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Everything posted by Frank

  1. What is so un-christian with kissing girls? Not that I'm a big fan of Katy Perry but that argument rubs me up the wrong way. Making this comment a little lighter, it sounds like she is having an orgasm when she sings "You can travel the wor-erld" and "you can party with uh-us" in California girls, no?
  2. Ahhhhhh!!!! Coming out this September =D I can't wait for this. The 'Take on Me' style graphics make it ever so much better. Thumbs up for Nintendo for getting this title over here.
  3. It has to be this song. A little less modern than what's posted here but great nonetheless! I just simply adore rebellion songs like this, the feeling is absolutely immense! Not to mention that when I'm walking around the house or down the street, I can't help but chant 'To be YOUNG, GIFTED AND BLACK!!'. The fact that I'm not black doesn't make me feel excluded in any way :P I've also got that new terrible Mark Ronson song stuck in my head. I just keep singing those french lyrics over and over :S I've been listening to Muse's album for the 1st time today. I think it's called Resistance, but it is simply EPIC!
  4. Ah! Just got our Argos catalogue today, I always get so excited for them =D Wow, I'm surprised that actually a lot of people did that thing where you picked out what you were going to buy when you were older for your 'dream' house, I thought I was the only one :P On more than one occasion, one of my friends and I picked out everything we wanted and I ended up finding a bunch of sheets of plain paper and drawing the entire house out and in a lot of perspectives too. Then, I neatly added up the total of everything... Times were much more innocent I guess:laughing: Unlike ye, I mostly skipped to the technology section and looked at all the new crazy things, well, either that or the couch section. I love reading all the different names I guess :P I love looking at TV's as well, I even saw one that I'm considering buying.
  5. After extensive use of google images, I think you should just wear these. I'm sure they're comfortable and easy on the feet
  6. - My name is Gavin Hayes, - I'm 16 yrs old, which is a little annoying seeing as the majority of people here are in their very late teens or 20's. - I've been told I'm quite mature for my age though and usually my friends are always 3 or 4 years older. - I live in the west of Ireland, where I love <3 - Love the olden days. Especially most of its movies and music - I have a love of music, art and literature. - Very anti-social, I think. Except when around close friends. So quite shy. - I've came here for the same reason as everyone here, a love of Nintendo. - I'm also gay and love coffee Nice to meet you.
  7. ...I prefer Cranberry juice, really.
  8. If you want family fun entertainment while the family waits for such movies as Toy Story 3 or Shrek. This song is sure to have the entire family singing along, even grandma Just skip to about 1:20 for the song to start. The weirdest part is that this is actually a real song. But seriously, I think some kind of pop-rocky stuff would be perfect. Like Muse, Coldplay, Snow Patrol and other music like that.
  9. You can't have a music video thread without mentioning OK Go. When I saw this thread I immediately thought of them. I also wanted to post some Michael Jackson and Lady Gaga videos but I thought that would be too obvious...
  10. Interesting idea. As long as this has no side-effects it could come in handy. Imagine surrounding an entire town with these heat ray guns until they surrendered! However, I think that officers and other people in war would see death as much more inexpensive and just easier than this and so I'm not sure if this will catch on.
  11. Well, now I do nothing! Summer holidays and all that. By September, returning to school where I'll be doing my Leaving Cert...*shudders* I also have no clue what to do when I'm done. I have a love of art, music, and french. How to make an actual job that pays with those, I'm not sure. Maybe sing in French while dressed in some wacko arty clothes that I designed or something :/
  12. I haven't made up my mind about this. I suppose it could work. When I think about it, when I went on the forums all I did was look at HWYD, rate *blah blah blah* and basically the usual ones with some other threads here and there. I'll wait a few days and retain any judgment. I have a feeling that this idea is similar to communism. Everything seems perfect on paper but when actually done and practiced...
  13. Do keep in mind that I was still pretty young, but yeah I had lost the plot really:laughing:
  14. Despite being absolutely in love with X-men (as my avatar suggests) I've always felt bad for never getting into the comics. I played most of the X-men games on PS2 and I continuously watched the X-men T.V shows. My favorite being the one that was on Jetix. Still, I don't think that it's the same as the comics. How good are the comics?
