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Everything posted by Gizmo

  1. Gizmo

    Wii Fit

    Thing is games don't sell at currency conversion rates. Games would only be £25 if that were true. More like to be about £50 here.
  2. Perhaps Mewtwo will come back, indeed. Also, I think theres a strong case for Meowth. How many Pokemon were in Melee? Pikachu, Pichu, Jigglypuff, Mewtwo, was there any more? I don't think there were...don't know. But yeah, I'd expect it to be 3-5, with Pikachu and Jigglypuff definitely, and the other 1-3 would be betweene Mewtwo, Lucario and Meowth. But then I'm not up to speed with the happenings in the anime so there might be other contenders I don't know about.
  3. Even though I have no music-related specific memory of it, this thread makes me want to play Banjo Kazooie.
  4. Hah, thats a new one. Getting the red lights on purpose. Good luck with it, I hope they don't charge you...
  5. Yeah I didn't really enjoy the Blue Dragon demo. To be honest though I don't mind, theres so many games coming out that all it does is save my bank balance.
  6. So the three playable Pokemon will be Pikachu, Jiggly and Lucario then.
  7. Why is L's fist bigger than his entire face?
  8. I think we can expect solid dates for Brawl and Galaxy at the Leipzig expo.
  9. This game looks so freaking amazing. I just cannot wait for this. It's leapfrogged Brawl and Assassins Creed in my most wanted list this E3. Just, the sheer possibility for level design in this, it's unlimited. The programmers making this must have had so much fun. "Hey, can we have a section where Mario has to spin around a planet a fwe times to gain speed, and then ping out into space at high speed?" "Sure, go ahead! Throw it in." "How about a giant pill shaped planet where Mario drops in and moves to 2-D for a bit?" "Go for it!" So hot. So so so hot.
  10. Yeah, I'm at about 6hours and have 27/49 achievements (iirc) Good fun though, and since its a rental I don't mind it being short :p
  11. Nope. No games on it that interest me that aren't coming out for the 360. This is the first time I've owned two consoles of the same generation during that generation, and looking at the release schedule of games I want I don't think I'd have time for a third anyway.
  12. Man DiRT is so good. I'm considering going out and buying it for real so I can go back to it later. Have now completed the career, need to get 10 in each event still though. Also got to do the rally championships and play a bit on Xbox Live. Great game overall. I don't normally like racing games other than Mario Kart and F-Zero, but this is my favourite racing game ever.
  13. Oh, the irony Gotta love it when someone is talking about grammar or spelling or something, and makes what would normally be a simple typing error into something quite funny Don't mean anything by it Zelda_Rulez, just poking fun:hehe:
  14. It's gonna be a good Q4, for sure :p
  15. Stockholm Syndrome, Hysteria, Citizen Erased, Plug in Baby. All four of them please! EDIT: Also, Sunburn has an alternative version (think it was a B-Side) where the piano part is played by an acoustic guitar. Mmm...
  16. One thing I never understood, why does the Racoon suit grant the ability to fly when Racoons quite clearly can't?
  17. The one thing Rock Band lacks over Guitar Hero 3 is Muse.
  18. How about a return of the Metal suit? But then its true, other than the "normal" 3, power ups never return from game to game.
  19. N64 one is always my favourite, good memories with the multiplayer we used to have on that. My neighbours, my sister, my dad, everyone played it. The items meant it was decently fair. DD, was not. And I never got into the DS version like I did the N64. Haven't played the SNES one though.
  20. This, except replace 6 for 2.
  21. This. A very old Gorillaz album which I used to listen to alot reminds me of the Chronicles of Narnia books. Recovery by Funeral For A Friend reminds me of playing GvG's in Guild Wars, used to listen to it before the gates opened to pump me up a bit and get a bit of frenzyhealsigging going (people who played Guild Wars at least semi-competitively will get that ) My guildies weren't that happy about it though, because I couldn't hear them on ventrillo:p
  22. How is the Darkness? I might rent that from LoveFilm aswell but I don't know much about it.
  23. I think it started taking off last gen with the likes of Eyetoy and Guitar Hero. This E3 alone we see the likes of this, the zapper and wheel, MS's Scene It toy... I think what your saying is pretty accurate.
  24. *didn't read the epically long thread* This reminds me of Kororinpa - they took the time to change the name of the American Football to Rugby Ball, but forgot to change the skin. So it was still actually an American Football, not a rugby ball.
  25. Epic post.
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