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Everything posted by Pookiablo

  1. Drag Me To Hell Saw this earlier today - was much better than I thought! I like how Justin Long is in it and in a more serious role (I've always thought of him playing the same, albeit very funny character in virtually all the films he's been in, even Die Hard 4). Enjoyable, few good jumpy bits and a unrealistic story that wasn't too stupid. Also, maybe it's just me but I swear the main character (Alison Lohman) looks a hell of a lot like Molly! Sorry if you don't like that Molly...but she really does! 8/10
  2. LOL. 10char. God some people really do say the stupidest things at work! EDIT: Or on forums, putting 10char even though they're gonna type more...oh Karma, you got me again!
  3. That is an interesting point, I can think of a few games I got second hand that turned out to be awesome, but which I was unsure of initially, which have then prompted me into buying the sequel on release day at full price because I have a pretty good feeling that I'm gonna enjoy it. If only they'd made a Body Harvest sequel.... I think DLC is what sources these things though - all the best online games are the one that release additional, expensive content such as with Halo and MW2 which people then suck up because they wanna keep playing the most up-to-date version of. Why do developers put more effort into creating in depth multiplayer experiences but be lazy on the single player aspect nowadays? Because they're gonna make more money in the long run if they have a enjoyable multiplayer that people will keep coming back to. If you look at PC games it's the same - Return to Castle Wolfenstein (NOT the most recent one) had a pretty average single player, but the multiplayer was awesome and id software pumped out lots of extra maps for it. I imagine, this was not only to release a GOTY edition but because it keeps interest in the game going and people are more likely to buy servers to host their own games of which a small amount is probably funnelled back to id (must be some sort of royalty or licensing thing surely?). People who strictly play the single player side of games tend to be the ones who don't have Internet access to begin with. On point, I think of it as less of a fee for funding multiplayer services, and more a way of making up for a "lost" sale. It's funny how they weren't so concerned about it when single player epics like Ocarina of Time were floating about and online multiplayer was the haven of elite PC nerds.
  4. I dunno why but I feel that it'd be Microsoft who'd struggle the most, for stupid reasons really. MS has certainly got the upgrade/new experience up its sleeves but there's always something very alluring about Sony products. I could see Blu-Ray being perhaps one of the biggest secondary (if not primary) reasons for picking one up and purely because there's Sony and Playstation written on the box - it's a ridiculous reason/idea I know but the brand image is certainly a lot more powerful - some people come to my shop and when it comes to a TV will not settle for anything less than Sony, even though other brands are just as good if not better. Not to say Microsoft isn't a decent brand, but they're more known for the office/study, not living room entertainment. The Xbox (1 and 360)'s strongest feature is their online aspect which most certainly isn't a big deal to the casual crowd. As much as Nintendo promoted the shit out of MK Wii online, I imagine it was a very small percentage of casuals who hooked it up and played compared to the "core" crowd. (Humongous generalisation and I'm probably wrong!) I digress, but the point is, if folk have to choose between PS3 and 360, I see PS3 being the clear choice, mainly because if they can't relate to, or get bored of the gaming (as my father did), as least they have a box that can play Blu-Ray, which is something that they're certainly more accustomed to (unlike fragging noobs in Halo). I think people forget the importance of price - the Wii hasn't been a top seller purely because of its "revolutionary" step in gaming that allows anyone to play - that's a part of it - but I think it just simply comes down to price - when it first came out it was the cheapest thing going (until you had to buy 3 other remotes at 30 quid a pop). If it'd been a similar price to 360 or PS3, I somehow doubt it'd be on top of the pile, or if it were the margin between 1st and 2nd would be a lot smaller. When Move and Natal come out, Ninty should just drop the console price to like 80 or 90 quid - casuals won't see a huge difference as they'll all be supposedly user-friendly but one will be a lot cheaper. /rant + generalising like mad
  5. Aren't Nintendo putting a ridonculous amount of money into their R&D according to one of their last financial reports or something along those lines? I get the feeling that they've been putting a lot more time into getting a successor or upgrade ready so that it's out quickly - I dunno, I just get the impression that as much as Nintendo publicly dismisses Sony and Microsoft's motion-based endeavours, in reality they're actually shitting themselves a bit considering a) Sony sales at least, are on the up and b) the relatively low retail price of a 360 (and even a PS3 given what it can do) could infringe on Nintendo's sales, given that Nintendo's machine is still ridiculously overpriced for what it is. And although people are drawn to low cost, I think they're also (if not more) drawn to good value for money, something which I feel the Wii currently is not (not saying it wasn't when released). I think it'd be idiotic for Nintendo to claim it's got the Number 1 gaming experience when it's machine is, from a technical point of view, less capable and its winning formula (the motion controller) is in fact only as good as Sony's (with a £20 addon). Furthermore, I don't think it can justify that it's got the software to fall back on because it simply doesn't! I doubt a new model would be announced this show coming though, as Ganepark said, I also reckon they'll drag it out - could be a good thing though, means that a new console might have a better bloody line-up at launch. /speculation Just for a laugh, I'd love it if they announced Mario Galaxy 3 - I'd probably in all seriousness cream my pants if they did.
  6. I couldn't decide in which board this belongs so my apologies if it was meant to be else where. Now I don't want this game (it looks ass) nor do I like UFC but I was interested in what people's thoughts were on this issue. Should game companies be allowed to charge folk who buy preowned games to use their online content. Part of me thinks it's perhaps a bit harsh but I'm actually for it. Some convincing arguments were made on the usually retarded IGN article discussion. The retail stores are the one who are seeing ridiculous profits in this regard. I suppose an alternative would be for game companies to drop their prices (say to something ridiculously low like £15/20) and while the profit margin might be smaller, they might find a few more people willing to pick up a new game straight away. Plus it'd make trade-ins a lot less profitable for stores. However, the realist in me doubts that that would ever happen. Who knows, I'm only throwing ideas about to get a discussion going. So yes, share your thoughts!
