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Everything posted by Frank

  1. The whole day's been pretty nice today Got up at 7, usually it's like 2 for a Saturday, and went to town to go to this study center. Don't worry, it gets better :p So yeah, just had a great time while I was on lunch with friends in SuperMac's. The sun was blazing as well which added to the whole nice today thingy. Happy with the study I got done. Took the train to a few places today as well. It's officially my favorite way to travel Oh, plus! I'm on Mid-Term for the week...woo ^o^
  2. Frank


    Never seen any of the scream movies. All I know is that Drew Barrimore is in the first one If I'm honest, I knew about the character(the killer) before the movie and I honestly thought it was a comedy, but in a black humour sort of way.
  3. Happy birthday to all. n-e was bust for me last night so sorry I didn't reply then. Speaking in different languages seems to be a theme in this thread so why not join in on the bandwagon. It probably has no relevance to ye but oh well :p Tá súil agam go raibh lá breithe ar fheabhas agaibh!
  4. No, unfortuantly I didn't :p Feel free to punish me. I think I can still use the excuse that it was quarter to one in the morning and I was using me iPod.
  5. Dang, that Fiona Apple song sounds so much better on this computer than on my i-pod speakers which over-emphasize the beats and drowns out her voice Love the song even more now Also, whenever I set it as my alarm, it's the most wonderful thing to wake up to...ahh...
  6. oh, never heard about that. You sure it's actually advertised by Gaga and her company itself? Because from just that extract it kinda sounds like the merchandise that any famous person would have. Whereas the lip-gloss is actually a Justin Bieber product. The only company I know that gaga is a part of is the Haus of Gaga, which does indeed sell stuff like T-Shirt's and clothing. They're aloud, in my opinion, though because they create stunning things like the "Living Dress" :p
  7. I have never laughed so much on a thread...
  8. Well, That's the problem. From what I can tell it's for money, and it's a bit obvious that it's for nothing else. It's not like there's a lack of nail polish and Bieber is acting all chivilrious by supplying them with much needed nail polish. For me, he just loses so much respect from me, not that I had much to begin with :p Im fairly impartial to him as I've never heard of his music but this is just a cop-out.
  9. Sweet Jesus, can somebody please eplain this!? I'm honestly speechless. http://http://today.msnbc.msn.com/id/39603721/ns/today-entertainment/
  10. Oh your filling my head with so many ideas! :p Which Zelda song would go well with it though? Maybe like a mixture of zelda's lullaby and the intro violin part Hope I didn't sound too amateur-ish in this video. I think I kinda rushed it but I'm still quite happy, particularly with how the poker face song turned out.
  11. Arh!! After reading that Harry Potter review, there's nothing I want to do more! I've never liked big roller-coasters(because I'm an absolute whimp) yet I really want to go on the Harry Potter one Usually, I just go on the tea-cups or something similar :p Glad your having a great time ReZ.
  12. I decided to make another one. As the title may hint, it's all Lady Gaga and The Legend of Zelda. The latter will probably be a little more appreciated here, even though I play them quite simply :p I'm actually quite happy with how the video turned out, despite being shot in the middle of the day it looks like I'm in some kind of neon-blue spaceship. Or like a living "blue-period" Picasso picture. Sorry about the weird skips at the beginning. Don't know why that happened yet, for some reason, I think it adds a little bit to the whole sci-fi-ish mood. I dunno :p
  13. Oh yeah, how come you decided not to? I have no idea what the first two are. AF and E? Feel free to tell me how much of a noob I am :p
  14. I've just been able to get on now. Glad it's back, so far I haven't noticed much difference but I don't really tend to notice those things anyway :p
  15. Pleasantly surprised by that song. I loved the almost jungle-like sounds at the beginning and the whole song in general. Felt like I was spinning in ecstasy, I hope I'm using that phrase right :p Her voice was lovely and very easy to listen to, as well. 8.2/10 I'm absolutely in love with this song <3 I haven't heard it in ages so when it randomly came on my i-pod a few days ago, I couldn't stop smiling at the song itself. I had forgotten how it went, melody etc. What I love about it, is the fact that Ella sings in such a happy tone with an extremely up-beat song yet the lyrics are so spiteful and almost angry regarding love. Brilliant.
  16. Frank


    I don't think I've ever been a touchy person. For about 99% of people I would feel extremely uncomfortable hugging etc. Even a handshake is often awkward The only time, I think, is during times like the countdown to New Year's where we all hug etc. when I physically touch people. I'm actually known with some people in my family as someone who doesn't really like to be touched. One of my aunts even stood back in shock when she hugged me :p Some of these new friends in my school though are surprisingly touchy so I'm a bit like clueless at the moment I guess it really depends on the person
  17. how dare you! Bad romance, Alejandro etc. are QUALITY songs. With that aside :p I quite liked that song. Better than a lot of songs out now. I agree with Paj on the whole machinery sound, which he put together better than me so just read what he said. We all knew she'd go single eventually so nothing surprising there. Only part that I didn't like was the 'underwater' part. It just sounded like very horrible 90's disco music. I'm almost sure that I'm liking this more after seeing her on the x-factor where she was being actually fairly funny/good.
  18. Oh dear lord, they're comparing Justin Bieber to the Beatles. John Lennon must be shaking in his grave.
  19. Wait, you cried IN the dream or you actually cried while you were asleep? There's a bit of a difference :p It's never happened me before but I don't think that it's uncommon. Both my sister and my mam have actually cried while asleep, coincidentally they both cried after having a dream of their own mam dying.
  20. Eugh! I cringe whenever I hear an Irish person saying 'mum' or especially 'mom'. It's supposed to be 'Mam'!
  21. Well, I'm pretty proud to be Irish. I would never proclaim stupid things like "Ireland is better than_____" etc. if you know what I mean. I have some patriotism for my country but nothing more, nothing less. I could just lie and say that I'm not proud and I'm into everyone being one, blah blah blah but I'll admit that whenever I go abroad to whatever country I'm always ecstatic to tell someone, if they ask that I'm Irish. I'm proud of our history etc. However, we have some of the most horrible and extreme nationalism ever. Coincidentally, we(my school class) were watching a documentary on football teams (rangers and celtic) and the religion that they bring with them and symbolize. Some of the things they would chant was frankly disgusting and it is times like that when I don't feel quiet as proud. There's nothing wrong with being proud of where your born but when it get's to the stage where discrimination sets in, there's obviously something wrong.
  22. Hmm....it seems like there's a real sense of tension here. Maybe I can lighten the mood by admitting that I got teary eyed, once again! I was watching the X-Factor(please hold your judgments :p) and I got quite teary eyed when Mary Byrne got through to the live finals, yes I know I'm a little behind everyone else. There were NO tears but....god...what's happening to me?!
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