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Everything posted by Frank

  1. Coffee all the way! None of that silly instant stuff though. At home, we have one of those kinda fancy coffee makers which a friend gave us. Oddly, I'm not the only coffee drinker in the house yet I'm the only one that uses it. Anyway, a freshly brewed cup of coffee with a lot of milk and sugar every now and then is just magic. Tea isn't bad also but give me a coffee instead any day. Plus, I love drinking coffee because it makes me feel like Godot ^___^ EDIT: Just in case you're wondering, that is a Phoenix Wright reference to anyone who hasn't played the games :P
  2. Currently doing those green stars, at a pretty slow rate though, partly because I've been distracted with finishing other forgotten games that I have this summer. Anyway, does anyone know where the 2nd green star is in Rightside Down Galaxy (I think thats it). It's the galaxy in World 1 where you have to change the gravity going up and down. Can't find it anyway! :S I also find it strange that I think that so far I've enjoyed Galaxy 1 more than this game. Maybe that's just because in Galaxy 1 everything is so new. I don't know :/ The opening sequence in the 1st game also completely DESTROYS Galaxy 2's opening sequence. Just thinking of Peach's Castles reflection on the water... EDIT: Never mind, found that star. Finished the game with all stars yesterday as well. I think it's worth it ^_^
  3. I think this is better in winter but when you go to sleep and then randomly wake up in the middle in the night because you need a piss. The feeling when you finish going to the bathroom and jump into bed again is just...MAGICAL! I also love when I find those eggs in the big haribo packets
  4. To be honest, I just said it for the lolz. I'm pretty much on the fence and don't really give that issue much thought
  5. *cough* george bush did it *cough* *cough* same with Hitler and the *cough* Reichstag fire *ahem* sorry I don't normally cough when typing...
  6. I get that feeling now and then as well. Strangely I've also thought about the opposite and was still terrified. The fact that if there is an afterlife like heaven then we will live FOREVER. For some reason that really scared me because forever is a long time.
  7. Actually, a serious question that I think about is how people, or should I say governments, think 'war on terror' works! War on war just creates more war. Whether that effect is immediate or the hatred builds up after years it always does. There are so many better ways, especially in this day and age, than taking other peoples lives and I don't accept the excuse that 'sometimes it's our only option'.
  8. I was able to catch the last half hour of the match between Mahut and Isnor. 70 games to 68!!?! Absolutely amazing match. They were definitely wrecked. You could also see the deveatation on Mahut's face. I felt kinda bad because he had to stay on the court for so long when he wanted to leave.
  9. Ah yes! Tim Roth is brilliant in Lie to Me. Oh, have you seen the one with the crazy irish guy in it? I think that's the one after the UFO episode. Actually I think its the one you mentioned just there. S02e13. *goes to Wikipedia to look up 'Life: TV Series'*
  10. Anybody else here watch Lie to Me? One of my favorite TV shows at the moment, such a clever show =D Acting is ace also!
  11. Phoenix Wright: Trials and Tribulations Despite being on the Ds, all 4 of the games surprisingly pack a mighty punch when it comes to how long it is. I'm sure that I have spent well over 20 hours on each game. Definitely worth it as well. Just finished the 3rd one last night and it couldn't have been better. The amount of twists in the last case are crazy too! 10/10 No better way to finish the series in a non-cheesy way Oh, by the way, does anyone know if that Miles Edgeworth game is any good?
  12. I hope you don't mean me O.O I'm not exactly a fan of Vanessa Hudgens Just thought it was weird :P
  13. Well...They just call me Gavin Actually...now that I think of it, one of my friends calls me both 'Bobby' or 'White boy'. Where these names came from, I have no Idea :S Also, sorry if I'm interrupting, but for me it looks like its pronounced 'best mate' but just in text speak. I'm not sure though >.< EDIT: Sorry, forgot to mention something. Thanks a million to everyone so far who's submitted some names. If I can get my name changed then I might use one of these, some of these names are really good. Cheers ^_^
  14. i guess this relates to music. I will never look at Vanessa Hudgens the same again. I suppose though, after those naked pictures I shouldn't be surprised...
  15. Well I'd say go for it. However, I think it may be better if you moved out first but, honestly, it shouldn't really make much a difference. Actually, if you haven't moved out yet then it might make it easier to really talk with your parents and deal with it properly as long as they're willing to listen. If all else fails you could just do this... very stupid but I can't deny that it put a smile on my face.
  16. Just watched the penultimate episode of Grey's Anatomy. O.O Absolutely freakin' amazing!
  17. Anybody have any news on this game? I enjoyed the 1st game so much!!. I would even say that it's probably my favorite game on DS. I hope that this game still sees its release
  18. Did anyone else seem to notice that the graphics and the general look of the game looked so much better and improved in the e3 2010 trailer than any of the other stuff I've seen? ^o^
  19. Not exactly the most interesting but... I always find it so awkward when I meet someone in a kinda-busy place such as the streets of a city and I haven't seen them in months or it's someone who I know at school but don't talk to. Usually, I chicken out and just pretend I didn't see them:red: Ironically, that usually makes things worse
  20. not a bad day today. Got up and after watching my usual dose of Ellen with cornflakes with sugar, I sat outside in like 24 degrees and drank a cup of tea =D Then went to some tunnel opening in Limerick which was really special apparently because the tunnel went underneath the river Shannon. To me, it was just a tunnel and didn't feel much different. Anyway, went home and watched "the good, the bad and the ugly" ^.^ Haha, after reading your post, Paj Meen Ah, it reminded me of our school awards night a few days ago. I love the irony when people who win 'Best Attendance' don't show up to the awards! xD
  21. What do you call a deer with no eyes? ... ... No eye dear... What do you call a deer with no eyes and no legs? Still no eye dear! *ba dum chiiiiiiichh*
  22. ack! sorry I can be quite messed up a lot of the times :S
  23. Gah! This is my 3rd time writing this message. It took me 20 mins to write it on my I-pod the 1st time and then I pressed the wrong button then my battery died. 3rd time lucky I guess. Anyway, this is both embarrasing and awkward at the same time. Earlier this year I was in my Irish class. Beside me there is also quite a good looking fellow. When the bell went off we all went to our next class and as usual I was last to leave. When I looked where this good looking guy was sitting it turns out that he left his jumper. Long story short, I took the jumper because for some reason I thought it would be cool if I could, basically, wear a hot guys jumper. No idea why though. Anyway the next day my teacher talked about the missing jumper for well over 20 mins and this nearly happened every day for weeks. The rest of the class also made jokes about it. Of course during the entire time I was shaking violantly and constantly had those weird 'butterflies in my stomach'. One day my teacher jokingly accused me of taking it because everyone thought it was this other guy who was in front of me(which I felt pretty guilty about). Apparantly nobody thought it would be the shy and quiet guy. Soon my teacher threatened to look at the camaras so during one lunch I did bring it back as her room was purposely un-locked. I actually did it like 5 mins after lunch which was during our english so I was proper bad-ass for skipping some of my class and I went into the Irish room proper James bond style :P so that afternoon I told her it was me but instead I told her that I took it because I thought I could find the guy and give it to him and that I took it home by accident. Strangely, I think she believed me but she didn't really talk to me as much after that. So it was kinda aaawwwwkward...
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