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Everything posted by Frank

  1. I love the Simpsons more than ever these days. It's seems to be just me when I look at the general opinion, but I think the newer series is fantastic. They can be so clever yet random at the same time. I also secretly love how they diss American culture :p I had a great chat for about 5-10 mins about this whole Bansky controversy with my Art teacher after class, quite fun
  2. Frank

    Yoko Ono

    Also...if anyone's interested...
  3. Frank

    Yoko Ono

    They are still pretty amazing though :p What I don't get though, Wesley, you say she's over-rated? She wouldn't be the most mainstream women when it comes to her music and from Wikipedia she hasn't got much 'hits'. Maybe I'm just being superficial and your talking about the good comments she gets? Most comments from the Gaga video love to exclaim that she sounds like she's drowning I'd just like to see why you think she's over-rated.
  4. That link has just made me question my whole sexuality... I seriously found her really attractive, but in a teenage-boy kind of way. So confused.
  5. Goafer! How on earth do you make your pictures look so stylized and almost paint-like? They all look amazing. I've always had an interest in photography so I would love to be able to take some pictures like yours.
  6. Frank

    Yoko Ono

    Oh, never knew that. I read that she didn't exactly get on with Paul but didn't know people actually blamed her for actually breaking up the Beatles. Seems pretty daft to me. Well, I didn't mean in the sense that they're similar. I know that they are near polar-opposite in some respects :p Both of them can have quite strange, albeit very good, ways of singing so just thought I'd throw in a Joanna Newsom "comparison". If you liked that Gaga performance I'd recommend looking up "It's been very Hard" and "Give peace a Chance". (They are the other songs that I'm aware of that they sang) It does require a certain 'taste' to enjoy them though :p
  7. But Raining, aren't you from the North? If so, that automatically makes your accent full of win!
  8. Right so if I recall correctly, tomorrow would be John Lennon's 70th birthday so it's a bit of a coincidence how this all ties in. A few days ago, I just found a bunch of videos about Yoko Ono and, being a little intrigued, decided to give them a watch to see what her whole thing was about. At this stage, I honestly didn't know who she was, being blissfully ignorant , so wikipedia'd her and was pretty impressed with her life etc. I'm still extremely unsure what I think about her though. Of course we could just go down the familiar route of talking about the subjectivity of music and that it depends on what I think about her etc. but I just want to know what you think. I was going to just post one of her performances/songs in the "rate the above song" or the "Stunning things" thread but I want to get a bit more of a response towards her. I love how she stands for feminism, gay rights and peace yet I've heard many saying that she was a bitch. So, I'm confused :p Her singing is quite...unique...but in a cool way, kinda like Joanna Newsom. Anyway, I'll post a couple of things. Extremely weird but I absolutely LOVE this performance. Just so strange!
  9. I like your accent. It's pretty unique and I don't hear it very often so it's nice to hear something a little different. Your English was perfect for the parts of the video that I watched so kudos to you! I live in the West of Ireland so I pretty much have a very culchie Irish accent My initial reaction though was "WHAT?! A 10 minute video to ask how to pronounce English!?" :p
  10. That just reminds me of 'Friends' with Joey, Ross and the sandwich?
  11. Sue me, I copied Paj but I couldn't help myself :p
  12. No. :p EDIT: Wait, I'll add on to that. "In my opinion, because it's subjective." I don't want to be flamed
  13. Let's tie things back then. Do you consider the Bieber to be beautiful or sexually attractive or both or none :p That might prevent a further thread rip...
  14. O.O Talk about insane creepiness and I'd like to think it takes a lot to creep me out but man, the thought of that coming on TV...
  15. How incredible sucky! We're getting our mid-term holidays on the 23rd of October so we have to be back in school for the 1st of November. So, we have school the morning after Halloween. FAIL
  16. yes, reminds me of something I heard a while back. I'm not going to go on and preach about how everyone is beautiful on their own way etc. etc. But I'm sure there is some tribe/country/village or something similar in Africa where women are under pressure to be obese. According to their values the fatter you are the more attractive you are to the man. It only applies to the women, IIRC. So they basically just eat and eat. I find it fascinating yet it's no better than our culture of super skinny automatically = beautiful. It really depends on what you've grown up with. We're influenced outstandingly by the media, parents, friends etc. I don't even need to mention all the magazine trash out there giving all sorts of advice to be like skinny celebs. OK, I feel like I'm veering off the point so I'm stop :p
  17. Your immune system must be impenetrable then :p
  18. ...are you serious? It hasn't even been Halloween yet :p Christmas has been so materialized and poisoned but what's new? Btw, nothing against you Deap just in case you thought I was on the offense
  19. A little late to be posting here again but what the heck. I won't show all the pictures I took as I know that'd just be pure dull but I do want to show you one picture that I got in Madame Trousseaux's. I wasn't all that bothered to take a picture but then I remembered you Danny-Boy, yes I realize that shows how cool I am(:p), so I just had to take it.
  20. thanks Out of curiosity, do you mean improve timing of the entire thing or a specific song? I've never had a piano lesson before so I'd like to improve in any way I can. I tried playing your songs but I couldn't just "play now" without downloading stuff etc. so I'll try give them a listen tomorrow. P.S. Just like to prove that I do have pigment in my skin and I don't have a fear of the sun :p As you can tell, I'm pointing to my skin to show my lovely tan
  21. You just don't appreciate it :p Joking aside, it was the only one that I could find of the original but if it annoyed you that much I'll just post the Jennifer Hudson one :p I consider this almost the same as my previous post so I'll give someone else the chance to rate your song. Hope you don't mind
  22. Thanks R_A. My mind can't help but think of what your Aunt was thinking about for her last few hours, days, or months of her life. Sad thought
  23. meh, I'm pretty indifferent to them. I've heard a couple of their songs which are grand quality but there's just something about them... It's like they're just kinda hovering around the place and not really doing anything, I dunno, I can't explain it Maybe if they actually showed some more personality/life and give us a reason to care about them they'd probably be much more promising.
  24. Both "sides", if that's an OK term, have both very valid points and flaws, in my opinion. I don't think this can be resolved as music is such a general thing to argue about. It's near impossible to simplify it. I have to agree though that of course music is subjective. For some people, songs have different meanings to them. For example, let's just say there's a mother and daughter and the mother's favorite song is...let's say 'Radio Gaga' by Queen. Now, let's imagine that the Mother dies. For the vast majority of listeners 'Radio Gaga' possibly means nothing apart from a good, catchy song to listen to yet for the daughter it symbolizes her mother, in a sense. Every time that she hears/listens to that song she'll probably automatically think of her Mother making that piece of music very personal and...subjective. I know, I know. It's a weird example and I hope I worded it correctly but I think that makes sense
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