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Everything posted by Gizmo

  1. I'm guessing thats a placeholder on one of a thousand sites who all have different placeholders.
  2. Anyone else think that a Kid Icarus sequel could be a perfect launch title for WiiWare? It's the sort of thing I don't think would work in full 3-D, but a NSMB art style and Nunchuk movement/Pointer controls would work nicely, and shouldn't be too expensive to make.
  3. Yeah, I posted that before I saw your post above it :p
  4. Prove it!
  5. Come on then, lets see you get 1000 on the first GRAW - get to the top of the leaderboard, I dare you! :p
  6. Yeah, I think some Wii games come with the latest firmware on the disc. I heard something about that being the case with Super Paper Mario and Resident Evil 4 at least, don't know if it's on others.
  7. How do you kill that which has no life?
  8. I can just imagine Ness's final smash being somewhat like Pits, only instead of those warriors guys, they will be the head and feet guys from Melee. Like 100 of them will just fall from the sky.
  9. Mohinders accent is very noticeable and stupid, but I think the Americanised accent is his natural one so after he was finished filming in India he just reverted back. Hiro I think always could speak sort of pigeon English and he just picks up more and more as the series progresses.
  10. So, once these have fully filtered through its time for the 360 to mysteriously fall off the desk?
  11. When I saw this thread title, I thought it was some kind of discussion on cheese varieties. I was preparing my defense of Mild Cheddar, when my dreams were shattered
  12. Eternal Sonata demo is pretty fun. The combat system seems pretty interesting tactically. The demo was kind of annoying, as it didn't explain what any of the moves did, how I even selected the moves, how I healed, etc. But from guess work I kind of got there.
  13. Problem 1 would seem to me be about the 50Hz/60Hz, I can't think of anything else which would affect it. Problem 2, check the Nunchuks connection to the Wiimote, and make sure it doesnt occassionally slip out slightly when the wire is pulled, goes back in, and resets the default position.
  14. Ike's up B reminds me of Kirbys, and his charge B attack is obviously a copy of Roys.
  15. Gonna get this on a rental Haven't played the DS version so looking forward to it!
  16. *is in the same boat*
  17. Not sure. I've taken a save to a friends house on an SD Card before, but right enough he is hooked up to the net. Seems very strange.
  18. Yeah, it was this kind of pillar in the middle of the ground, just couldn't get off it. When I restarted I just avoided that one particular place and it's been fine since. Also: Awesome! Glad theres a demo coming, because I'm still on the fence for this.
  19. Gizmo


    I've ordered from Play, normal edition with the faceplate
  20. Yeah, I wasn't a problem with what I was doing. It wouldn't let me shuffle along or turn or shoot blind or anything. It just stuck there. I could move the camera and order my team around, but just couldnt move. Anyway, other than that I'm finding it really good.
  21. Finally GRAW arrived from LoveFilm, and on the second mission I get stuck to a wall and the game won't let me come off it. When I pressed Y the exit cover icon pulsed but nothing happened.
  22. Gizmo


    I can't decide if I want to buy this game or just get it as part of my LoveFilm rental thing...I mean it has no multiplayer, but from what I've heard it's one of those games which you can play through more than once? Also, the faceplate on Play.com is rather sexy, which sweetens the deal a bit. On the other hand, I could not buy it, and use the money to get another game that comes out once my LoveFilm trial is over, or towards my TV. God damnit. Do you guys think it would be worth buying this rather than renting, or will I be able to get the max from this with just a rental?
  23. I'm still waiting in vain for Ikaruga to pop up, though I'm sorely tempted by Takeo's which is up on the private boards...
  24. Heh :p That may be true, but since I'm on a budget I'm trying to convince myself 32" will be too much :p I mean I only sit about 4' from my set, and my current one is a 14", so going for a higher quality 26" would probably be better than a low-end 32".
  25. Awesome. We (Celtic) didn't win the opening game of the season. That mean's we are gonna win the league this year, if past is anything to go by. Last 5? years either Rangers or Celtic has lost or drawn a season opener, everytime that was the team who won the title.
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