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Everything posted by Frank

  1. that's quite right Ashley, I used it and chatted with a few people on it. Horrible thing to use though. The one guy who actually...pickled my fancy :p began to just talk about how he tried to kill himself 4 times, how his mother abused him, how he is living on his own without much needed stuff and a host of other things. I did feel quite bad for him and had some sympathy but it's a little much on first impressions on a dating site :S I found much more success using N-Europe :p
  2. Frank


    yup :p Because I'm mean! If you find TV3 (which is the Irish channel) then, there you go. We can get ITC, BBC, etc. over here but I'm not sure if it works out the other way :S If not, guess you'll just have to use the internet or wait for some 4 months to pass :p I'm kidding That song that is sung by Kirsten Chenuith(sp?) is actually fairly decent... Edit whoops, just saw that sneaky white writing in your post!
  3. Frank


    hmm...well, I'm not entirely sure if I'm honest. I heard some Glee people singing telephone which was...just horrendous. Anyway, putting aside that, I have thought that maybe one of two songs we're fairly OK, but nothing more :p Are you jealous then that Glee has it's European premiere in Ireland...in a couple of days I think.
  4. Frank


    They absolutely murdered the song Telephone... Argh! You can probably tell that I'm such a big fan! :p Of course, I don't hate it because it's Glee, I just dislike it because when it first came out everyone I knew was trying to shove it down my throat and basically trying to make me watch it. I'm such a rebel...
  5. Study of course! :p
  6. nothing more suitable!!
  7. I'm from the lovely country in Co.Clare so I'm like 20 mins away from you mcj Diego can back up our amazing town with our beautiful sheep :p I don't pay tax either, but not a fan of his mindsets and viewpoints
  8. This is just; Amazing!! The first 2 searches I put in were correct so my mind was like BLOWN!! I also was genuinely surprised when he reached out of the screen and grabbed the tipp-ex.
  9. boo! Stay away from Ireland!
  10. Frank


    Hidden-sex-joke five!! *snap*
  11. Saw this last Sunday with Diego, and it was just utter madness! I've only seen the movie and I'm too lazy to read the comics so I know only limited stuff about Scott Pilgrim Anyway, loved the movie, that lesbian who was one of the seven ex's was probably the best. "You punched my boooooooooooooob!!" By the end though the fighting got a little bland.
  12. Don't see anything wrong with it, who's to judge? I did use grindr for a while but the nearest person I found was in London, the rest were 35 year old gay shams/knackers chatting to me, which was a little funny but creepy too. I feel so judgmental! :p Also, a lot of people on this website are pretty good friends and have met up, right? I don't think, we of all people, can judge.
  13. I'm guessing the system works in the sense that you review the person's avatar and sig who just commented before you? In that case, Avatar: Pretty nice stuff going on. Because you explained it to me earlier I 'get' it now :p But I still miss your Marth one Signature: Rockin' stuff. Made by yourself as well so, congrats! Avatar: 7/10 Signature: 9/10
  14. ...what a random thread :p
  15. I'm a complete and utter pushover. I'm never really angry at people these days, but I don't have any reason to be anyway :p
  16. Damn! You beat me to it Danny Boy!! I was going to post a little piano piece but it'll just seem like I'm copying you... Ah screw it, I'm going to do it anyway :p
  17. Frank


    I see! Well, we're learning all about N.Ireland in our history class so get ready to get attacked by prejudice facts! ATTACK!! I will win btw
  18. Frank


    I'm from the west of Ireland. I live in a fairly small village near Shannon (the place with the airport). I'm guessing you live in Ireland then, right? Well done on giving up the smoking! From what I've read before you do seem a little un-lucky with your health :S
  19. Frank


    haha, maybe not north vs. south. More so east vs. west, I think. If that's the reference I think your talking about. As for ReZ, yeah we met up for the weekend :p I'll be heading off to his in a few weeks as well so I guess he does have a crew, haha. Do you smoke, Raining?
  20. Frank


    Ah yes, I remember that lovely demonstration you gave to me about how you smoked it :p Oh, and don't worry Raining, I'd probably never try it but if I ever did try it once I imagine that I'd just get sick. Thanks for the advice though
  21. Frank


    From when I was practically born until I was 15 I HATED smoking with a passion and I suppose I still do. My Mam smoked all the time and so did my Nana, just like you MadDog. After seeing what it does to people you know after a period of time, it really does put you off them. Of course, I've been watching a lot of old movies recently so the propaganda in those films towards smoking does make it seem very tempting and glamorous but I doubt I'd ever start smoking. Maybe try it once but nothing more.
  22. Ah, that baby being born was pretty epic I thought :p I LOVE LOVE LOVE Ugly Betty. I got into it around the 2nd series and it's nearly had me in hysterics in every episode. I agree that it got a little stale by the 4th season, such as, they just used cheap "comedy" moments of Betty falling down but otherwise it was always worth a watch. I think it's just something that doesn't take itself very seriously and quite fun. That Justin storyline though in the last season kinda over-shadowed everything else which I didn't think was that great.
  23. love love love the cinema! Just such a great place to meet up with friends and I love discussing the film afterwards. Especially reciting all the funny lines if it's a genuine funny film. I'd say I'm fairly impartial to the whole 3-D thing. I quite enjoy it and I think that my eyes no longer get hurt by it. But an extra fiver for a 3-D movie?! Why can't I just bring in the 3-D glasses that I got in the first place?
  24. Even though my friends and basically everyone I know is constantly talking about about how good they are I've only just gotten in to them a few weeks ago. I really like their sound and how they say that they are want to be like a modern 18th century band :p Quite cool Just after learning two of their songs on the piano from their new album so woot woot! Don't hate me, but I got interested in them after seeing their song for Twilight...
  25. Hello fellow pianist! I've been playing for just about a year now and I'm quite proud with the progress I made by myself using just youtube piano tutorials or picking stuff up by ear. My current love on piano (and I've learned two songs) is ragtime!!
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