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Everything posted by Frank

  1. I'm such a fucking wuss. Usually, I hardly ever cry, it's quite rare for me. Yet for whatever reason I almost cried this morning. I was watching the x-factor(yes! X-factor...) which I sky+'d. So I'm still only on bootcamp. When that girl, can't remember her name, she's dark, had the flower in her hair and sang walking on sunshine for the 1st audition. Anyway, yeah I nearly cried when she sang adele's cover of 'to make you feel my love' and almost again when she got through. Wtf?! Such SHAME :p I like to cry every now and then though, I find it therapeutic.
  2. Really enjoyed that Paj, quality song. I particularly like the contrast between the really nice mellow parts and the more "rocky" sections. I can just imagine chilling out while listening to this and painting or doing something arty :p 8.7/10 I've never been a huge fan of "big" singers who love to sing really loud yet I've had this song stuck in my head for quite a while now. I think it's a pretty good song too I have the Jennifer Hudson cover in my head but to give due respect, I'll post the original. Sorry about the length, 'tis very long. Some of it is just performance though so you can skip that if you so wish I think the start is around the 3:40 mark.
  3. A bit of an irrelevant post but I just want to say that Marilyn in that picture looks absolutely beautiful! My sister is pretty obsessed with Marilyn and reads many books on her. Naturally, she loves to tell me all about them. Very interesting stuff, she was quite a character. I'd recommend if anyone was interesting in maybe buying some books on her life. Speaking of "Some Like it Hot", I remember reading someone, or maybe it was my sister who told me, that one of the main characters in the movie, not sure if it's Tony Curtis or the other fella, but they said years after Marilyn's death that kissing her was like kissing the devil, or something along those lines. She was, apparently, a bitch :p
  4. Wow, such a thought-provoking thread. I find that fascinating that nobody knew until 3 months after her death. Quite morbid. Did you ever meet her? As for the question itself. Being alone for at least a few minutes a day I think is recommended. It's just so easy to get lost in your thoughts and think of anything you want without any people. Which I find quite comforting. However, at the same time I don't think that living a life of solitude is particularly worth it, well not for me anyway. Why hold your own values close to you and just stick to those your entire life? Although it's possible to grow, mentally, alone it's probably a very slow process. Other people make you question, think and wonder. For the better or worse, it depends. However, meeting different people, in my opinion, is absolutely fantastic and really makes you learn so much. That's what I believe anyway. I'm also a little tired so I won't go off on a rant
  5. I agree. Once it doesn't become an obsessive habit where one posts just to receive thanks then it's ok. I quite like the feeling of getting thanks for a message. It shows people like and appreciate what you have to say or share
  6. Thank you Yeah, I only realised after the video was done that you couldn't see the piano, sorry :p if I upload another one I'll make sure to get it in. Just like to repeat that my skin isn't that pale in real life :p I hope! It looks like someone painted me in White paint :S
  7. Right well it's finally uploaded I've only played the piano for just over a year so sorry if I sound all amateur-ish! Also, I have no idea why my skin is so pale in this video, for those who have seen me before hopefully you'll know that I'm not that pale in real life! Let me just say again, this took my like 8 hours to upload so it better get a fucking response! :p
  8. I don't think I'm supposed to be posting here but Paj, your little animation things that you post are just FULL of win. Make me laugh every time and just suit your comment perfectly!
  9. Let's just all take a breather! Enjoy the music, man, and live and let live...
  10. You know, all this talk about Justin Bieber made me think... I've actually never heard any of his songs and I honestly don't know any of them :S The only song that I know is the chorus to "baby, baby, baby oooh!" and that's it :p
  11. I was being cautious as I didn't want people shouting at me that Bieber is so much better :p as unfortunate as it sounds, it really depends on the listener. Although one piece of music should be considered much better than another, I think it comes to how the listener is affected by it. Such as someone may be more emotionally connected to something like the Crazy Frog song than something like the anti-racism songs that Billie Holiday sang. It's a little mental but that's people for you.
