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Everything posted by Frank

  1. Oh well I didn't mean it like that. I never really say stuff like that but...yeah...slip of the tongue/comment maybe. But in fairness he is :p I prefer that though. I'd hardly discriminate as I'm gay myself
  2. I heard this from extremely gay blogger Davey Wavey :p I read his blog every week so it is pretty surreal that he got chosen. His video was lovely too. He came out to his nana. Awwwr
  3. Literally my favourite video on YouTube.
  4. Also, I've absolutely no self-awareness to determine whether or not I'm a playable. Doubt it though. Upon reflection, if I had to choose someone on N-E as a playable it'd probably be between Euneh and Pancake. I always notice/read+love there comments.
  5. Kinda reminds me of what me and a friend do at school. But instead, we don't call them playable characters. Somehow we just notice a multitude of people who are just...interesting. Some can pull off as individuals. Others in groups. We always wet ourselves laughing at these stories. We basically construct entire lives of them. It's great Examples of nick-names would be Fancy Skirt, Fancy Pants, Smokey Joe, the NightRider, Skippy, et cetera. Groups include The Black and Tans and Meals on Wheels. One groups of people all look like the cast of Harry Potter. simply amazing. (I have no life :p)
  6. My patents are exactly the same, haha
  7. As languages seem to be 'it' in this forum I'll share. Absolutely love languages and I plan to do at least 3 languages when I get to college. French, German and Japanese. I also know Irish and love it. I'm also really interested in Swedish, Russian and Italian. Hopefully I'll get a chance for them all My advice would be to listen to music with that language. I always listen to Edith Piaf (as an obvious example) and my French is greatly improved. Once on a roll I think/talk in French involuntarily
  8. At last! I finally finished doing my CAO I.e. I'm after choosing my courses for college and I chose where I'll be going too. Nice to get that outta dah way.
  9. Veery Interesting. I guess I agree with the state of change happening. Essentially, I feel like I've been changing constantly since last April. I guess I'm no good at being comfortable so... Also sorry Magnus I haven't :p The only TV I've watched in the last few months is half an hour of Friends in the morning and that's it. I watch random shite every now and then though. I've always had an interest in dream analysis though. I have a book about it and I've downloaded some random things about the psychology of dreaming. It's so fascinating!!
  10. I've been having more and more vividly gruesome and 'horror' dreams recently. A few weeks ago I had a dream, which is saying something as I still remember it, where a group of possibly Arabs/middle-eastern religious group were suddenly attacked. I'm not too sure why as I had the dream weeks ago but I played a role of some sort of camera, I think. I just saw close-ups and far out "God PoV". The most disturbing was watching a man being axed continuously in the back begging for mercy until the nerves in his head were hanging off yet he was still somehow alive screaming in pain to let him die. He was left as what looked like gooey soup on the floor. Then last night I had a bother dream whereby I became a vigilant of some sort. Not too sure what these people did but I still have clear visions of me driving a knife/scissors into someones back multiple times... I'm not always that violent though! After my vigilante duties I met some extremely attractive 20-something and hit it off apparently. We then bought a bottle of wine for my Mam and then I woke. Any dream analysists?
  11. I got this on Saturday and I love it Unfortuantly there are maybe 2/3 "fillers" on the album which aren't in any way original. A little disappointing given the first 2 epic tracks. Overall, when it's good it's sooo good Someone like you, Rumour has it, Rolling in the Deep and Take it All all deserve a listen. Beautiful. Similarly, I adored the lyrics from "Remember Me"(I think that's the name) I got a little teary eyed during some parts :p In a nice way as I can't even remember when I last cried. Got these too. Slight hobbo look is great Symbolises my purchase of a white board w/ markers. BEST. PURCHASE. IN. AGES. Study is so much easier.
  12. I agree with the rest. Die it.
  13. Surely that's not a fail Danny! If anything it's a win Strange that ye're train doors don't close before leaving Today I did the ol' push on a pull door thing...then I pulled and I nearly hit into the door again. Turns out it had a sign saying "Please use other Door. Thank you" GAWWD! Double Fail :/
  14. MMMM...I was slightly annoyed that the version I chose didn't have that intro but I only use my iPod during the week sooo I couldn't be bothered changing it ^_^' Pity though. I saw on the main page that you posted and was hoping to hear "O EM GEE. I'm stunned. Literally." or you know..something like that Oh well :p I quite like it.
  15. Erm, it was good. I didn't feel like it was anything spectacular but I thought it was better than the original, if that means anything I liked that the vocalist sounds like Fiona Apple too. I'm actually wondering if it really was her I know I've posted one too many of her songs so sorry for those who don't like her :p anyway, it's a song from her new album but it's just a remix so no chorus etc. I really like it though it's pretty hard dance music and she speaks German...woo
  16. Boham Carter?! ...it's a must-see for me then. She completes me EW MOn DIEU! I like your new sig, Paj
  17. Salt and Vinegar is the way to go! Also, you say culchie like it's a bad thing. We don't all live in fancy-shmancy D4 :p
  18. You're not Irish if you call them crisps. It's a bag of taytos REGARDLESS of the brand.
  19. After reading this I've come to shape my own opinion that unless you've been terribly depressed and/or suicidal I don't think we can comment. I often think of death etc. but not much else. "Hold them cheap / May who ne'er hung there."
  20. I don't think suicide is necessarily linked with selfishness. It seems too generalised of an opinion to have. I suppose it could be seen as quite selfish in some cases such as if a single parent killed themselves through suicide and left many kids behind. Usually, I pity the death of the person instead. Also, something to think about, I know one of my friends who has experience of losing someone through suicide and he always hated the phrase "committed suicide". It implies it's sinful. So, I try not to use that anymore as I agree. I think it's a good habit to kick
  21. Our sometimes annoying, yet in a euphorically cool way, 30-something female Indian maths teacher who we've had for just a week told us her name today. I lolled so hard I could barely pay attention to the Maclaurin theory. It was Ms. Dimen (pro. Demon) +1 for immature sense of humour. Probably a "have to be there" moment. Otherwise I probably sound like a racist. But the entire class laughed...and then we told her we'd call her Ms. Angel. She laughed - Hardy Har Har
  22. I still have some movies of his left to watch. I got a cracker of a deal on amazon which was abut 20 movies for just over a tenner. Oh, actually, I just remembered that I love re-watching Strangers on a Train every now and then. Probably my favourite by him, or Marnie. Of course, the fact that Farley Granger is sex on legs also helps. i love watching The Birds & Marnie for Tippi. Most beautiful face and voice EVA!! You got a favourite?
  23. How cool are you! So much more respect for you now! :p Sometimes I feel as if I'm the only one I know who's seen his movies :/ But yes I agree, I tried watching it for a few minutes a while ago but the 1st time you watch it is so much more magical. It still has it's charm but Hitchcock builds on suspense. So you'll rarely experience any of his movies the same twice.
  24. No! No! No! It's DAHLING! :p I love her. To make this post have an inkling of relevance, I think the bracelet is suitable so I'm a fan.
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