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Everything posted by Frank

  1. I pretty enjoyed the music thread and for the posts that I posted in there, I'm sure most if not all got a comment or two in response. I also listen to a couple of new things which I haven't listened to before. But I can see why people wouldn't want it back. I'm sad that nobody has mentioned this but it would be great if you could bring back the Sexuality Thread!!
  2. People who try to act smarter than they are. I don't mind if someone wants to learn more but when I'm talking to someone or watching someone talk (not eavesdropping :p) and they think that they know everything there is to know like the rules of pyschology especially! And of course, they never stop giving you advice...ugh! I have to bite me tounge a lot.
  3. Right, seeing as September is coming very soon and usually that's the time people go back to work/school/college etc. and tomorrow I have to go back to school :'( It's also my final year, so time for the Leaving Cert *gulp* It also kinda sucks that most of my friends aren't back until the day after tomorrow, boo! Anyway, to try and make myself feel better :p, is anyone else going back to work/school/college soon? Or already back? Just thought I'd like to mention that I won't be posting as often as usually I post at like 3 or 4 in the morning but with school that won't be happening :p
  4. She is quite amazing, isn't she! :p It's rare you come across a hippie/scientist type, haha. She would also definitely be someone who I'd love to just chat about anything for hours. Interesting lady.
  5. Not sure if that's in relation to the picture or the comment. With regards to the comment, I think I'd have a fair shot :p I've never seen a zombie attack another, but who knows? Also, just to clear it up, that is not me in the picture just in case you thought it was!
  6. Well I still think that it was pretty weird. I'm sure though that it's subjective based on the viewer. Then again, the reason that I thought it was so weird may have been the fact that I missed the first hour so all I saw was Ellen Page castrating a man 20 years older than her when I switched the TV on
  7. Modern Family and The Simpsons are the only ones that I watch so I'm happy for them. I don't know what's with all the hate for the new Simpsons though. I think the newer ones have been some of my favorites but of course every now and then you do get a dud :/ I didn't know about the Emmys until about an hour ago. I turned it on and they were awarding best reality show...man...about 99% of those shows are absolute shit!. So, I turned it off and went on N-Europe instead
  8. I'll try my best at explaining it as I think this is a good example. So, it's not that you're mind is a seperate entity altogether and planning evil stuff behind your back. In a way, it's being fooled along with you. For example, if you know any 2 year olds or just any child really, you could show them the colour/shade of white and tell them that it's called black. Most probable outcome is that they'll believe you and think white is black and hence, their mind is almost 'lieing' to them. I hope that made sense and I worded it properly :p I think you hit the nail on the head Ellmeister too.
  9. Right. Let's create the scene. Just a few hours ago I turned on the computer like I usually do and turned on the TV. I was just waiting for the (incredibly slow) computer to load up and came across this movie called Hard Candy. Please tell me if you've seen because...it was strange. I missed the first hour so I was immediately in this scene where that main character from Juno (Ellen Page, I think) was castrating some other man who she had tied down. Of course I got stuck into it and from what I could tell from there on she was trying to torture him or something as she thought he was a pedophile...I think. The styling was great but very far-fetched. I could just be judging it too harshly though because I only saw the last hour So, the question of the day! What is the strangest or weirdest movie that you've seen? Or you can just talk about some strange things you've seen in general. I don't mind. P.S. No ReZ jokes! It's too obvious and bound to come up somewhere on this thread :p
  10. Frank


    I couldn't have put it better Tellyn.
  11. Wow. So much debating on...zombies?! Really? :p Scrolling down each page and reading a comment here and there, a bit silly if you ask me. I'd just pretend to be a zombie whenever some real zombies are around. They're aren't supposed to be the smartest of organisms so I think I'd have a good chance of fooling them. Just a little make-up and... Done!
  12. With all this debate and conversation about consciousness I can't help but remember this pretty inspiring video by a scientist. Basically, she talks about what it felt like to have a stroke and explains it in such a strange and unique way. If you've got 20 minutes to spare or just interested then this is sure to interest you a little Love this video.
  13. Watch something silly on TV like Big Brother for example and your mind will slowly drift to the unconscious mind... Or just watch Comedy Rainbow and your thinking process will slow down :p Sorry, ReZ jokes seem to be popular around here and I wanted in on the action
  14. Sounds like a fantastic idea! I'll sure try to help in any way to make this happen. I'd love to have my own top trump thing. But seeing as I'm still relatively new here, I imagine my card would be pretty shit :p
  15. Frank


    Love, love, love Twitter! I've joined relatively recently and like to update semi-interesting things from time to time. I've purposely gone out of my way to make sure I don't become a Twitter hoar and post everything that I do. Just every now and then. Plus, I love looking back every now and then on some of my tweets and remember things that I had forgotten. It's great when (like all things) used in moderation :p I also got a reply to one "famous-ish" internet celebrity and, let me tell you, it's a nice feeling!
  16. I'm a sucker for anything that seems very futuristic! Probably worthless but something that would keep me amused for a short while. I imagine that it's probably way over-priced, though you can correct me if I'm wrong. But what if you just wanted to reach something though that is near the automatic soap thing and accidentally activate the censor each time. Would be a little annoying :/
  17. I have a lot of admiration for such a daring task that you're taking up. It will definitely take a lot of work and determination to make this change feel 'natural' in your day-to-day life. More power to you :p I would be a little careful though because, if it was me, I'd probably be so enthusiastic to begin but after about a week or so maybe give up. Also, if it sometimes feels pointless then ask some of your friends/family or just people that you know to maybe join in a little bit. It doesn't necessarily have to be as extreme as what you're doing Also, just think of Gandhi or Martin Luther King Jr.! So, can one person make a difference? Yes they bloody can!
  18. Damn you Dan Dare! :p Oh, and don't forget, Shorty, to give me that one point for the rear window question. 28 I think
  19. Old stuff that is great? Movies <3. My favorite director, Alfred Hitchcock Just the general vibe from years ago. Everything just seems so much more glamorous, romantic, exciting and well...better really. Apart from the obvious improvements of equality nowadays. Also, time could be making the earlier years seem more attractive than they were but it's nice to think it hasn't :p Oh, and most music! I find it funny when people hate "old" music yet don't realize that a lot of music today are just re-using older music and adding beats to it :/ A little ironic. God. I feel a lot of the time that I was born in the wrong era :S
  20. Keeping with the theme from question 28... Question 12: or... Guaranteed. Laugh. Oh, and I think you must have forgotten to put me down for 1 point in the leader-board for Q. 28
  21. 28 - Rear Window. Directed by Alfred Hitchcock. One of his "greats". Released in 1954 and was very successful. Main stars are the gorgeous Grace Kelly and James Stewart. I could go on :p If you look at my signature, it's obvious how I knew, hehe. Oh, by the way, can I try another question or do I have to wait?
  22. Despite joining 3 years ago, I've only really joined in this summer (due to boredom :p) As I've only really been commenting the last few months I don't have a lot of memories with the site but there are still some nice moments that have truly made me lol! I'm quite glad, as well, that even though I am new I feel like I'm apart of the community *end of soppy speech* Is it me, or does this thread almost feel like everyone is saying goodbye?
  23. Isn't it slightly ironic that Neil Patrick Harris, who is gay, has a lot of man crushes from straight guys? He's a lucky fella! What's the appeal btw? Just wanted to know as he appears in nearly every straight guys post :S
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