  12. Right, so I got the chance to record a video of me piano skillz! I'm never recording in HD again though. 1st, because it still isn't that great quality on my camera and 2nd, I've been uploading for over an hour and it's still only on 13% This video better get a reaction on this forum!! :p
  13. I'm like 2 weeks behind X-Factor and I'm still unsure if I'll even bother watching them Is the Katy one the proper chav girl with the big eye-lashes?
  14. I always think of Nina when I see that picture... Sorry, that was totally off topic :p How do I tie this in? How about Nina Simone has better music than the Bieber, in my opinion. There we go.
  15. Wow, what an idiot. Just shows that people can still do this sort of thing and many of them get away with it Keep us posted on if you find him/if he gets punished.
  16. what?! This is the first I've heard of it, I have no idea why it hasn't been more broadcast or maybe I'm just not in tune with news these days. Though I haven't seen many films with him, I have seen things like "Some like it Hot" and he is just amazing Also know him for being married to Janet Leigh(the girl in the famous shower scene - Psycho). Absolute legend.
  17. Pixar are simply Amazing.
  18. Smile of a serial killer...
  19. heh, don't worry. It's a little hard to remember it now but from what I recall, it was all positive!
  20. Hmm...well, Oddly I don't really see a lot of bad movies. One movie though that really sticks out in my mind is that X-Men movie centered around Wolverine. I was bored to tears. Just so disappointing. Just thought of another one actually. Slumdog Millionaire, I enjoyed it but it felt a little shallow. Admittedly, I watched it almost after a year since release so all I knew about it was that it was up for several oscars and was "FUCKING AMAZING!!!" It wasn't
  21. Ah, I couldn't not say Happy Birthday Mokong! The reason being because I have a really clear memory from about 2 or 3 years ago where I was in my Irish class in school. Pretty normal day. At that stage I was a pretty passive N-Europer so I didn't comment much but I still knew a few people. Anyway, for learning purposes our teacher was looking up videos in Irish on youtube. Lo and Behold, our class ended up watching a bunch of your videos. Twas quite strange :p Anyway, that's just my little anecdote. Happy Birthday
  22. I'll admit to liking Britney Spears a little but I'd say most of this comes from pure nostalgia as I was fairly young when she was doing "Oops, I did it again" etc. She does have some quality songs but I just don't think she has that "Legend" status It's close...but just not quite there yet. Once she starts singing live and having a stronger input into herself and her music then she'll earn my respect. Like it was mentioned before, Britney Spears is a brand. It's a little strange though. I actually fairly like her 'real' personality and that break-down that she had was just so brilliant as it just went completely against every stereotype and image of her and of the fame lifestyle. She so plays up to the press though which was/is a little annoying.
  23. Just a quick little update. Sorry about that paj, only saw your comment now. A little n-e meet-up would have been pretty cool. In currently in some Italian restaurant called Prezzo using my iPod so I'll try to keep it short Good day today. Some turbulence on the plane 'in order to avoid another plane' according to the pilot :S hotel is pretty cheap and dirty but no bother. Went to London eye today, the 4d experience was EPIC! :P went to some park, bukkinghan palace, big Ben, and national art museum but briefly. I'll be doing more tomorrow and in a fee mins I'm heading to the west end to see wicked so I'm happy out. Thanks for all the places suggested even though my mam and sister don't seem set on going to all the museums Oh, I saw a bunch of scuirrles too First time I'm definitely going to come back soon with friends
  24. Fantastic, thanks Eunuh. My Mam and sister just gave me my first grilling a moment ago. "What are you packing?!" "Why aren't you in bed!?". I have to get up in 4 hours but usually I can go sleep-deprived fairly well :p As for museums, I'm going to try persuade them to go to a few. They said we don't have enough time despite being there for 2 days, so I'm a little confused They just told me though that the London Eye is around 30 quid so I might give that one a miss...
  25. Free? I'm there. I'll probably sneak off as the others are distracted by the big Primark or Top Shop :p
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