  7. Fuck that, if I had a goldfish and my flat set on fire, I'd go to Asda, as the firemen are sorting it out, buy some vegetables and come back to prepare a nice steamed fish dinner. Healthy too, unless there's loads of burnt debris in it or something. What a stupid rule!
  8. I've no idea what to expect - I imagine we'll definitely get a glimpse of the new Zelda but as for other stuff, who knows. My inner fanboy is screaming out for key franchise updates like F-Zero and Starfox but I just think that they're not gonna happen this time round. It'll be like Metroid and the N64 all over again. I suppose, on something of a sidenote, how do you necessarily make a better F-Zero than the GC one - the graphics were already excellent and it just doesn't seem like a game that would work with motion control due to its frantic nature. You'd probably end up with stupidly wide tracks that are too easy or normal tracks that are unplayable with motion control. With regards to Starfox, if it does happen, please Nintendo, just reinvent the whole fucking series, even if its just Lylat Wars with motion controls and better graphics, the last 2 console games were the definition of shit and the story has gone completely down the toilet. Anyways, side stuff aside, I reckon Ninty won't want to fuck this one up so my hopes are high for a good show. Also, I'm guessing that perhaps I'm the only one who's looking forward to hopefully receiving some more information about Wii Party? That game looks fun
  9. Same here on the revision front and my exam is tomorrow Please almighty power from above, let me just pass my Diplomacy module and be done with it all!
  10. Just realised that my quoted message also contained the spoiler, lol. It's gone now though A question for Dante (or anyone else that happens to know/wishes to speculate)
  11. That's not lame my friend, that's putting wasted time to good use! If only I could too get time off of work!
  12. I'm guessing the civil service thing didn't work out? (Sorry I've not been here since December) - sorry to hear if not! I too seem to get this a lot... Why on earth would you do that?!?! I'm guessing you saw Have I Got News for You? That Delia Smith recipe bit was one of the funniest things I've ever watched, I was crying at some of the comments! Also, you may straddle me anytime you like cowboy!
  13. Holy crap on a cracker! That is a LOT! This game just went from being awesome to being fucking fantasmagorical! Can't wait!
  14. I would pre-order it from Argos as it's £34.99 and free first class delivery for day of release. However, I always seem to have bad luck when it comes to using first class post - things seem to actually take longer than they would normally otherwise take. Stupid Royal Mail.
  15. Agreed. Although, the development time for the game was much longer than originally anticipated, especially when you throw in the fact that they pretty much had the entire game engine available to them. Who knows, maybe Miyamoto and co. went all out and spent those 2 and 1/2 years going all out to make an extensive 240 individual star bonanza? Edit: That last sentence, I realise makes little to no sense...sorry...
  16. Cheers for the heads-up Welshy, looks like I'll be popping into town on June 11th (ah screw that, I'll probably just walk down the road to Blockbuster...)
  17. I know this question has been probably asked a million times but I can't be arsed to trawl back through posts to find it. If you order from Amazon, does it usually arrive on release day? Furthermore, in order for it to arrive must you choose first class delivery or something? Because if so, then I may as well pop into town and buy a copy from work as I'll get 10% discount.
  18. I love how he says that Mario is "one of - if not the most - iconic and endearing characters in videogames". Everyone and their mum knows who Mario is! As for depth, what the fuck does he expect - how the fuck do you make a game about a fat plumber who jumps around all sorts of crazy shit an in depth experience? Heavy Rain this ain't, twat. It's Mario, it's meant to be silly. That's what makes him so "iconic and endearing".
  19. Oh man, those additions have just made the game even more awesome in my opinion, and I don't even have it yet! Think this is gonna have to be a release day purchase for me after all! Hmmm, need to get my copy of Galaxy back off of a friend, I feel another playthrough is in order to get me back into the epicness that is Mario Galaxy! Btw, someone mentioned something about getting a Wii component cable - have they found one per chance? And if so, have they found a cheap one. I do have one, although it's stupidly stuck round another friend's house and I have virtually next to no chance of getting it back now.
  20. Is it wrong for me to love the Wii Fit "Victory" music after having aced one of the challenges? It certainly does have a feelgood vibe! As for the Turtles in Time soundtrack, nothing is better than "Alleycat Blues"
  21. Would be cool. I imagine Ninty would be too scared to change the setting too much, they seem to have done nothing with it for the last 20 or so years as it is! I just hope for a new story above anything else - fed up of constant bloody reinventions of more or less the same story - that's meant for Mario! Also, something dark in tone akin to MM would be epic
  22. I think its more because an adult can pay but a child could potentially be sent to try to collect it from the counter - the amount of angry parents you get complaining at you for making them come all the way over to get their kid's game when the irony is that they shouldn't even be supplying it to them in the first place. But indeed, at point of payment, the minor in question won't have been supplied with the goods. As far as I recall it's the moment you put the game in the child's hand that you're basically fucked.
  23. If I see this cheap, I'll probably pick it up...but otherwise it just doesn't look like a game that merits the standard price tag. First one was pretty good fun but by no means an outstanding must-have. In terms of on-rails shooters, Lylat Wars was infinitely better. Nevertheless, I imagine the action side of things makes this one of those games where you just pick it up and have a blast without having to worry about putting too much free time into it (which is good because I hardly ever have any).
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