatever my friends listened to so you can say that I've outgrown a lot of stuff similar to My chemical Romance, Green Day, McFly, Panic at the Disco and all those 'emo-ish' bands. Now, I listen to stuff like Ella Fitzgerald and Nina Simone. So much better
  21. Just to clarify, Cube, I'm sure your talking about JLS's, the Club is Alive with the Sound of Music. I really dislike "artists" who do that. I'm not a big fan of the song either, but some music is supposed to be light-hearted. I know it helps if it's actually good, but I think shows like the X-factor etc. have made us so critical of everything. As for me, I'll just ignore this song but whoever finds it good, fair enough I guess
  22. ...so...no shape or form of Sexuality thread? ... I thought it was pretty handy and fun for some topics. But if it doesn't come back, I understand.
  23. haha, can't make it tonight though. I'm exhausted, and need a shower. I know it takes like a minute but meh! I give you my permission to make it Dazz :p Anyone else will be punished!! I was gonna give an example of a DILF but I can't think of any atm
  24. heh! Well, I was really worried that I'd make him all sad if I stopped chatting so I talked to him every night for like a week then...well, I got a little bored of the 'My life is so miserable...'. As he was doing it all the time, it began to feel a little depressing :p Well Ashley, you didn't mind that much or call me rude when I got bored of you
  25. Who cares if I'm gay, I'd do Anne Bancroft. I think it's the smokey, flirty, 'I know something you don't know' smile that gets me... this thread slightly bores me, where are the DILF's? :p
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