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Everything posted by Pookiablo

  1. Happy Birthday Sprouteroo (and may i take this opportunity to curse you for beating me EVERY time at Brawl - with old age your skillz will eventually fade away, muhahahahaha...*ahem*, sorry!) Have a good day!
  2. That's probably the smartest thing from you that I've ever read, lol.
  3. Oh don't worry, Vancouver's actually pretty warm most of the year - it just gets cold enough for snow in Winter. SNOW! . Moving abroad is definitely worthwhile providing you can sort out some line of work (or just get rich) - I love the feeling of having been an immigrant - gives you a whole new perspective on things!
  4. Is that like the equivalent of a Super Rennie or something? If so I could really do with one of those sometimes, I get terrible heartburn at times
  5. Oooh, can I come? That or could I persuade you to move to Vancouver? Hmm...you know you want to honey!
  6. I went to London yesterday - was absolutely amazing. My friends and I did pretty much everything one could do in the space of one day (bar the London Eye - it was closed for maintenance ). We basically pissed about all day - one mate managed to destroy the front part of the Acrostar Jet from Octopussy, which was being shown in this very crap movie museum. Laughter all round - haven't had such a laugh in a very long time! I got a few pics but can't be bothered to upload them all again on imageshack so just go to the ol' blog if you're actually interested. It's got a few more details on the day too The Adventures of El Pookiablo Today has been gym and Nandos...mmmmm!
  7. Been going to the gym recently as a result of a free week's membership courtesy of a friend. Was good today, was benching over 70kg easy! Shoulda tried 80...maybe next time
  8. Greatest day in history if you ask me.
  9. Do you have that fish game on the rowing machines at your gym? I did it this morning, bloody knackering but a good way of getting you to row at varied paces. Not sure what weight I'm currently at but I'm trying to eat a bit more healthily and get weight training in more frequently. I feel pretty good lately, albeit a bit sore!
  10. I agree, t'was a good guy (or girl, I dunno, let's just leave it at that). Oh well, we still got loads of great members!
  11. Happy Birthday, have an awesome day!
  12. Congrats Retro, you are indeed awesome!
  13. Just go for it lass! As Nightwolf and Moogle have been saying, if you throw yourself hard enough at it you'll do it. Besides, you seem to make an awful lot more sense on these forums than most folk so you can't be that bad communication wise! Forgive my ignorance but is it something arty you're wanting to do? If so then you're definitely a shoe-in!
  14. I've been having weird dreams lately - ex-girlfriend keeps appearing in every single one! It's pretty freaky! The dreams don't really make much sense, that's just the only thing about them that I seem to remember...
  15. I see your point. As for why Firefox haven't made their own OS, well I'm gonna dangerously suggest that it's simply because they're technically in different markets. Otherwise, it's probably because they're not clever enough. Or rich enough. I can see where the EU is coming from. The Internet is a service, which the majority of us must all pay for. Without various browsers at our (known) disposal, Microsoft could technically just pump out any shit, stick IE on it and ship it. We need rife competition between browsers because through that we'll get our innovation for a better IE or a better Opera or whatever. We're paying customers, we deserve excellent service after all, right? Sure, MS own Windows and sure, it's their own system and therefore I agree they should be allowed to control the majority of its aspects. It doesn't own the Internet however, it just provides a gateway to it. Just because they seem to think that IE is the bees knees, doesn't mean it necessarily is. Through competition it just means that we'll get better, more reliable browsers, quicker. This very concept applies for pretty much everything in a free market economy.
  16. The smartest motherfucker in this thread - as he says, t'is fuck all to do with money, if any of you studied Europe you'd know. MS may be rich but the EU makes 'em look like a small cornershop business. I imagine the reasons for this are far more legitimate than they may seem - one being that MS can be a right bunch of dicks.
  17. Windows Messenger is installed, Windows Live Messenger you must download however.
  18. Happy Birthday, have a good'un!
  19. I should be on the green list, my posts would imply that I am indeed coming, unless you guys really don't want me there or something lol.
  20. Had a good couple of days - was in Cardiff with the girlfriend, chillaxing. I've slept an awful lot although I'm still rather tired! Just watched Die Hard 3 with my housemate, was bloody good, forgot how much I love that film! Jeremy Irons is so damn awesome as the baddy!
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