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Everything posted by Frank

  1. Yeah for the past, oh say 1 and 1/2 months I have been playing melee for like over an hour everyday! I'm now a Zelda master! mwa ha ha:bouncy: Plus unlike you all, I am going to wait for smash! No matter how long it takes.....wait, how much is the freeloader?
  2. ...oh! Wide roads can be annoying? Well I think there should be wide roads if there is going to be 12 karts/bikes on the road! O.o
  3. http://www.nintendo.co.uk/NOE/images/news/2008/Wii_MK_UKV_4c_SCR_051.jpg He has A LOT of friends! o.O Also how do you put pictures actually IN your comments? I have to leave links instead!
  4. you can find LOADS of pictures on this website! http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=247924 Ill give you a sneak peak http://i25.tinypic.com/24dfxo0.jpg http://i32.tinypic.com/24kyy4l.jpg
  5. You held your shield up using 'L' or 'R' and pressed down on the control stick. That was it and you just dodged a move. Simple. Hope I helped!
  6. I think its like this. 50cc is all karts. 100cc is all bikes and 150cc is mixed, so technically yes it is an all kart and bike race but I think its mixed in online as well. Hope I helped!
  7. really? wow, thanks for that. They finally found out that there making friend codes worse by making loads!Took them long enough! xD What else they have added, I'm almost sure that I saw it on the main website........here we go! http://www.smashbros.com/en_uk/howto/technique/technique10.html
  8. DAMN! I was so sure:weep: damn you Sakurai! Apparently, its because Sakurai didn't want people who were really low on the leader board to feel bad and have all the people who were ranked first second etc. to feel really good. A bit of a stupid reason!
  9. Well in my opinion I like the bike idea. And I respect your opinion too...but its wrong! xD sorry, only joking!
  10. haha! Seribii you sure outdone yourself there! kudos! Plus I love the whole bike idea! Its so refreshing, its a good add. It is nice to get something new every once in a while. If they didn't all they would be doing is adding characters and tracks...thats it P.S. What does QFT mean? sorry:confused:
  11. actually when your against random opponents, I remember it saying that it you could play with 2 players not 1
  12. I got MK64 on the vc and I don't like it, I don't know what to do! :S Oh and is everything unlocked when you first play or do you get more stuff as you play along?
  13. My favorite galaxy is defently, the very last galaxy...the lava one but I also love the one with the autumn theme. Remember? It's the one with the bee, Oh and where you defeat the mole on the stage! I tried to explain! hehe Also I didn't mind the d-pad for super mario ds and found it comfortable!
  14. Unfortunately, I can't get on your website. It wont load and it just says page unable to load. So could you tell me in your next comment? please and thank you! : peace:
  15. I can defently see were your coming from. They aren't stupid but of course casual people wouldn't be on the internet for this kinda thing. And when nintendo release something new, they wont know until it comes out most likely and of course they wouldn't know what 'pay and play' is
  16. he sure does:indeed: oh and Serebii, could I see your brawl website. I can't find it anywhere! :S Also I doubt it will take until the fall for brawl to be out! Summer for sure!!
  17. March 28? eh? My guess is sometime in...May. Hopefully the 23th because thats my b-day!
  18. I think this will be great, I mean ITS OPTIONAL!! It really is the best of both worlds as long as they do it right!
  19. Did ye hear about the wi-fi pay and play? What do you peoples think of it?
  20. Shes a he? eh? doesn't make much sense when you read over it does it?:wink:
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