  15. I almost had tears rolling down my face when I saw this. It looks like your dog is absolutely petrified of you! xD
  16. Quite embarrassing, but probably the nerdiest thing that I've ever done relating to games was a couple of years ago. I'm not sure what year it was, but I think that I was about 11 or 12. I remember that in all these gaming mags that I bought they were talking about it being Mario's 20th Birthday. When I read about it, for some insane reason, I wanted to throw Mario my own party. So what happened was on his 'birthday' I invited one of my friends up to my house and we went into my room. I had two single beds at the time so I moved them in a way that I could throw a duvet over a part of each of them to make some kind of tent. Overall, I had a bunch of lava lamps, an actual spinning disco ball which was very cheap but still so cool :P I had a bunch of sweets and food etc and I also happened to borrow my sister's "Now that's What I call Music (random number)!" So we danced the evening away, just the two of us, and when we were finished we both screamed at the top of our lungs "HAPPY BIRTHDAY MARIO!!!" My parents must have thought I had lost the plot completely.
  17. Both of these are quite old but nonetheless, amazing. I absolutely adore the fact that back then, there were some American TV shows that actually gave international acts a chance even without English being their first language. Of course, not that Edith Piaf needed a chance, she was definitely already a legend. Another great pianist and composer that is just legendary. Always puts you into a good mood. Trying to learn this on the piano however is a bitch...
  18. Please prepare yourself for a few headaches and prepare to swear a lot, Shorty. It definitely challenges you and it's like all of Galaxy wrapped up in one level (but without any round levels) Then again, us gamers are so fickle, we complained that Galaxy 1 was too easy so at least Nintendo listened and gave us star 242...
  19. After having it for probably around 2 years, I think. I finally finished Resident Evil 4 on Wii. Last year I couldn't pass the Krauser boss at the end and so I just gave up. Turns out there is only one tiny level more until the final boss ¬_¬ (FAIL). I'm glad I finished it, the last boss was piss easy though :P I don't think I could give it a fair review though because I'm pretty sure that I have forgotten most of what happened as I haven't played it in ages! Oh, is it worth it to do the extra's? Like the Ada Wong (I think that's her name) missions.
  20. I have no idea if I love this or hate this. I think it might be her that is actually causing this. I saw this one day when I was just skipping through the music channels, where most of the songs were just bleuch, and she caught my attention. Loved it at first and thought she was pretty cool until I looked at some interviews and found out on wikipedia that she is in Gossip Girl...oh well.
  21. Being in that room with only the sounds of all those brilliant people playing the songs of Super Mario Galaxy live must be one of the most amazing experiences ever for a gamer...
  22. I'm sure that I have plenty more but one that immediately springs to mind is last year when I was obsessed with Harry Potter. A bit of a cliché but oh well. From what I can remember, I actually got quite upset a lot of the time because I really wanted to be a wizard xP Oh yeah, and I have just a teeny tiny obsession with Lady Gaga...
  23. Spent almost the entire day finishing Yoshi's Island DS. I had it ages ago but somehow gave up on world 2. Currently, I'm going through a phase of trying to complete all these un-finished games. So, I think after playing that game I'm a little dead inside. At one point, I was one the final level and couldn't get to Bowser so gave up. Eventually I went back and defeated it but OH MY GOD was it difficult! The entire game that is. One of the hardest games I've ever done and it made me want to kill! I'll never look at Yoshi the same again. And when I go to bed all I hear are those babies crying! x__x
  24. Such an awesome thread! I've just remembered quite a few amazing memories. I think my favorites are - Playing Spyro on the PS1. Just an epic game - Playing all the Crash Bandicoots (sp?). I loved when you died and all the apples would just flow down. The coco levels like the one where you went on the tiger across the wall of China is just EPIC! I think Crash Team Racing is probably my favorite though, especially Cortex's Castle =D
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